archaic word for a physician

Often a euphemism for depression or other emotional or mental disorders. Urticaria or hives. Constipated; elsewhere may mean reticent, slow, niggardly, etc.. Our Solar System . Could be typhoid, malaria, typhus or hepatitis. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. The cause is probably a virus. archaic meaning: 1. of or belonging to an ancient period in history: 2. extremely old-fashioned: 3. of or. Many have tried to classify the various forms of malaria on clinical or bedside methods based on the pattern of the paroxysm, the duration between the fever and associated symptoms. An unnatural or disfiguring outgrowth of the skin or any unnecessary physical development. This term could be any brain disease. Some of the words that defined the week of January 24, 2020. Seizinga length of cord or rope on board a ship, 381. It could also mean any fatal or serious condition as abomination infers influence of the devil or evil. Plague. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples An infectious, often-fatal disease caused by a specific bacterium (clostridium tetani) that enters the body through wounds. Fluid within the chest. Infection in the mother, following birth of a child. Basebornof low birth or social standing, 40. It does not mean severe. the furred up patch of the artery. Syncope is a description of a mode of death rather than a cause of death or diagnosis. May be a euphemism for pulmonary tuberculosis. Ceaseless occurrence of rapid jerking movements performed involuntary. May be due to heart or kidney failure. Unknown or missing presumed dead will be the cause of death in such circumstances. ALE. Finger clubbing. Wherethroughthrough which; through the agency of, 484. The rash results from toxins produced by the haemolytic streptococcus. What a soothing reflection is that!' Grippe can be any kind of contagious viral disease, but traditionally it was used for what we now call influenza. Any venereal disease, but probably syphilis. Archaic definition: Relating to, being, or characteristic of a much earlier, often more primitive period, especially one that develops into a classical stage of civilization. It is usually a congenital condition, caused by the skull failing to form properly and is like spina bifida, but higher up. A pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Vitus (patron saint of dancers) was supposed to cure the condition. Trance like state brought on by extreme fright, like a rabbit in a motor vehicle?s headlamps. Sciolista person who pretends to be knowledgeable, 367. This clue last appeared March 2, 2023 in the USA Today Crossword. miscarriage. Disturbed condition of the body or mind; ill health, illness; a mental or physical disorder; disease or ailment. This may imply aplastic anaemia. A blind spot in the visual field which may be natural (each eye has a blind spot) or due to disease of the visual system (can be in the eye or the brain _ the visual image is received by the eye but we ?see? clumsiness. Quidnuncan inquisitive, gossipy person, 336. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with archaic, and as you go down the relatedness . The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "Archaic word for physician", 5 letters crossword clue. Skin swellings near joints seen in gout (tophus). When this results from the actions of the doctor, it is termed induced abortion or termination of pregnancy. Medical science has advanced tremendously over the last few hundred years. Generally a pre-terminal event. Specifically looking for one for geologist, but I'd find it useful for some other things too. Goitre or swelling of the thyroid gland (in the front of the neck) see cretinism. Caused by sunlight. Usually seen after childbirth. 561.737.5568. [email protected] You forget that Mrs. Hammond had twins three times. Thrombosis of veins in the thigh usually seen after childbirth (at one time thought to be due to excess milk being directed to the leg). Redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat and disturbed function of an area of the body. Forward(of a person) difficult to deal with; contrary, 162. Chronic malabsorption with sore tongue, indigestion, weakness, anaemia and greasy stools. Often referred to as the black death. Forfendavert or prevent (something evil or unpleasant), 154. Archaic word for sixty (10) DAPPERLING. Inflammation of the inner covering membranes (arachnoid mata and pia mata) of the brain or spinal cord. Disease of the heart valves. Tuberculosis of the abdominal lymph nodes. Although murine suggests the mouse, the rat flea is in fact the agent of transmission. Of the three common types of worm, (thread, round and in the past tape) none would cause what anyone today would consider an illness. Rutha feeling of pity, distress, or grief, 356. Goats can be the source in Malta and pigs in the U.S.A. and far east. brain atrophy. Heydayexpression of elation or wonder, 199. belching of stomach acid). A cardinal sign is pale faeces accompanied by dark urine.Examples: - gallstones, carcinoma of the head of the pancreas. As a cause of death syncope means ?dropped down dead?.On death certificates, it probably just indicates a sudden death. One moose, two moose. Pestilencea fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague, 306. In the time of Elizabeth I of England (1533-1603) green fever was thought to be a condition of women due to delaying or absence of pregnancy. Means vomiting from over eating or gluttony. These archaic words will remind you of an era past. I do not have source, but gout is a very painful form of arthritis and has the reputation of being an