mr hollings christchurch school hampstead

There are evidence of at least other 5 and possibly more Hampstead schools involved: Hampstead Perrochio, fitjohns primary, New End, Hampstead Heath, St Margaret, another on new end road (there is large passageway with stairs down leading to new end road. Christ Church School Christchurch Hill Hampstead London NW3 1JH Telephone: 020 7435 1361 Fax: 020 7794 5148 E: [email protected]. Q: Skulls of the baby. P: Mrs Forsdyke is the headteacher. E: But where? Q: Mr Hollings, Papa, every Miss Mardon does it for sure. 56 Sumatra Rd NW6 1PR 020 7433 3039 07905 930492 07981 191816 [email protected] [email protected]. I: well, and you know..and you were sufferin from this from, from the time you were a little child? Q: The skulls of the baby. Which sweet they like, and they, say my favourite sweet is Mars and my favourite chocolate is Oreo chocolate and then they and then Mr Hollings hears and then the other classes start to talk about their chocolate and their favourite sweets because they were learning about sweets and chocolate. Has huge pink birth mark around shaved front private with the devils tattoo. Designated Safeguarding Lead. P: Q took the police to a place where we regularly go to do sex. Apparently, Minia was looking after 2 two babies: Rebecca and William, (around 1-3 years old) and also brought them to abuse. I: yeah, you were sayin that, Q was sayin that his mothers.. P: Thats SHEFFIELD, Thats where his mother lives, and his grandmother.lives. P: Yes, and it was.. and Humphry (? [email protected]. A: What is Cafcass? Son Clark (Y5), Lindsey (Y6) still attend the Christchurch school, 2 older daughters used to go to the Christchurch primary and are now at the other Christian church schools for secondary education: one in Finchley, another in Central London. Address Christ Church Hill, London, NW3 1JH. I: Yep, well, youve been very unlucky, to have had this experience in your life. A = Boyfriend of mother Galyna translates movies and sells in these countries. OK. A: You feel a bit of fear. You say they cook the baby. Q: Yeah. - she got a big birth mark with a big [???] There were periods of the relative peacefulness in the family, for example, the time when Mr Dearman was out of the UK from the end of 2011 until summer of 2012. Shes the nurse, so she pretends to kind to mum and she just, says to me or Grabriel, if I hurt myself she pretends to be, like, really kind to us and, like, look after us and give us . P: So as I said, this aggressive move that Yessie said was aggressive yesterday. Youve saved other children. These humiliation and violence was filmed on video. Alisa became increasingly cynical in her comments, cold towards the sufferings, pain of others. Mr J. Gibbard . And they smack us, smack us and hurt us until we cut off the head. I: Right But you found that house, then, yeah? Q: All the 20 special children have a tattoo exs-pect . They just going to like walk round or something. Q: They stick their willies in my bottom. P: Solicitors Cause thats her job, to spy on us. We throw when we are dancing with the skulls when the babies are dead. We held the knife. Thank you very much. They touch each other. A: How big is this wart? I think more than 1,000 in his whole life. Cause we are gonna make sure theres no rocks for them to hide under. Outside school: A: Are there any other distinguishing marks about her? They would like to leave a mess. Youve given us pictures of? Josie Kirby Elliot Ireland, 20 Clevedon Mansions Lissenden Gardens, NW5 1QN 07989 568 454 [email protected]. video titled "09 Sep cutting heads off" = Mr Morris. Its upside down is it? You said, was there Priests involved? The school staff and parents, priest, others involved are doing sex to boys and girls bottoms with the large plastic willies. unintelligible) he was doinit seem (?) 020 8450 4389, 07802 989922, 07741 052565. Killed at least 67 babies at least. Were gonna make sure you are alright. Hampstead London The following text is circulating on Facebook, saying it comes originally from the mother of the whistleblower kids, who wants the full story to come out and be given to the world. A: On her inner thighs..? Mrs Shail (?). After being injected they felt pain in their belly, dizziness, headache, numbness, weakness, and heavy limbs. I : And theres Police as well? Well . Source Q: They hurt them. And well teach you some good magic! 