apricot seed testimonials

It's all because I took Raw Apricot Kernels (6 per day). 2011 colon cancer stage 4 after surgery I had few more chemos for recurring small tumors in liver, so I decided to go under alternative medicine, first part taken is hoasey therapy then 3 months later I got iv leatrile for a period of one week plus pills taken once a day, and after a month of this treatment no side effects at all in six more weeks I will have ct scan to ck for the improvements I will keep posted right away as as goods news get delivery to me. Get Quote. In a half-cup of apricot seeds, there are 14 grams of carbohydrates, most of which are made of dietary fiber (10 grams). Primary peritoneal cancer forms in a thin layer of tissue that lines the inside of the abdomen. I eat 60 apricot kernels per day, they are PERFECTLY SAFE. I take 2000mg everyday and eat 10 kernels also with a glass of warm water and I drink two tablespoons of the apricot oil as well. What vitamin B17, or in chemical terms Amigdalyn (Amigdalyn, or Laetrile are the chemical names for B17) found in high amounts in apricot seeds does is that will provide the necessary electro-chemical medium for the body to tell that particular organ or tissue for example to stop the healing process once complete. The reason that amygdalin is so well known is that it can partially be broken down into . In 2012, a laboratory study found that enhancing amygdalin with -D-glucosidase may make it useful in treating liver cancer. Thus, St Pat's day 2000 Cassie had the operation. It also helps to eradicate tumors and suppress cancer ( 2) symptoms. Pretty simple concept. I take 42 seeds everyday for my bladder cancer. 5 . Most experts and doctors will not prescribe this sort of risky treatment but many people still seek out this natural cure. I have also used it on a dog who had miraculous results. It's a big pharma lie, that laetrile poisons the body. There are also 14 grams of protein in a half-cup of these seeds, along with an average of 260 calories. not to be ingested or applied to broken skin. In 2006, Cancer Treatment Watch posted an article, originally published in 1977, describing the use of laetrile as quackeryand criticizing promoters of the supplement for preying on the fears of people with cancer to maintain a lucrative international business. Also present in apricot kernels is another so-called vitamin, B-15, or calcium pangamate. Someone told me about alternative medicine and that it is used around the world, but that most doctors frown on this practice. Taking the seeds has dramatically improved our digestive system, as well as increases our energy level. One study reports that, depending on the type of apricot, the kernels are composed of: Apricot kernel oil is high in essential fatty acids. As mentioned, they contain amygdalin, as well as pangamic acid. I am willing to reschedule my surgery and give in another month or two, to see the results of this method of treat. Laetrile is commonly touted as an alternative treatment for cancer, but there is no evidence that it actually works. last updated - July 29, 2020 How to get oil out of clothes? It only attacks cancer cells, no money from natural cures like this for big pharma which is why they want to blacken, why would nature and God given apples, apricots, pears etc have poisonous seeds in them, look at all the reviews on line and learn to discern when big pharma is trying to deceive the other cure is arm & hammer baking soda, and giving up meat and dairy which is acid forming cancer thrives in versus alkalizing fruits and veg which are good for ph balance. my old friend started taking apricot seeds and built up and cancer free nowRead More Read Less, tumors have shrunk. the doctors are very puzzled regarding my case. In conclusion, the ingestion of laetrile and apricot kernels carries a risk of serious illness and death, but manufacturers and producers continue to promote both products widely today. The more bitter, the more B17. Learn more. Experimental studies of the antitumor activity ofamygdalinMF (NSC-15780) alone and in combination with beta-glucosidase (NSC-128056) [Abstract]. It's now been 7 months and he's still with us. I would rather eat apricot kernels any day verses chemotherapy and radiation. The only enzyme that breaks it down in a way that produces cyanide is an enzyme only found in cancer cells. Read the book "World Without Cancer" so you don't have to watch your loved ones die in vain., Steve Strasburg All rights reserved. Long-term use of graviola supplements is associated with nerve cell damage and neurological problems. Health benefits of apple cider vinegar include its ability toregulate blood sugar levels, boost weight loss,improve skin & gut health, & lower cholesterol levels.Read more! I have energy, I'm focused and I have the attitude of a 30 year old (I'm 66). The self-pollinated flowers are white in full bloom and borne singly or doubly at a node on very short stems. Billed as a new "superfood," some people believe that apricot kernels have cancer-fighting and detox-enhancing. Here is the step-by-step method to use lemongrass. There have been several testimonies from cancer victims who cured themselves by chewing large quantities of the apricot seeds alone. I was advised by a thru hiker on the Appalachian Trail to try topical Arnica which has as its second ingredient Apricot Kernal oil and arnica from a plant called "arnica montana." Sweet apricot seeds, which are commonly sold as snack foods, can supply even more fiber. In September of 2005 I found information about Apricot seeds and Vitamin B17. Apricot seed Description Apricot seed is the small kernel enclosed within the wood-like pit at the center of the apricot fruit. The first oncologist told me the tumor was too large to operate and that he must shrink the tumor through chemo prior to surgery. First, we checked the dog food we were giving her. I have had a PSA reading of 24. The first sign is usually a lump or thickening of the neck. Value addition of wild apricot fruits grown in North-West Himalayan regions-a review. I have refused Traditional Treatment and I am still at stage 2 3 Three years later. Mr. Griffin describes the work of Ernst Krebs, Jr., and makes a very strong case for amygdalin (tentatively labeled vitamin B17) and its derivative, Laetrile, as a preventative and treatment for cancer. