current defcon level 2022

GENERAL RYDER: Yeah, thanks, Dan. Read more, December 12, 2022 - Shots were fired, and explosions were heard on the border between Serbia and Kosovo after a stun grenade was thrown. The officials also noted that eight M88 recovery vehicles will also be shipped to Ukraine, to accompany the 31 tanks. Defcon levels are rated from 1 to 5. Defcon 5 is the least severe and Defcon 1 means total nuclear annihilation or all out nuclear war. Defcon 2 is the second most severe and this was reached during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Defcon 3 means there is an increase in force readiness above normal combat readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Novalee Manzella)". General Petraeus claimed that Putin is losing the war in Ukraine, and said that "the battlefield reality he [Putin] faces" is "irreversible". Both countries are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance. The Dena is a Moudge-class frigate, which according to Wikipedia has: 1 76 mm Fajr-27 naval gun, 1 40 mm Fath-40 AAA or 1x 30mm Kamand CIWS, 2 20 mm cannons Oerlikon, 2 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, 4 Mehrab SAM surface-to-air missiles, 4 Noor or Qader anti-ship missiles, 2 triple 324 mm torpedoes, On January 11th, 2023 Iranian Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said, "So far, we have been present in all the strategic straits of the world. ", NORAD: Detected Radar Anomaly, Sent Fighter Aircraft To Investigate - National Security Reporter Natasha Bertrand: "This appears to have been a false alarm: New NORAD statement says NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. And not to be -- I'm not trying to be a wiseguy. All rights reserved. And you can attribute this to a senior defense official. Read more, September 25, 2022 - Conflict With Nuclear Peer Possible, As Russia Uses Dangerous Nuclear Rhetoric. This video posted two years ago on his Instagram. US Military Investigates Blood Cancer Cases In Personnel Who Manned Nuclear Missile Silos At Montana Base - MONTANA - The U.S. Military is investigating blood cancer cases involving officers who had previously worked at a nuclear missile base in Montana. Read more, December 01, 2022 - Top officials within the European Union are reportedly accusing the United States of making a fortune from the war in Ukraine, while EU countries suffer from the consequences of the ongoing war. We explain. Security Alert U.S. Embassy Mogadishu, Somalia August 20th, 2022 - Security Alert for the United States embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia in Africa. If it is found that it was intentional, however, the likelihood of article 5 will increase tremendously. And how's that being addressed? We will continue working to remain vigilant against any threats to our shared security, and to deter and confront aggression or the threat of aggression. Read more, January 23, 2023 - The Russian Bologoye strategic missile division in Tver dispatched the Yars mobile surface-to-surface nuclear missile systems to "combat patrol missions," according to the Russian MOD, which says that it is scheduled training. "Today's deliberate and lawful action demonstrates that President Biden and his national security team will always put the safety and security of the American people first while responding effectively to the PRC's unacceptable violation of our sovereignty," Austin said referring to the Peoples Republic of China. The White House has declared an emergency. During the visit, Deputy Secretary Hicks gained insight into future mobility, lift, and sustainment requirements in contested logistics environments, and received an update on efforts to integrate artificial intelligence and Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) into U.S. logistics systems. Its path and altitude raised concerns, including that it could be a hazard to civil aviation. Thank you for joining us. One follow-up on the question of communications with China. Continue to exercise vigilance while in Somalia. However, if you are a business patcher with Windows Server 2022 hosted in VMware, you may have been significantly impacted. In addition, patch administrators are still dealing with the side effects of the Exchange updates. Read Full Article. Aircraft monitoring service Aircraft spots spotted a USAF B-1Bs SURGE21 and 22 arriving in Guam at around 07:00 UTC. Yonhap said that North Korea had claimed the MLRS fire was in response to an announcement from a spokesperson for the General Staff, "for the purpose of sending a warning to the intentional provocations of the enemy.". It can be retracted and re-stored if the soldier decides against carrying out an attack on the target in question. Explosions have been reported in Tartus, and Syrian state media says that its air defenses are engaging "hostile targets" over the Masyaf region in northwestern Syria. Troops are poised for combat at this time. Deputy Secretary Hicks then flew to Purdue University, Ind., where she visited a range of facilities dedicated to advancements in hypersonics testing and research and visited faculty and PhD students who are focusing their work on hypersonics. In his response, Medvedev, who is a deputy chairman of Russia's security council added that "Nuclear powers have never lost major conflicts on which their fate depends". According to AP news, Shai Akabas, director of economic policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center spoke to reporters