illness of people who consume rich food or lots of alcohol. Black may be used before another term to indicate that it was very severe. I have had several queries about fibris. The causative organism is the same as the one that causes venereal syphilis (treponema pallidum) but it is a modified strain. Similarly, syncope is sudden death. Paralysis of one side of body. Dropsy is another name for edema, the abnormal swelling of tissues from a buildup of fluid. We have 1 possible answer in our database. Scolda woman who nags or grumbles constantly, 370. ? Bucka fashionable and daring young man, 56. Any disorder associated with pain in joints. The English term is papule. Now uncommon as milk is pasteurised. Cunningham says the primary feature of archaic astronomical writing, is that the text employs just a handful of lines. Custom in some cultures where expectant fathers experience symptoms of pregnancy and labour. Means that the mitral valve of the heart does not close properly and so leaks. May be impetigo. Hydropericardium (fluid in the sac that surrounds the heart). Neurasthenia literally means weakness of the nerves. Term meaning the downward displacement of an internal organ due to weakness of the abdominal muscles and internal ligaments. Enter a Crossword Clue. Can occur in many organs. Cyst or abscess in a gland in the eyelid. bruises. This is not a primary cause of death. This is also termed psychotic depression. Eczema of the hands with much itching, occurring among bricklayers. This is a venereal disease, endemic to all tropical areas, that produces crops of hard boils. Inflammation of the meninges (a membrane covering the brain) characterised by high fever, severe headache, photophobia (dislike or fear of the light) and stiff neck or back muscles. internal organs. In recent years, disease names are often based on a description of their underlying biological process, or they may be named after the doctor who discovered important features of the diseasein other words, who . Cheater, deceiver, beguiler, especially one that uses false cards, or dice. In a strict medical context means that that the sufferer?s insight or perception of the illness is impaired. Refers to a growth, often malignant, which was hard and strong due to dense fibrous tissue. Pardiemild oath; certainly or truly, 299. Often a complication of streptococcal infection. Probably means old age or natural causes. Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad, 1880, St. Vitus (c. 290-c. 303) was a Sicilian martyr and is considered the patron saint of dancers and entertainers. Inflammation of uterus or purulent vaginal discharge. Literally means choking. A once relatively common childhood kidney disease that causes the kidney to leak protein. The modern term is tabes dorsalis. Inflammation of cerebrum or may indicate lead poisoning. Gangrene of the cheeks and lips seen in debilitated children. Swevenvision seen in sleep; a dream, 418. leech (n.2) "physician" (obsolete, poetical, or archaic), from Old English lce "leech," probably from Old Danish lke, from Proto-Germanic *lekjaz "enchanter, one who speaks magic words; healer, physician" (source also of Old Frisian letza, Old Saxon laki, Old Norse lknir, Old High German lahhi, Gothic lekeis "physician"), literally "one who counsels," perhaps connected with a root found . Disease of teething infants due to mercury poisoning from teething powders. Exquisite, Meilen Meihuan game scene, blood surging, agonistic battle scenes, rigorous and detailed, rich sound of the game system, to overturn the traditional, all in perfect boutique studio peacock [Background] story: subversion of the traditional action game . A stone, such as a gallstone or kidney stone . May be the same as pigeon breast i.e. Used in the medical sense: gangrene, necrosis or severe infection (literally means put to death) . 1. Form of malaria with peaks of fever every third day. Sponsored Links. The word abortion when used by doctors simply means an early end to a pregnancy, whether it is natural or effected by the actions of someone. they have insight into their condition). The medical term for this is urticaria and the lay term is hives. Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd Arabian philosopher born in Spain; wrote detailed commentaries on Aristotle that were admired by the Schoolmen (1126-1198) Abu Ali al-Husain ibn . Repulsivelacking friendliness or sympathy, 354. A nightmare, especially one where you are so frightened that you cannot react. Contagious viral disease with fever and blisters. Learn a new word every day. The name alludes to one of the more severe early symptoms that accompany tetanusthe spasm of the muscles in the jaw, preventing its opening and closure, and particularly the masseter muscle used in chewing. of Alexander the Great Delphi and Olympia: the Spatial Politics of Pan-Hellenism in the Archaic and Classical Periods Space and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds Delphi: . Destruction of bone. It was last seen in British general knowledge crossword. Also known as English cholera, true cholera may be called Asiatic cholera. Lung disease caused by breathing in mineral dust. Ether is effective (it is still used today) but causes problems if mishandled. Flatulent distension of the abdomen with gas in the gut. The space in the centre of the chest (thoracic cavity) between the lungs. Tenement of clay is a euphemism for a corpse (Roget?s thesaurus).House of clay, shroud of clay and simply clay are likely to be similar. It was last seen in British general knowledge crossword. There are many causes of obstruction of the ureter. Exhaustion from lack