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308814605010332, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016816059400115M, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/15563658408992565, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11130-011-0246-0, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00520-006-0168-9, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2e7b/bb4f4b009f7d77c520d6f74fa3a8a29a6d3b.pdf, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-4522.2009.01140.x/full, http://akademiai.com/doi/abs/10.1556/AAlim.29.2000.3.7, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00217-010-1235-5, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0308814686900701, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0100-879X2009000400006&script=sci_arttext&tlng=es, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691510006939, http://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/1366, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20196932, 12 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, How to Make & Side Effects, Calamansi Juice: Benefits, Recipe, and Side Effects, Pomelos: Benefits & How To Eat Them (Pummelo). I have been using Apricot Seeds for a little more than 2 years and believe they have made a big difference in my health. (n.d.). Cyanide poisoning can cause nausea, fever, headaches, insomnia, thirst, lethargy, nervousness, joint and muscle various aches and pains, and falling blood pressure. (January 1977). Processed foods, such as amaretto biscuits, almond finger biscuits, and apricot jams, contain apricot kernels. apricotseeds.com.au. A clinical trial of amygdalin (laetrile) in the treatment of human cancer [Abstract]. Anecdotal reports and case reports have not shown laetrile to be an effective treatment for cancer.. Ive been given life because of all the ingredients that have been given to us by Our Creator. What to know about primary peritoneal cancer, Lymphoma in the groin: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, Proteins: Between 14.1 and 45.3 percent, of which 32 to 34 percent are essential amino acids, improve their health and sense of wellbeing. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? Personally i am prone to skin cancer and decided to give this treatment a try before medical intervention against the specialist advise i might add and guess what it did not work The skin melanoma biopsy showed not one bit of improvement In fact its spreading. I have just been taking Apricot Kernels for about 1 1/2 weeks now, and I am experiencing a shortness of breathe. As far as I know the cancer has gone away I thought I might be getting cancer of the butt (I don't know the technical name), so I started taking B-17 and Apricot seeds. Squeeze the nutcracker gently so as not to damage the seed insides. The nutrients available in apricot seeds are easily (and safely) available in other foods. (2018, April 5), Laetrile: The making of a myth. I have been fasting for 3 days now with no solid food, and just the Apricot Kernels, We will see what happens. Apricot seeds have various medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic uses but any use of these seeds should be done cautiously. Sounds bonkers I know but I couldn't`t even gently bite my rear teeth together and now it`s perfect???!!! I was diagnosed 3 years ago with LCIS Breast Cancer Stage 2. Although he lost his fight his cancer was just too far advanced to stop or prolong his life. But again the door was closed on us. Extracted . Photo Credit: Shutterstock, Although amygdalin gets most of the attention in apricot seeds, there is another unique compound in these seeds thatis connected to a reduced risk of heart disease. Today is December 30th. It was not cancerous. She took chemo and the cancer stayed away for a year. Billed as a new superfood, some people believe that apricot kernels have cancer-fighting and detox-enhancing properties. You should in fact get yourself a couple or more apricot seeds to heighten your chances of success. Depending on the dose, consuming cyanide can lead to: Cyanide kills cells in the human body by preventing them from using oxygen. Some studies have also found that regular consumption of small amounts of apricot seeds can lower blood pressure, which can lower your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. Any Day.. ve used 500mg laterile tablets and Apricot Power Brand seeds. Hi. $ 17.99. I changed my diet to all natural foods and introduced many supplements along with exercise and mediation. Akyildiz, B. N., Kurtoğlu, S., Kondolot, M., Tun, A. Now, three decades after Richardson's death, his son, John Richardson Jr., is no stranger to apricot seeds. It adds softness and smoothness to the skin. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. (2006, April). LNuyoah 10Pcs Apricot Seeds Planting Belongs to Your Own Fruit Tree Enjoy The Sweet Fruits with Your Family Promote Each Other Feelings. There is a moderate amount of vitamin E found in apricot seeds. Now i have to have major amounts of skin removed including one mole on the side of my rib cage and skin grafts before other treatment. Side effects of apricot seeds. I have also noticed my hay-fever has subsided significantly. I immediately started her on 500 mg of B-17 twice a day. To be honest, the reason I started was because at the time, my father was suffering from colon cancer which had progressed to his lungs. If I am stupid and eat sugar or stuff I shouldn't, I begin to get my symptoms back, but as soon as I tighten up my diet, they go away. Curcumin can also limit weight gain. 'Snakeoil' that dose no good other that lining the pockets of the 'Snake Oil Barkers'. Apricot seeds have been popular in the US since at least the 1970s, when laetrile was popularized as a cancer treatment. B17 occurred naturally in the seeds of apricots, peaches and almonds. Specifically, she believed that people with cancer should consume B17, also known as amygdalin or laetrile. The cancer mass went from a 8cm to 6cm in less than a yr. (2018, March 2). I have been taking the apricot seeds ever since I found out about them. Then, as each year Cassie would go for her spring check up the vet would say how lucky we were. I was surprised because I was a 'veggie' and figured my diet couldn't be better, after reading the information about vitamin 17, I thought I'd found the 'missing -link ' in my diet. A few months and less than $500 dollars worth of seeds and pills and it was reduced to a small mass the size of a grape. Unfortunately, by the time I had heard about apricot seeds and b17, the cancer had taken it's toll on my father and we lost him in January 2001. My doctor said if I did not have the scars on my body they could never prove that I had Cancer. It only attacks cancer cells, no money from natural cures like this for big pharma which is why they want to blacken, why would nature and God given apples, apricots, pears etc have poisonous seeds in them, look at all the reviews on line and learn to discern when big pharma is trying to deceive the other cure is arm & hammer baking soda, and giving up meat and dairy which is acid forming cancer thrives in versus alkalizing fruits and ve, g which are good for ph balance. my old friend started taking apricot seeds and built up and cancer free now, Hi. Her paw healed nicely and the vet was pleasantly surprised. We would usually agree we are blessed. Collect Apricot Pits. I am using apricot seeds as a preventive and I think the medical community is misguiding people as to the effectiveness of this treatment because they can't make any money out of it. I am writing this as a POSITIVE experience. My wife's count was 365 confirming the cancer. Moertel, C. G., Fleming, T. R., Rubin, J., Kvols, L. K., Sarna, G., Koch, R., Davignon, J. P. (1982, January 28). I believe that the B-17 blocked the spread of the cancer, and saved her life., Patrick Harris-Worthington If you weigh 70 kg you take 14 seeds 3 times a day - total of 42 seeds. While apricot seeds are great for killing cancer cells, take only what is recommended by the experts above. It took 2 months to get the permit and receive the b17 liquid, while I was waiting I gave him 40 apricot kernels a day. It is a drupe, meaning stone-fruit, and a close relative of the peach. Order B17 Vitamins at: 800-811-3965 Worldwide: +1 619 819 7531 . In 2001 my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. it has worked unbelievably well. [9], If you are struggling to maintain cholesterol levels, apricot seeds can certainly help, as a result of the dietary fiber found in this snack food. The straight answer is: only in very small amounts, 1 or 2 per day, ideally. The Doctor could only scratch his head and wonder. Wodinsky, I., & Swiniarski, J. K. (1975, October). Then it was operated in November, 2016. Health Canada is warning customers not consume the following products: Apricot Power Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds (UPC: 7 528303 370840; Code: EXP0121); Chen-Chen Dried Apricot North Almond . Reviews(278) 500mg Vitamin B17 60 Tablets. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Canton, MA. They suggested this may be due to antioxidant activity, as the kernels contain oleic acid and other polyphenols. The vet suggested that we have them remove the tumor and have it analyzed. However, we In 1982, some people who received laetrile as a cancer treatment showed evidence of cyanide toxicity. Apricot Suppository Crush 6 apricot seeds in a zippered plastic bag using a hammer or rock inside a zippered bag. And would encourage others to do the same, Daniel Newcomb Although the outlook for peritoneal cancer is not usually positive, many treatments are available that can improve it. The oil can be used to fry certain foods, or added to desserts forflavor. Apricot seeds are dangerous. However, as long ago as 1980, scientists concluded that calcium pangamate can cause genetic mutations and has a 90-percent probability of causing rather than curing cancer. Laetrile is produced from amygdalin through a chemical reaction with water. I just want to say that cancer is not the big bad wolf that the American Medical Association wants us to believe. Select locations now offer curbside pickup & home delivery. The only. Scientists have proposed that a compound called amygdalin, present in apricot kernels, may be a way to eradicate tumors and prevent cancer by stopping cells from reproducing. It's a big pharma lie, that laetrile poisons the body. These are words we never expected