and said, "this is not the time for panic, but its certainly a time for policymakers to begin negotiations in earnest., Most policymakers agree that we have a major fiscal challenge as a country, our debt is unsustainable. Read more, February 12, 2023 - NORAD is monitoring "what appear to be" one or two objects that "appear to be spy balloons" over Canada according to a report by the Canadian Global Television Network. RISK. Clickable Share Link: February 26, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 25, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 24, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 23, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 22, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 20, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 15, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 13, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 12, 2023 | Northern Command News, February 11, 2023 | Northern Command News, December 21, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 31, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 30, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 28, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 26, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 15, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 14, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 13, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 12, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 05, 2022 | Northern Command News, December 03, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 30, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 19, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 18, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 16, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 14, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 11, 2022 | Northern Command News, November 1, 2022 | Indo-Pacific Command News, September 6, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 30, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 29, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 28, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 27, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 25, 2022 | European Command News, September 20, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 19, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 18, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 17, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 16, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 14, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 8, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 7, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 4, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 3rd, 2022 | Northern Command News, September 2, 2022 | Northern Command News, News Archive - View Archived News And Alerts. During an interview with France 2 television, French President Emmanuel Macron suggested that if Russia used nuclear weapons in Ukraine France would not respond with a nuclear strike, but put out a warning to leaders regarding nuclear rhetoric. Read Full Article, The Russian Federation Leaves the New START Nuclear Arms Control Treaty - Russia stated on Monday, August 8th that they would no longer allow inspection of weapons under the New START Nuclear Arms Control Treaty for an unspecified time due to restrictions on travel implemented by the United States and the west. Air Strikes Reported On Syria/Iraq Border, Civilians Reported Dead - Syria/Iraq - Airstrikes have been reported on the border between Syria and Iraq. Methods of attack include car bombs, suicide bombers, individual attackers, and mortar fire. Another $2.2 Billion In Aid To Ukraine Expected To Be Announced "Very Soon" - WASHINGTON - The United States is preparing a $2.2 billion package worth of military aid to Ukraine, and is expected to contain longer-range rockets than the United States has previously been willing to give to Ukraine, as well as other weapons and ammunition. Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.". Cincinnati has enjoyed nationwide and global success in developing relationships with other government agencies at all levels of law enforcement. Clearly the DPRK is not there yet." So thank you very much for joining us a little bit later in the day. You will be governed by the principle of calculated training risk, which you shall interpret to mean the avoidance of death, serious injury, and Class A damage to attain higher readiness, integration, and agility. Again, we remind members of the public, if you come across debris, please do not handle it, but call your local law enforcement to facilitate safe recovery. In Stavropol, for example. Read Full Article, British MI5 Addresses Threats From Iran, Russia, And China - The British MI5 Security Service addressed threats to the UK posed by Iran, Russia, and China and is expected to declare the Iranian IRGC a terrorist organization in the coming weeks. Read more, January 14, 2023 - The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 required the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, to submit an annual report to Congress on unidentified aerial phenomena. Read more, August 08, 2022 - US ARMED FORCES long-range missile support specialists have selected Northrop Grumman Corporation to attend to the next Ground-Based Midcourse Defense Weapons system process to shield the