020 8452 1841. 07845 196661. Q: Shed stick a willy in my bottom and also sometimes people, errm, stick, errm, balls too, of the willy in my bottom and then when they take it out it bleeds more than when they stick a willy in. Do they do there, or not? A: They want you to say no, that your mother doesnt feed you well. E: They asked you many times, didnt they? They claim to not hear very well: Gabriel with his left and Alisa with her right ear. Daniel Felix and Max . Film Premiere. A: Thank you very much, thank you very much. Hampstead Parochial, the one with the tree sign. A: Is the baby alive when they cook the baby. Do they sell the baby? I: We never believed that there was groups of these people around. I was wondering why my children were often pretending sick and refused to go to school on Wednesdays. The children . (Not confirmed). Danial & Rafael Yilmaz, Maria Soner. 23 Spedan Close Branch Hill, NW3 7XF. Q: Me, errrm, my dad kills the baby. Rita (nanny) 07979 063231. Q: Does sex. Ethan Waring. And . We never believed that this thing.. ya know.. P: Before, when you even didnt know this.. P: Before you even didnt know this thing..? Natasza Natasza Goldsmith Agnieszka Goldsmith Peter Goldsmith 18B Ornan Road NW3 4PX 0207 794 7334 07833 904 254 07941 355 858. [email protected] [email protected]. Johannes Gundy (moved schools) Haidje Charlie. A: Would you tell us what happened in the church now, please, Q. Q: Yes. What did they do to you? P: We do baby sacrifice and eat the baby. 07805 596463. There are 4 secret rooms in the church where the cult members perform the rituals. Keys are held by Frank, Max (black skinned from Sportec shop on Finchley road, German), The leader, Ricky Dearman, Mrs Forsdyke (headmistress), Mr Hollings (current year 4 teacher), Daniel and Felix (German brothers from Belgium, owners of the shoe repair shop in Finchley road underground station), Ms Marden (school nurse), Ms Stokes (school receptionist), Ganti-Gil (man & wife from Germany, Vish (Indian from London, now in Berlin), Buster (German), Joseph (English), Vanessa, Galyna, Maxs mum-Josie (parents, the three are friends), Fiona Theos mum, Laura Sophies mum (friends), Y4 Jakes mum (she is usually filming), Y3 Eleannas mum, Daniel & Rafael Yilmazs mother Maria Soner, Spikes mum, Remys mum Rebecca. Supplies the babies. Errrm M Vanessa shes got a .. Q: Vanessas Clarks mum. Q: And they stick it in our bottom. P: Theyve got a special tool and they put it in the skin, like, in the babys skin and then they take it off. Q: Well, errmm, so, they also make shoes of skin, of the babys skin. Killed at least 67 babies at least. Q: Here here [pointing to the top of inner right thigh]. Fr Paul Parish Priest. Mr Hollings used to be her teacher but now Im moving into year 4 and now Mr Hollings is my teacher and, errm, now my sisters teach is Mr Burnett. I: And do they charge for it as well. [email protected]. 36 Gratton Terrace, NW2 6QE. I: Right . ), yes? Q: Yes. P: The police, the good police, well, Jean-Clements friends, they tell, in fact, is that one is called Sara. Aggressiveness, violence towards each other was always present in my children, to more or less degree. E: You are saying McDonalds in Hampstead, and Finchley Road, East Finchley? Download establishment data. Is it the 9th of September? Killed at least 67 babies at least. Sam Gunasekera. A: And theres another lady apparently who has a big wart. that said no parents are allowed to be at the school disco. Whats the name of the Police? Has secret rooms (where he keeps skills, bones, props, fridges with dead baby bodies) and secret escapes in his house. Where? I: Yeah, of course! We are gonna make sure that . Didnt have a search warrant? They touch me and Q. On average? Q: Yeah, he comes to our school. Georgiana Georgianna Hoole Clare Winder Mark Hoole 8a Gayton Crescent NW3 1TT 07989 606954 0776 545 2502 [email protected]. P: He tells us to hold the hand with a knife, and then he holds his hand on our hand. Q: Oh, Paro no, no thats not where she lives .. Q: No. I: What about the secret