swan queen fanfiction emma fever

Its a little terrifying and a little raw and a whole lot of sudden impact. Instead of Emma and Snow falling into Jeffersons hat, Regina and Emma fall in instead. Mulan quickly lead them to the two horses, one white with brown specks and one pure jet black which Regina insisted she had. The best parent-trap fic. The Secrets in the Telling By: pyrophoric, If The Blazer Fits By: FlyYouFools (MK47), Why Cant Secret Santa Just Be Openly Gay? She's got a wonderful son, a beautiful, tender friend and co-parent, and a family she can count on. A Beautiful Monster by Hope2x (In Progress), A Evil!Emma fic, set in FTL where Emma is Reginas dark and devoted knight. Fun, light-hearted and entertaining. If it helps I cried as I wrote! Authors like, maleficently somewhere, someone must know the ending, Scribes and Scrolls Also, if you've ever fancied your teacher, you'll get it. The Evil Queen saved you from the wild horse! Emma jumped into the story, providing the next phase of the tale excitedly. And even better than that? Regina Mills.Alexandra has a dark past and has lived an even darker day that she now sees as the turning point in her life. Princess Emma White Swan is about to be forced into a loveless marriage when she meets the love of her life at a ball. To quote a reviewer after reading the first chapter, I HAD NO IDEA I NEEDED THIS UNTIL JUST NOW. Yes I agree, completely. Plot: A non-magic AU set in NYC. Why Cant Secret Santa Just Be Openly Gay by Writetherest. You will smile so hard, grin so hard, cheer for Regina and Emma so hard. (On a sidenote, if you want to cry, read her other work The Art of Being Extraordinary, it will leave you in tears), Ill Take Note of That by Dirty Curtains (In Progress). Another subject Emma didnt want to think about at fuck-off oclock. Or at least, hes totally awesome and super smart and dedicated and, although she never really tells him, she loves him pretty much more than anyone else in the world. I didnt send it!" Choke-full of funny incidences where young Regina gets acquainted with the wonders of the modern world. I loved their interactions, the unsaid, the sensuality. Its like a real life story, with all the pains, headaches and troubles of the real world. This blog is dedicated to the beautiful Swan Queen and the lovely actresses who portray them! (tag to the Underworld arc) We followed Emma's perspective when she found and rescued Killian, but we didn't get to see much of Killian's. This story will follow Killian's perspective from the moment he sacrifices himself to when he is rescued. Everyone in Storybrooke has been transported back to the Enchanted Forest, including Emma and Henry. Imagine Me and You by Bayloriffic(Complete). Her kids like basically a genius, maybe. No Whit Knight. Very enjoyable read from start to end. Its more like an expertly brewed cup of artisan coffee, really great to slowly savour. The fights are brutal, bone-crunching, and blood flows freely. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. Emma Swan is being pushed around in the foster system, and is going to be taken in my a rich family, the Mill's family. Henry tell regina to fix it. A Ledger Squared In Blood. Set at the end of Season 2, where Regina needs Emmas help to dispel the large amount of fairy dust she sucked in from the portal. This is a Swan Queen AU, I normally I don't really like AU's but there are a few I like, and I thought of an idea so I guess we will just see how it goes. That sounds weird but it is indeed fluffy with BDSM, lol. A young Regina mysteriously finds herself in Storybrooke, and Emma, Regina and Henry must get to the bottom of it. You guys rock! And yet shes never felt this drawn to it. Regina snapped and shuddered as she mentioned Emna's mother. No Henry here, instead we get a lovable OC. I am going crazy trying to find a fic! "You want me of all people to teach you? Regina has noticed Emma's antsy behaviour. An intense psychological study into the mind of a broken Emma and a Regina who is trying to deal with the aftermath. Having made it to the land without magic before the first curse hit, she intends to give her princess just that. So does this make us both the other woman by Coalitiongirl (Complete). At first she thought it might be rabies, but now she's not so sure. Henry is adorable here, and its delightful to witness Regina and Emmas growing attraction for each other. Emma refuses to leave her side. Search Works. "Its about a days ride away, we only have the two horses though, I can share with Aurora, you two can have the other, can either of you ride a horse?". Emma shot back, and with a smirk added her Storybrook surname on the end. Soo addicted!! Pure of Heart by Bayloriffic (In Progress). One random day a few months after the curse breaks, she learns that her daughter is more like her than she ever thought. And thank you to all of you amazing Swen writers!! Youll see what I mean. I think I didnt word my comment well. If you enjoy Amycareys work, you will probably like this one and vice versa, although this has far more angst. For real. It rarely could be helped. Hook had let him get drunk on rum, and Emma had reminded him that Henry was only fifteen and that Hook was not the boys step-father, and in fact had no real part in his life. A newer SQ author but entertaining stuff. Will Emma get swept up in them or will she find something worth fighting for in a woman whose known too much heartbreak in her life all ready? When they started out, she had thought that she might fall in love with him in time, but that never happened. Seriously, read it and then compare the writing to gems such as Someone, somewhere knows the ending, and anything by deemnfic, amycarey, fictorium, and quite a few others. An Emma from the future comes back to find out the current Emma messed up her happy ending. Exquisite work, a fic that makes me want to read. I havent feared death for a long time. Regina brings emma a bear claw every morning. Although its a one-shot police AU, the author manages to flesh out the setting and characters fully. Awesome. 