Continental US from nuclear long-range missile assaults. White House: "The White House announced Friday new sanctions to be put in place by the U.S. Treasury Department next week on the Wagner Group, designating the Russian private military company as a transnational criminal organization". Russian Official Medvedev: Nuclear Weapon Threat "Not A Bluff - Russian official Medvedev said that the United States would not intervene even if Russia uses the "most formidable weapon," and said the country has the right to use nuclear weapons "if necessary," and said that it is "certainly not a bluff". NATO has issued more sanctions on Russia in retaliation for invasion of Ukraine and sends more reinforcements to NATO allies. "This department has said that we will be with Ukraine for as long as it takes. The DEFCON 3 exercise term is Round House.. Read Full Article, International Support For China's One-China Policy Amid Escalation With US Over Taiwan - As Pelosi is expected to arrive in the Asia Pacific, growing concerns come from other countries who are in support of China instead of the United States and an independent Taiwan. According to the German Defense Ministry, the German-made tanks could be delivered to Ukraine within the next three months. A Downing Street spokesperson told the Financial Times, "We are accelerating our support to Ukraine with the kind of next-generation military technology that will help to win this war". The report cites Adam Meyers, senior vice president of intelligence at the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike located in the United States that the Cold River hacking group is "directly involved in supporting Kremlin information operations". Kirby said, "a high altitude object over Alaska air spacewithin the last hour" that we had been tracking for "the last 24 hours," and stated, "the object posed a reasonable threat". USCENTCOM Commander General Michael Kurilla released a statement Wednesday that said, "The strike in eastern Syria was in response to attacks by Iran-backed groups against US forces in Syria on August 15th and demonstrates our resolve to defend US forces and equipment". Read Full Article, House Passes $858 Billion Defense Bill Removing Vaccine Mandate For Military Personnel - WASHINGTON - The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the $858 billion defense bill which effectively removes the vaccine mandate for U.S. military personnel. Event: On August 19, 2022, car bomb blasts and gunfire were reported at Hotel Hayat in Mogadishu and are on-going. QUESTION: I mean, we have two narratives here, right? Read more, January 26, 2023 - The Department of the Army announced the preparation of Army units for potential deployment to backfill units currently in Europe. Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Regarding Provocation by Belarus - Statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding alleged provocation by Belarus (accusations by Belarus that Ukraine was planning an attack on Belarus territory): "On the evening of October 8, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Minsk, Ihor Kyzym, was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, and he was presented with a diplomatic note. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Part of the $2.2 billion would be allocated to purchase the Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB), which is manufactured by Boeing Co, according to a report by Reuters. NORAD, NORTHCOM tracked it for the duration. The U.S. government continues to strongly advise U.S. citizens to avoid these areas. Cincinnati Biological Threat Operation Specialists (BTOS) discovered multiple shipments of unknown-origin recombinant proteins from China accompanied with fraudulent documentation. Specifically, following their negotiations with an agent of Deripaska, MCGONIGAL and SHESTAKOV agreed to and did investigate a rival Russian oligarch in return for concealed payments from Deripaska. It added that a number of Russian politicians which include Russian President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and other Russian citizens have also been "blacklisted". No US forces were wounded or killed as a result of the strikes and there is no damage to US equipment. "We have been very active in international missions, NATO missions, U.N. missions and operations because we want to deserve being an ally of the great, most powerful political alliance," he said.". Given the serious risks, U.S. citizens should not travel to Afghanistan to accompany eligible family members for relocation. Event: Russia has launched attacks against Ukraines civilian infrastructure as well as government facilities in Kyiv and elsewhere. They both previously worked with Deripaska to attempt to have his sanctions removed, and, as public servants, they should have known better. Regarding Germany allowing their tanks to be sent to Ukraine, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, "Such shipments do not bode well for the future of [Russian-German] relations. Brigadier General Pat Ryder here, the Pentagon press secretary. ", He then added, "In response to the report that the ruling party in the #ROK has proposed that the country needs to re-deploy the #US s tacticalnuclear weapons to respond to the threat of the #DPRK s nuclear weapons, #FM spokesperson said that we have noted the reports. The injuries sustained by the service members were reported to be 'minor'. Soldiers were located in Taiwan one year ago, the