of nourishment. Fit (convulsion), sudden pulsation or stroke, Mental handicap (learning disability) of a severe degree. Degradereduce to a lower rank, especially as a punishment, 106. Presence of protein in the urine. English words first attested in Chaucer, or s The period of labour and delivery of the infant. Homeopathic practitioners claim that the more dilute the solution the more potent it is. Could be appendicitis. Human breast milk is a poor source of vitamin K. All babies born in the UK receives an injection of vitamin K shortly after birth. Will nearly always mean a stroke. Almost everyone gets this condition eventually. I do not have a primary source for this term. This is far from reliable but has resulted in the terms tertian fever, quotidian fever etc.. The period (in males and females) when fertility and libido are in decline. Infection after childbirth due to poor midwifery techniques especially antiseptic measures. Malaria (literally means bad air) is a widespread disease caused by a parasite in the blood.There are several parasites that cause the illness and hence several forms of malaria. Infection of the hair follicles of the beard area. Aperient A laxative medicine or food. Swelling of the joints between the ribs and the breast-bone seen in rickets (looks like a necklace). Bile pigments result from the breakdown of haemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen). Seldom seen under the age of 50.NB Paget also described a disease of the skin and of the female nipple and these conditions are also called Paget?s disease. Sacringthe consecration of a bishop, a sovereign, or the Eucharistic elements, 360. Involuntary or compulsive sounds or speech, which may be obscene. Can be severe enough to cause death from blood loss. Literally, means lack of movement or staying in bed, but usually means simply illness, although it can imply weakness. . There are old words used in English dating back to the formation of the language in the 300-900 time frame. The arteries fur up with plaques of cholesterol over which blood clots can develop and eventually fail to adequately supply blood. Often fatal. Recompensepunish or reward appropriately, 347. Mental retardation due to congenital under-activity of the thyroid.The condition is commonest when born far away from the sea, as seawater contains iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland to work. 2. Bethinkoneself of remember; recollect, 49. ; a flagon, 406. See more. Inflamed, enlarged or painful gland in the groin. Neanderthals had been living in Eurasia for more than 300 millennia when some human ancestors left Africa some 60,000-70,000 years ago, and according to the 2010 publication, in which researchers compared the Neanderthal draft genome with modern human sequences, about 2 percent of the DNA in the genomes of modern-day people with Eurasian . Suffix meaning surgical cutting e.g. Dandiprata young or insignificant person, 102. There are many causes. Secondary peritonitis: - which results from rupture or perforation of a diseased digestive organ (e.g. antiquated. Accessed 2 Mar. Portagethe action of carrying or transporting, 319. Rebarbative is definitely my favorite on this list. Tentera person in charge of something, especially factory machinery, 423. Both types of ailments were usually accompanied by a sudden loss of consciousness, as though the person was knocked out cold. Scabies (skin contact _ often holding hands)3. Caducous is a botanical term describing a plant that dies or sheds its leaves prematurely. Commonly due to rheumatic fever in the past. lack of air or oxygen (literally means pulselessness). Skin disease caused by mites (Tyrogluphus sacchari) in sugar or flour. Quothaexpression of surprise or contempt, 337. The distension results from obstruction of the ureter. Pre-hepaticHere there is excessive breakdown of blood cells and the liver is unable to cope with the increased amount of bile pigments. So it makes sense that apoplexy derives from the Greek apoplssein, from apo- ("completely") and plssein ("to strike"). His feast day is held on June 28 and celebrated by dancing in front of his statue. Personal Transformation Specialist and Leadership Mentor. a pleural effusion. Could be a pulmonary embolus or a severe asthma attack. of physikosmore at PHYSICS] (14c) 1 a : the art or . Syphilis (Endemic): Only occurs in areas where there is lack of hygiene and these days, only occurs in the tropics. Now rare or obsolete. Define physician. Very old or old-fashioned. osman kavala kimdir neden tutuklandi; climbing cotopaxi blog; Menu. A large, hard and painless swelling, often cancer. Disease with fever and jaundice. Physician.It's old-fashioned enough to avoid sounding modern, but not so archaic as to sound needlessly quirky. All the diseases in the strict definition!2. you don't need to tell me about a cough. Describes an illness where there are swellings on the ribs. Bacillary dysentery2. In addition to the pain and delay attendant on a broken limb, his exposure to the wet and cold had brought on fever and ague: which hung about him for many weeks, and reduced him sadly. Pneumonia resulting from a prolonged period in bed. (773) 542-3755 Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 . B12 is also important for the health of the nervous system. Archaic and Classical Greek Sicily : A Social and Economic History. I have seen tuberculosis given as an interpretation, but I prefer emphysema, as this could be an industrial disease whereas TB depends on housing conditions. In servicemen could be due to shell-shock, battle fatigue, post engagement stress syndrome. Painful and unsuccessful desire to defaecate. suicide risk. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Abroad out of doors 3. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Usually results from pneumonia in childhood. Caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella zoster _ zoster is Greek for girdle). Abdominal pains due to lead poisoning from medicines containing lead or other sources of lead. We build our churches almost without regard to cost; we rear an edifice which is an adornment to the town, and we gild it, and fresco it, and mortgage it, and do everything we can think of to perfect it, and then spoil it all by putting a bell on it which afflicts everybody who hears it, giving some the headache, others St. Vitus's dance, and the rest the blind staggers. Mostly seen in divers but may be seen in workers underground. doctor This form of pernicious anaemia is an auto-immune disorder and can be familial. craniotomy, tracheotomy, cholecystectomy etc .. Red line on the forehead seen in tuberculous meningitis. Apoplexy is a now-dated term for what we now call a stroke, or the bleeding of an organ from hemorrhage. The use of the term old age or any of its euphemisms does not indicate that the attending doctor did not know the cause of death. In someone older could be any brain disease. A method of treating disease by prescribing very small amounts of a substance which, in maximum doses would produce symptoms of the disease being treated. Yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes due to an increase of bile pigments in the blood, which spill out into the tissues. Any type of hernia on the front of the body, but will most likely be an epigastric hernia (due to weakness in the muscles in the upper central part of the abdomen. Cullya friendly form of address for a man, 100. A pathological connection between structures that are not normally connected e.g. We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. ", "Don't cry, Di," said Anne cheerily. A person who practices medicine without formal training; a quack; a charlatan. Contumelyinsolent or insulting language or treatment, 87. Sweetmeatan item of confectionery or sweet food, 415. ', "'Apoplexy. Monsterfulextraordinary or wonderful, 271. Scantlinga specimen, sample, or small amount, 364. Enlargement of any tissue or organ, but not due to its natural growth. Haemophilia is an unlikely cause as in this condition bleeding occurs after trauma (albeit minimal) rather than spontaneously.A book of 1564 includes in it's description of purples "butterfly rash" which could mean systemic lupus erythematosis or acne rosacea. Continued fever. If someone does not eat for a while and then eats a large meal, they can become very ill and gluttony could imply obesity. In the past cirrhosis was attributed to malnutrition, but this is not likely. Coxcomba vain and conceited man; a dandy, 90. Illness due to poisoning by fumes produced during the smelting and working of metals (not only brass which is an alloy of copper and tin). Complication of streptococcal infection. It can be derogatory. Rice water stools was felt to be a distinguishing feature in the past. Knavea dishonest or unscrupulous man, 229. The useful generators list is a handy list of simple text generators on various topics. Plural form of viscus i.e. Bright's disease is often a catch all for kidney diseases, but strictly speaking is glomerulonephritis, which may be a complication of streptococcal sore throat. Colic is not a symptom of chronic lead poisoning. Zoundsan expression of surprise or indignation. Reducebesiege and capture (a town or fortress), 351. Noise(something) about talk about or make known publicly, 290. With respect to the bowels: afflicted with spasmodic pain as if by contraction or constriction. veterinary. Goody(with a name) an elderly woman of humble position, 179. Swoopstakein an indiscriminate manner, 421. If you're a Perchance builder then you'll probably find some of them useful for importing into your own projects. to treat vomiting a homeopath would use very weak solutions of a substance that would cause vomiting if taken in large amounts. , as though the person was knocked out cold something evil or unpleasant ), sudden pulsation or,... Definition! 2, 179 treat vomiting a homeopath would use very weak solutions of a degree... Cells that carries oxygen ) devil or evil description of a diseased digestive organ ( e.g learning disability ) the... Reticent, slow, niggardly, etc.. red line on the ribs and the lay is!, which was hard and painless swelling, pain, tenderness, heat disturbed! Deal with ; contrary, 162 scantlinga specimen, sample, or the elements. Carries oxygen ) or evil the top of the language in the cirrhosis. Archaic as to sound needlessly quirky would use very weak solutions of mode. Known as English cholera, true cholera may be called Asiatic cholera health illness. 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A distinguishing feature in the past cirrhosis was attributed to malnutrition, not... Of St. Vitus ( patron saint of dancers ) was supposed to cure condition... If mishandled ;, 5 letters crossword clue to the formation of chest. A sudden loss of consciousness, as though the person was knocked out cold words first attested in,. The words that defined the week of January 24, 2020 mouse, the rat is. Mata and pia mata ) of a substance that would cause vomiting taken... Especially antiseptic measures digestive organ ( e.g medical sense: gangrene, or... Feature in the USA Today crossword traditionally it was used for what we now call influenza the hair follicles the!

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