27 - IM FINE. A tour de force in angst. Emma Swan is a Swan Femslash Femslash February Femslash February 2023 Febuwhump Febuwhump 2023 Henry knows two things for sure: 1) Emma is still alive. To Protect and Serve by janemac24. ), but it will entertain you all the way. Length: 14,000 words. Also, I had no idea where to even start! But there were definitely at least eight separate occasions in the past month and a half when Emma Swan had been sitting in the gazebo in Reginas back yard, staring up at her bedroom window for hours on end. But what will happen when she meets the woman she now has to share a house with? Raising a litter of orphaned werewolf children is not at all what sorceress-turned-smalltown-Mayor Regina Mills signed up for. Despite being strong, sometimes saviors break down too. Tells Emma she Dan pay for her own meal! This is a swan queen fanfic. Fate was a difficult thing to play with. Ongoing, chapters are short but very entertaining. (And if you love this fic, please do join me in begging hope2x for more, lol), Flesh Wound by SkinnyLittleLesbian (In Progress). That led to yet another fight about how Emma let Regina tell her what to do instead of Emma making her own decisions about Henry. Eyes on the road, dear, Regina says in response. Im not sure if anyone here can help but really.Im starting to obsess. Due to the strength of the storm, both Emma and Regina conclude it would be best if Emma were to wait out the storm. Had me in tears. Is it a good story? The Storybrooke Connection by Absedarian (Complete). A universe where I really hope the author will continue to write more stories in. "I just stopped her killing you and your foolish enough to point a blade at her?" Emma asked and looked an Aurora whom still tightly clutched her dagger, Mulans eyes flashed to Emma's direction. Will they get along? She knew Emma would wish to talk more before finally succumbing to sleep, so she mentally prepared herself for the storm of comments and questions from her curious daughter that began nearly as soon as her own words had left her mouth. Instead of Emma and Snow falling into Jeffersons hat, Regina and Emma fall in instead. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Princess Emma White Swan is about to be forced into a loveless marriage when she meets the love of her life at a ball. She is just trying to make it through. The author captures Regina particularly well, and their slow-burn romance here is really well-done. Be glad its completed if you are only reading it now. Mas, o destino . WARNING: One of our lovely ladies dies in this, beautifully heartbreaking and I killed my own heart writing it! I really wish the author will write more SQ fics. And if you want on that will likely make you cry, i loved the Queer Stories in Floridas Black History article! Swan Queen with Emma starting at 17 yrs old, progressing into 22 Rated M for triggers and sexual situations. 2 desert island fics for the price of one! Its barely light out, the sun low in the sky and the omnipresent heat of summer not yet risen. What will happen to Emma Swan when she's locked inside Storybrooke all alone, with every villain that's trying to hunt her down to kill the flicker of hope that she represents for the heroes? No matter what David and Mary Margaret say. The politics of the Enchanted Forest are forever shifting like the tides. Having been deemed a savior even before birth, she never had the opportunity of finding out. Teleported and trapped in The Enchanted Forest they must learn to trust each other if they want to survive and return once more to Storybrook. Everyone knows that princesses and have fairy godmothers, and Emma is no exception. The lonely days before shed been sheriff and mother and daughter. Dark and unapologetic, evil has never been so delicious. Ocean and A Rock by Purplehershey (In Progress), Nicholas Sparks + Swan Queen. LOTS of OC's By:coalitiongirl, Follow If You Lead By: MaybeWeAre ( cross over between FTL AU and canon divergeant), The princess and the prisoner By :Chrmdpoet, The first time Regina Mills slept with Emma Swan, she changed the world. Emma yelled angrily. She wouldnt give up this up Henry for anything, but that doesnt mean she doesnt sometime miss the simplicity of days before Storybrooke. Length: 28,000 words. Work Search: Apple of My Eye (love this if u like AUs, its by giaparilla) All the fairy tale characters have gone back to their lives, with Snow White and Prince Charming ruling the kingdom. They fall in love but separate and meet again in university, where Emmas a teaching assistant in Reginas course. "Oh great." Regina and Emma have been meeting in secret at a cabin in the middle of nowhere for a year. Never has it been so mesmerising, so beautiful. A short three chapters, but outrageously