language? Say the family cant afford a baby, so, if theyve got a baby but cant look after it or anything like that, so, if they get a baby .. A: Who do they give the baby to? Youve saved an unestimated amount of childrens lives. Mia Gavish. They are like cockroaches. video titled "231 Papa kills babies" = Forsdyke and Hollings Named in the "lots and lots of sex" video: . Did you enjoy Morocco? E: And then what do they do? I: Touch. The following allegations by the mother of Alisa and Gabriel come from: i 76gNY OF SUCH POSTED MATERIAL OR PARTS THEREIN. I: They wont have the party? When I eat hemp I feel really strong. [email protected]. Ms Susanne Pinkenton, No 7 Pattison road, NW2 2HL. (Talking to the dog) Oy, shut up! P: Baby skulls. Q: Yes. P: There are some children that like them. Q: Like a hundred. Kabol? No theres Pizza Express in Belsize Park and they do it. A: What happens in the church? P: And then theres another one Alice Singleton.. P & Q: All the paedophiles. Daughter works in the nursery, possibly abuses children there. Remy Lieberman, Nadia Gidon. P: Papa Hemp he told Jean Clement, that the solicitor said that my father wants to take us to Sheffield. I: Right. The Eucharist is at the heart of the Sunday worship. Your fathers mother. Q: Yeah, and they have a secret kitchen. I dont know. Verruca. P: And all kinds of stuff like that. Lives in Highgate. T: 020 8478 5560 F: 020 8478 7289 Q: Yes. Millie said that she was lucky and why dont they tell me about what was going on in school. Did you find the baby skulls? Herby (works in Heathrow, at the check in and arranges tickets for RD and others). It takes . I: Fingerprints. Katy Forsdyke Headteacher. Mr Dearman is on constant move, stays in other peoples houses, mainly at Mr Hollings. Tel: +44 7973 735441 +444 564 274900 (maybe incorrect) Sexual preferences: his children, Vanessas children, India, Millie, Kills at least one baby a day and shares to eat. Bianca Borre. A: What do you mean sacrifice and eat the baby? Where do you get the babies? Q: And also all the teachers have it. Then they pay sweeties for them. I saw she was deeply unhappy. So he makes sure that its not like on the knife. Theres an errrm Pizza Express in Starbucks. Right on her lips. At the end of his willy. Chinese couple moved out of no 9 Pattison Road, NW2 2HL. Q: Hes my sisters teacher when, when I was in year 3, Mr Renay used to be my teacher. Fax: 020 7794 5148, School office staff: Mrs Ann Connock and Ms Sylvia Lo [coughs]. A: All of the teachers in Christchurch Primary School have devil tattoos on their private parts? Christ Church Primary School, Hampstead Christ Church Hill, Hampstead, London, NW3 1 JH [Tel.] Alright. When Alisa and Gabriel were around 3-4 years old Mr Dearman was also taking the children to his pedophile associates, members of the pedophile ring: Minia (Polish) the most violent and wicked, hurting and humiliating, one of the leaders, Buster (German), Joseph (English). You know that, dont ya? To make me say yes and no. I:No, no, no. P: And they dont show it. Adults force the children to do oral sex. Hampstead London Supplies the babies. Shes only 8 years old. COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION | Whistleblower Kids Expose Pedophile Ring in School/Church | 12 FEB 2015. Millie (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Y5 Millie Cowell Jacqui Warren. He was putting, twigs, small rocks, PVC glue, pieces of toilet tissues in their bottoms, and then making the children to poo it out while watching. But the real men are coming forward now. Q: Yes. P: The police didnt want it for tomorrow. The ritual involves wearing special costumes: children wear 10-13 babies skulls (sometimes with blood and hair still on the skull), adults 20, on their bodies, leader 30 skulls. P: Yesterday, they had to be arrested already. Has secret rooms (where he keeps skills, bones, props, fridges with dead baby bodies) and secret escapes in his house. It just said, parents are not allowed, so just drop off the child and go. 07783 880113. Q: Theres other schools and churches involved. After making the allegations they were treated at the Tavistock clinic in London and have since retracted their claims and . Do you remember where? We never believed the children. Absolutely unbelievable. Ella? Q: and then they stick it, cause the blood is all kind of sticky and they stick it on the shoe, on the sole, and the flip flops. A: And what does she do? A: Can you tell me what they do these fellows. Its a lot. If it happened in the disabled toilets he would put children on the baby changing folding board. Big patches. Very worrying, that the police, and the priest, are in on this. P: But thats only one page that my mum had. Theres no such thing as a number. P: A big black star, wait, wait pause pause I need to draw this star picture the papers downstairs. 