United States is now sending 100 to 200 more soldiers to the island for training (potentially more than quadrupling the number) amidst increasing tensions with China. And while I won't go into specifics due to classification reasons, I can say that we have located a significant amount of debris so far that will prove helpful to our further understanding of this balloon and its surveillance capabilities," Ryder said. This indicates a usually high number of soldiers being diagonal with the disease compared to the national average. This only addresses whether the missile was fired from Russian territory however, not whether it was fired by Russia from Ukrainian territory. Shoots Down Iranian Mojer-6 Drone With F-16 Headed To Erbil, Iraq - At 10:54 a.m. indirect fire struck several locations within the Erbil Governorate in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. And since then, we have further stepped up, increased our presence in the eastern part of the Alliance. So let me address your second questions - well, your second question first. U.S. Army Brig. Thank you so much for the question. We have several Allies who are Western Balkan countries and part of the successful NATO enlargement over the last years has been actually with countries from the Western Balkans, including most recently North Macedonia and Montenegro. The business where authorities were reportedly called to was the Schumann & Co which produces copper alloy. It's an exercise where they test and exercise their nuclear forces". And the second question is there are also suggestions to call the summit on the level of the leaders of NATO. While the median age for contracting lymphoma is 67 years old, the AP report indicated that the soldiers based at Malmstrom were in their 30s or 40s when they were diagnosed with the disease, well under the median age. Taiwan's presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. Read more, September 28, 2022 - ERBIL, IRAQ - The United States has shot down an Iranian Mojer-6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) headed in the direction of U.S. forces in Erbil, Iraq. Exercise normal precautions in Samoa. LET'S GO!". Homeland. Unlike Presidential Drawdown authority (PDA), which DoD has continued to leverage to deliver equipment to Ukraine from DoD stocks at a historic pace, USAI is an authority under which the United States procures new capabilities. The Russian news agency claimed that Moscow has "repeatedly noted" that the NATO alliance is "aimed at confrontation". Get All Alerts And News, Fires Break Out In Three Different State-Owned Pemex Mexican Oil Facilities - MEXICO/US - Three different fires broke out on Thursday located at different Mexican state-owned facilities run by Pemex, one of the facilities located in the United States. One is located in Djibouti in East Africa, the Ream naval base in Cambodia, and a base in Tadjikistan, currently being constructed in the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region. The DEFCON Warning System is a private intelligence organization which has monitored and assessed nuclear threats by national entities since 1984. Because it seems like that was an incredibly recent conclusion, based on the understanding of the situation. Germany had said they would not allow the German-made Leopard 2 tanks to be sent by NATO-allied forces to Ukraine unless the United States also made the decision to send its own tanks. SENIOR DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Yes, so clearly the intent of this balloon is for surveillance. It reduces bleeding during exposure to radiation. And so when you look at the scope of this program and the fact that we know that these balloons have been spotted, and what we now can subsequently assess to be Chinese balloons operating over at least five continents in regions like Latin America, South America, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Europe, again, it demonstrates why, for the Department of Defense, that China remains the pacing challenge, and something that we'll continue to stay focused on. President Joe Biden ordered the action on Wednesday, but it was delayed until the balloon was over water off the coast of South Carolina to ensure no Americans on the ground were harmed. And can it ever be reinstated here? DoD: Allies Are Unified in Support for Ukraine Ahead of NATO Meetings, Defense Official Says - Department of Defense: "Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III meets with allies at NATO headquarters in Belgium this week to discuss the continued support for the defense of Ukraine, amid Russia's unprovoked invasion and recent attacks against civilian targets and infrastructure, according to a defense official. Once they will test it, they will see if it works, Only then can they manufacture more efficient and smaller weapons." The official said Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration. The U.S. Embassy in Somalia reminds U.S. citizens that terrorists continue to plot kidnappings, bombings, and other attacks in Somalia. This type of cancer is a blood cancer that forms cancerous lymphocytes in the body's lymph system, which is a part of the body's immune system. DEFCON 5 is the lowest state of readiness, while DEFCON 1 is maximum readiness, meaning a nuclear war is about to begin or already has begun. Read more, January 26, 2023 - US Army: "ROCHESTER, N.Y. Almost 400 New York Army National Guard Soldiers will soon leave for a deployment to Kuwait. This