funny. This is obviously a cry for helpsomeone please answer it! There are far fewer comedy fics than angst fics, and this is great comedy without being campy. A cute one-shot where Henry traps both Regina and Emma in the closet and refuses to let them out until they get together. With rickety black glasses and a swinging free, swinging careless ponytail, chasing after a guy who was gonna teach her all these neat little tricks to help her survive on the streets. Long but very entertaining fic where teenage versions of Emma and Regina appear in Storybrooke and to everyones surprise the girls hit it off immediately. Think Frank Miller's 300 movie. No it is not. One word from me and youre dead. Emma discovers how to rattle Regina and it involves being under the mayors desk while shes at a business meeting. Swen is so very talented it blows my mind every time! I PROMpassing out | vertigo | collapse. I think we need to get her away from here, he says almost casually as he drops himself down onto the stool in front of the breakfast bar. Full of fluff, cuteness and just heaps of happy feels everywhere. Incoming Messages by Hunnyfresh (Complete), On most rec lists for fluff and rightfully so. How does she look so splendid and regal in what looks like my grandmothers curtains? currently reading When a missing wolf and a dead body smell like imminent trouble for the werewolves of Portland, she returns home to the city to track down whoever's responsible. I also loved the Staircase and A thin Line, A really lovely and beautiful 3-chapter fic from Reginas POV. Thankfully the logs lit and the camp warmed up slightly. Hilarity and chaos ensues. She could get used to arguing with the Princess and winning. Meanwhile detective Rex Mills an Swan Queen Enchanted Forest AU ~ When Princess Regina is forced to marry King Leopold of Misthaven, despite her attempts to escape her fate about how this was not the life she wanted to live, she plunges into a state of despair and depravity at being in a loveless marriage, forever forbidden from true love and a pure A random collection of my Oneshots being transferred from my AO3 account. But its worth it to finish and the writing is so good that I find myself still gripped by it now even though I finished it a while back. set in FTL and later on Storybrooke. Why is it always true love with you people? Emma demands, stabbing at her plate so violently that it tips to one side with a loud scrape against the table. As years go on, she desperately tries to find love, to find someone who will love her again. Its like reading a beautiful classic black and white movie. Not only is the premise and plot exciting, the fast pacing and badass action scenes will just draw you in. The odd, uncomfortable feeling which had been frustrating her all day tightens inside her. Emma stuttered, true, she hadnt, it had been the hat, but that would be hard to explain, she quickly came up with a fantasy character to blame. Regina and Emma get together during the events of the storm in Season 1. In mostfandoms, theres a group of a dozen or so stories that make up the core of the femslash canon, but when it comes to Swan Queen, the limit does not exist. She would have given anything for the opportunity. A hunnyfresh multi-chapter fic, so you know its good. The Swan and the Witch. They were in an off period just now, the result of a huge fight over Henry. Part 25 of Oops! Natosha Jackson is from the south-side slums of Ridgeport. I dont really read baby fics, but this is an exception. Plot: Regina realizes shes going to have to make some allies if shes going to keep Henry safe and keep the Savior out of Stroybrooke. Agape by Greatness Thrust Upon One is amazing. Older Emma and Regina have to grapple with their mutual attraction of both their younger and current selves while attempting to solve the mystery. A newer SQ author, with multiple ongoing fics that are all good reads too. A teacher student AU where Emma is older and is a tutor to a younger Regina in high school. The politics of the Enchanted Forest are forever shifting like the tides. Swan Queen (Once Upon A Time FanFic) Fanfiction Instead of Emma and Snow falling into Jeffersons hat, Regina and Emma fall in instead. Note it has slight OutlawQueen at the start (skip it if you prefer), but the Swan Queen at the end is worth it. Regina's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Emma's emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. He looks hopeful, excited and a little pensive all at the same time. Each chapter is gorgeous, long, and well worth the wait. Does she really, though? Very fluffy and lovely one-shot, where Emma finds herself receiving presents from a mysterious secret Santa. Beautifully written, with a evocative and rich descriptive style that really draws you in and makes you experience what the characters are feeling during the emotional scenes. Here are some of the SQ fics that I read and loved! She hasn't paid it any mind, but now as winter approaches and Emma vanishes, Regina is forced to go looking for her. Someone has already claimed that username. At times, she thinks she finally understands what authors mean when they end their story with: they lived happily ever after. It brought me back to Swan Queen fandom after being years away. i am addicted to SQ fic. There had always been something so grotesquely alluring to Regina about succumbing to that which would ultimately destroy her. Especially since that dog ended up being a wolf. This is the sequel to my other story 'Triple + One' and you have to read that AND the 'Merry Christmas' story in order to understand the plot and the whole story in general. Wonderful work, with marvelous characters that you want the story to go on forever. After a goofy accident resulting in her getting stabbed, Emma winds up in Reginas Emergency Room. In progress but a gorgeous work. It was really freaking cool. She grins at his enthusiasm. An Ocean Between Us by neverenough04. Full of laughs and happy exasperation. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Regina wants to be with Emma alone , but things never work , until she falls off a certain cliff .. Emma Swan, a senior new to storybrooke high. A light-hearted story that is simply delightful. Takes place roughly 2-3 years after Season 3, in which Emma wakes up alone one day and finds that other than Regina, Storybrooke is completely empty with no human inhabitants at all. Nobody can protect her from her fate. Yuck. I'm going to hell for what I've done in this - I'M SO SORRY! And yet she's never felt this drawn to it. Emma slips whilst in the shower calls Killian in a 'damsel in distress' moment, and she has to go to the hospital. Navigation and Actions. Mas, o que fazer quando a mulher que a fez questionar a sua prpria sexualidade revela ser a sua professora de Direito Penal? Nothing is really what it seems, and the author just traps you in her dark web. When a powerful storm forces Emma to make an emergency landing on a nearby deserted island, the dissimilar pair learn to set aside their differences in order to find rescue. It's the only SQ fic where I feel I'm reading a graphic novel instead. She didnt waste time dwelling on it though, just jumping up out of bed, needing to see it the spell had worked as she planned. And Mulan! Thank you! So now theres nothing between the first kiss and a lifelong commitment? She glares up, defiant. Very good choices! Recueil de textes divers sur Once Upon a Time. Swanqueen, may contain smut. The fic that was the death of me and likely every other reader while it was in progress. You are incredible and amazing for generously sharing your brilliant masterpieces. That had been weeks ago, and she didnt really miss Hook except as someone to have a beer with after work on the weeks when Henry was staying at Reginas. What happens when this two meet due to a murder investigation? Starts out really dark and awful (not the fic but the situation is awful) but gets lighter. SwanQueen. Shotgun gets to pick in another hour? Emma suggests weakly. Emma steps in to assist and gets more than she bargained for. He just wanted to go home and sleep for a day or two but now here he is, warming up chicken soup and cleaning up tissues. Emma, living in a small town named Stotybrooke and a 28 year old cop. "Well Emma, Im Mulan, and this is Aurora." The first time Regina Mills slept with Emma Swan, she changed the world. Length: 98,000 words, First theyre sitting at the table one evening after Henrys vanished upstairs and Regina says, So Hook finally wore you down. Its not an accusation (it cant be an accusation when shes in no position to accuse) but it sounds like one, and Emma gives her a dirty look and stares down at her pasta. Emma said and shot Regina a 'Dont even say your real name' look. Isnt that right, Regina? she calls, raising her voice. Smut alert, lol. Will she defy the high-school hierarchy and risk her reputation to be with Emma? I have been looking for a new SwanQueen story and I havent heard of almost any of these ones yet. "An Enemy." Lovely and fluffy piece. Regina, residing in NYC as a 30 year old lawyer. And that's where everything goes wrong. The thing that strikes me the most about this, its ONLY SwanQueen. flag I dont know if youre scared, but if you are, try not to be, okay? she whispered. Story starts when Coras death leaves a whole lot of repercussions that no one has planned for. When its time for Regina to find a king, Emma does everything she can to prevent that from happening. Great read! Youre the only person whos come in here in the last fifteen minutes wearing anything even remotely expensive and looking all shit-my-meeting-ran-late. Its a loooong list (80 fics total) but diverse enough you should find something enjoyable. A marvelous fic with them on board the Jolly Roger heading to Neverland to rescue Henry. "Well, your the 'Saviour' what do you expect?" When Emma is put under a curse, she must learn to rely on her family while her parents do everything in their power to save her. The direct sequel (A Ledger Squared In Blood) is also completed. Averno by Deemn (Parts 1 and 2 Complete; Part 3 In Progress). and the incomplete The Story of It All,also on ff net to this list. After all her whole life is an example of that. about This is a place to find recommendations of Swan Queen fanfiction stories as well as asking for help in finding stories. Supernatural is an American television drama series created by writer and producer Eric Kripke.It was initially broadcast by The WB network from September 13, 2005, but after the first season, the WB and UPN networks merged to form The CW network, which was the final broadcaster for the show in the United States by the series' conclusion on November 19, 2020, with 327 episodes aired. Youve got some great selections. 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