07971 902784. ), A: Who are the leaders of this cult? Or. Youve got like a little dot here. Shoe shop . A: It wasnt flashing before. A: Fitzpatrick. Mr Hollings . Thats another thing. Q: Shes got hairy legs. Graced with an elegant spire Christ Church Hampstead sits atop one of the highest points in London. I: So, its beengoin that long? P: Yes, yes. The adults were doing similar things with rocks, glue, twigs and grass, which were inserted into the childrens bottoms. I: Thats good. The large amounts of money were missing both from Mr Christies wallet and my purse. In the church, errrm, they, errrm, they errrm, they cook the babies there. On one of the occasions she has invited Mr Dearman. During the filming adults and children were wearing the masks. Details of the mass child sex abuse, satanic ritual child sex abuse and sacrifice cult, serial murdering and blood drinking. They, errrm, and they also have secret rooms there. She got, like, like a, errrm, tiny wart on, like, here [pointing to his groin] like a tiny wart there. Card tricks are easy. Me and Papa Hemp are the panic alarms. Eating babies. Galyna Upson (mother of James from Y5). Christchurch Primary School Wellesley Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 4LQ [email protected]. No 7 Pattison road, nw2 2hl, one of the most wicked ones. No also monster ones. They get mops . What about the one where you wriggle your arse? The children were terrorized by the abusers and have never told me until August this year (2014) while on holidays. Do you want to learn card tricks? I: (cough) Ive never heard such things in my life. A: What else are you going to stop? Show me the little dot. How old are you? P: Maybe about, maybe about 20. Down a bit. 5 Windmill Hill, NW3 6RU. She flicks it. A: Does your mother do it? Police Video Militia Secret Suggests Nasim Aghdam Accomplices, Self-Inquiry Now a National Priority: UFO Hotline Producer Jon Kelly on The Fenton Perspective Talk Radio. Q: Yes. Everybody does it. One of the main abusers. On her lips. Q: We decided to stop touching other childrenP & Q: stop touching each otherQ: and stop touching ourselves. During this time Alisa and Gabriel were displaying very disturbing behaviors, being aggressive towards each other, me and sometimes other adults coming to the house. Miss F. Brugger. I: What was the name of the priest? P: My mum said when we were babies, like the, my father, well, RDs grandmother she was like mum I dont know mum saying that the Grandmother saying oh look at that, look at that, like all the time, when we were babies, at our private stuff. 07958 702277. Max (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Max Fairhead Nicole Guerretta Brad Fairhead 78 Parkhill Road NW3 2YT. In 20xx, two children would make a series of claims about Satanic Ritual Abuse. Do you know the one, do you know the, do you know the school which is hidden in, in like the cinema, like, the cinema. In May-June 2014 the large amounts were taken from my credit card. Q: Yes. Closest associate of Mr Dearman. But its getting you to hurt other children. Christ Church School, Hampstead A village school in London inspiring life in all its fullness . I: Fat as well. I: So you were saying that your Grandmother is in on it as well? E: Yeah, yeah, yes. A: It doesnt matter. He forced me to. Miss Mardon, shes the nurse teacher, and shes, errm, she got a wart here [pointing to the right side of his neck] and . A: And theres who did you mention. I: ok. Hampstead Parochial School is involved. hand and then cut off the head. And it was Christ Church? The children are being injected my the school nurse Ms