has also been since extinguished. The Secret Service had rented five vehicles for Biden and his family last week, and all five were consumed in the fire. The missile(s), which landed in the East Sea, were fired hours after U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris visited the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) around South Korea's shared border with North Korea. on Wednesday, according to a report by Reuters, which has alarmed Russia. So how big? Effective immediately, the Embassy in Islamabad is prohibiting all American staff from visiting Islamabads Marriott Hotel. It is impossible not to notice this reality.". Official news sources will have radiation readings for your area. Read Full Article, Greenspan: Chinese Invasion Of Taiwan Could Cause Economic Black Swan Event - Alan Greenspan warned that if China invades Taiwan it could trigger an economic "Black Swan" event that could affect economies worldwide. Read more, January 18, 2023 - Cloudflare Wins CISA Contract for Registry and Authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) Services. Poland is, however, increasing its military readiness in response, and is carrying out a careful analysis and consulting with NATO allies regarding the potential use of NATO's article 4, which allows for a NATO member to consult with the other alliance members. The agency continues to look into the cause of the initial problem. Yonhap reported that the North violated the 9/19 agreement by firing more than 560 rounds at five locations, including 90 rounds from Haeju Bay in the West Sea, and 210 rounds from the west of Jangsangot. Serbia has asked NATO to deploy the Serbian army and police force. He also said, "we have not seen the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" and said "we have a direct threat of the use of nuclear weapons if in fact things continue down the path they are going". And we also conveyed clearly to Russia that they will have severe consequences if they use nuclear weapons in any way, including low yield nuclear weapons in Ukraine. This $400 million USAI package represents the beginning of a contracting process to provide additional capabilities to Ukraine. Keeping alerts, intel and news as informative and timely as possible takes a lot of research, time, effort and financial investment for required tools and services. Military, Political, And Intelligence News Are Also Covered. Read more, November 18, 2022 - Event: U.S. Consulate General Erbil is monitoring credible open-source reports of potential Turkish military action in northern Syria and northern Iraq in the coming days. It is not in outer space. Read more, August 25, 2022 - Israel is reportedly striking targets located in Syria. Get the latest updates on situation in Ukraine. A month ago the commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps put out a warning to Saudi Arabia regarding its coverage of the Iranian protests by its media, which included Iran International. Here are six deals to look into for your move. Tests confirmed the blue pills to be fentanyl with a total weight of 250 pounds with an estimated street value of $3,412,000. Notify a trusted person of your travel and movement plans. He also pushed for more cooperation between the United States and Japan that go beyond semiconductors, to biotechnology, quantum science and artificial intelligence. DoD Releases Statement About Object Shot Down Over Alaska - Department of Defense Press Secretary brigadier general Pat Ryder released a statement regarding the object shot down over Alaska, as well as further details about the balloon shot down on February 4th. We will not hesitate to act in the defense of our interests and partners in the region.. The capabilities in this package include: 31 Abrams tanks with 120mm rounds and other ammunition; Eight Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment; Support vehicles and equipment; Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment. Read more, February 24, 2023 - Though only 30 U.S. It's also capable of hovering over the target while the soldier analyzes what kind of target it is, as well as its position. Read more, November 19, 2022 - November 30, 2022 - Five vehicles that were rented by U.S. President Joe Biden's Secret Service detail went up in flames while in a parking lot on Monday a day after the President went on vacation in Nantucket, Massachusetts for Thanksgiving. White House Video Statement. When the South Korean President was asked about the report, he said "As I said the other day, there are diverse opinions across our nation and in the United States regarding extended deterrence, so I am listening to them carefully and looking carefully at various possibilities.". he stated according to RFA. Russias continued strikes in Ukraine pose a direct threat to civilians and civilian infrastructure. Three 107mm rockets targeted the base. Our partnership is a key pillar of our commitment to expanding regional security cooperation.. To go back to the balloon, does the Pentagon know with certainty now that the balloon actually came from China, i.e., it was launched from China? Sea states Tuesday permitted divers and explosives ordnance technicians to conduct underwater salvage and recovery, and underwater survey activities continue using unmanned underwater vehicles. 2024 and will offer Xi a reason Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Novalee Manzella ).! 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