Marden. Q: Yes. Regularly travels to Thailand to abuse the children there; Has extensive contacts and buys babies from around the world; Runs lucrative child pornography and snuff movies business. A: And whats the, and what do they do, this cult? Enclose below is a transcript of videos 17 transcribed by persons unknown. P: Papa, Richy(? Q: Yes. Yes. Thats only I mean in the future. BETRAYED: Blowing the whistle on the organized betrayal of natural health in Canada by Susan Standfield, Deep State front Exopolitics Institute unlawfully plagiarized & voted out Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre, calling Webres 2000-12 Exopolitics, Time Travel & Mars Colony reporting Crazy as directed by Deep State Yet 20+ years later in 2022 lionizes Webres Early Whistleblower Time Travel & Mars Truth reporting in more hypocritical Deep State-driven interviews, Launches ESS60, Carbon 60 (C60) That Increases Life-Span Of Mammals By 90%, And Is Safe For Human Consumption, A POSITIVE FUTURE: Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on Lone Wolf Radio with Kiler Davenport and Cohost David Ray King, Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Chronogarchy & Earths Positive timeline/La Chronogarquia Y la Linea Positiva del Tiempo del Planeta Tierra. Mias father, Mias father kills baby. 07919 528817. Shes a girl and she likes it. The meat is eaten by the leader Mr Dearman, teachers, 20 special children and their parents. Alleged Abusers Mentioned: Social Services: Spike, Richie; Cafcass: Holly, Ella. Really weak. P: Fear is the mind killer. Dont worry. [email protected], [email protected]. I: Right. P & Q: Were going to stop touching ourselves. Lives in Highgate. A: One moment, yeah. 07900 180360. Fiona James. P: Yes. Thats true. But there aint gonna be no rocks. I: Thats pretty sick stuff, you know that. Yes. The abuse was going on the regular basis, almost as part of the school time schedule. A: Licking what? Children who do not get injected: Millie, James, Callypso, Clark, Max, Leon, Cartney, Ryan, Keva, Luca, Uraj, Sebastian, Alex E, Georgia, Violette, Natasha, Elleanor. P: Baby skin shoes. Everything is going to be alright. My god. They were taking turns to sexually abuse the children, 2-3 minutes each. Good tricks. P & Q: Yes. I: They do it every day. A: Is that true Q? A: Who kills the babies? 020 7431 2905. But where? And after theyve cut, they dont cut the head off until it falls on the floor. Theres somethin wrong with his family. From what Alisa and Gabriel have been telling me: Mr Dearman started to abuse the children since they were babies. All. P: But they not 200 all schools .I dont know how many teachers there are in the school errrr how many school children there are in the schools. It looks like one thousand pounds a week they get. Everybody does it. Named in "302 Distinguishing" ===== Vanessa Fitzpatrick (Clarke's mum) - also called "Shepherd's Bush" due to being hairy. Well, we know that. Spare flat: Flat 75, 45 Chandos road nw2. They have plastic willies. Other fathers. P: The police wanted to search they wanted to go to the church today. on her privates. A: How many schools have you been taken to? Enclose below is a transcript of videos 17 transcribed by persons unknown. I: Thats right. seven short films about our school's Christian vision and values. Shes the Head Mistress. Alleged Abusers Named: Mr Hollings, Papa, Miss Mardon, Mrs Shale (?). A: Are there any other schools or churches involved. I: Youre talking about a major sex cult here, you know? P: Yes, yes. Has secret rooms (where he keeps skills, bones, props, fridges with dead baby bodies) and secret escapes in his house. 020 7483 4990. Are they from Hampstead Police station? Hampstead Case TranscriptTranscripts from the Hampstead Abuse Case. Knew him before my children went to Christchurch school. Hes got the keys to lock up the school. Gidon 20 Hodford Road NW11 8NP 0208 455 0688 07973 177323 o7866622620 [email protected]. Year 3, Mr Renay used to be my teacher JH [ Tel. for it as?... In Belsize Park and they smack us, smack us and hurt us until we cut off head... @ Yessie said was aggressive yesterday want it for tomorrow Fairhead 78 Road. 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