to hear, especially since her first oncologist told her she had little chance of surviving." The apricot tree carries the botanical name Prunus armeniaca. This spicy root is also good for mitigating obesity and relief from menstrual pain. (2015, March 20), Committee on toxicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the environment. When someone eats amygdalin, it converts to cyanide in their body. When he died it was in his liver, lungs and stomach. I have since found a source for amygdalin in fresh, raw apricot seeds, and eat them as a snack several times per day in small quantities. I have had a bad gum infection for over a year and an extraction of the rear tooth was the only option. To whom it concerns, My name is Alan power I am 32 years of age 6ft in height and weigh 78 kg. Apricot seeds contain high levels of amygdalin (vitamin B17) as well as significant levels of vitamin E, pangamic acid (vitamin B15), as well as small amounts of fat and no cholesterol. My greatest fear was that after my wife finished her chemo and radiation the medicines she would need would not be anything we could afford. en to us by Our Creator. medication whatsoever and my only conclusion is that it was the kernels. There is a lack of data on the possible risk of congenital disabilities. Apricot seeds contain cyanide. Some companies call this compound "vitamin B17" in order to label and market the product as an essential substance. Fresh apricot kernels are white. I am a black belt in karate and I still compete in sparring contests I have noticed an increase in energy and I do not worry about the big C anymore. The kernels contain protein, fiber, and a high percentage of oil, which people can extract from the kernel. Why people with cancer use it Laetrile has been used as an anti cancer agent since the 1800's. His father had tried apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in 1920, but this proved to be toxic. 36 Reviews. What is Vitamin B17? Alpaslan, M., & Hayta, M. (2006, May). The active ingredients in these seeds act as an expectorant and will also make the body less sensitive to allergens, which can reduce the severity of asthma attacks and inflammation in the throat. Most websites that support laetrile as a cancer treatment base their claims on anecdotal evidence and unsupported opinions. The "ONLY" thing she is using is Apricot Seeds or Kernels. Then in January, 2018, Pet Scan was done to see status of the desease. B17 is another name for amygdalin - a naturally occurring compound that was first used successfully in cancer treatment in Russia in 1845. It does not bother me. I would rather eat apricot kernels any day verses chemotherapy and radiation. The amount that it takes to become dangerous is different for each person. Apricot kernel lowers High Blood Pressure. I can chew them straight up. In 2004 she was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Apricot kernels pose risk of cyanide poisoning. Abstract 5568: Inhibitory effect of partial electron decoupling agents as an alternate therapy for cancer [Abstract]. ?ve lost many family members who used apricot kernel for cancer including lung and rare blood cancers. (2017, March 15), Laetrile/amygdalin (PDQ) - patient version. Glen Carbon, IL, Since I have been taking B17 and apricot seeds, I have never felt better. I am happy with the results and I appreciate the peace of mind I have., Pala Moon Some of the proven health benefits of apricot seeds include boosting digestive health, improving growth and repair, balancing cholesterol levels, increasing energy, protecting the skin, preventing cancer, strengthening the heart, supporting the immune system, and soothing respiratory distress. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. Some people describe this view as overly cautious. Is it really dangerous to eat apricot seeds? We studied and switched to Innova, a natural dog food. I am taking 5 kernels 3 times per day. Researchers found there was an improvement in symptoms. I started Laterile IVs in January of 15.Read More Read Less, I'm 63 female stage 4 colon cancer,which means i also have cancer on liver and pelvis wall.I had 12 rounds chemo tumors shrunk but not gone,so now i take apricot capsule i have been in remission for almost two years now no side effects i took 6 capsules a day for 3 months now take 3 day. Makes Skin Soft and Supple: Apricot seeds oil can be used as a moisturizer for various areas of the skin like elbows, hands, knees and feet. Also, they point out that because laetrile comes from Mexico, it may not carry the same safety standards governing purity and contents when manufactured. The excess can be blotted out gently using a tissue. Her last CA125 test was taken 9 days ago and her count was at 10, well below the established number of 35. The Endocrinologist were amazed that that there was NO spreading to the neighboring lymphatic system as is usually the case. Seems to me if you were in the business of really curing cancer, laetril would be in your arsenal. An apricot kernel is a single seed found inside the stone of an apricot. All removed successfully but 4 years of recurring. Winter Park, FL. 1. Milazzo, S., & Horneber, M., & Ernst, E. (2015, April 28). MS: Can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health? The kernel contains amygdalin, a poisonous compound, in concentrations that vary between cultivars.Together with the related synthetic compound laetrile, amygdalin has been marketed as an alternative cancer treatment. Within a couple of months the lumps were all gone and have not returned. (2013, July 18). Apricot seeds are composed of a significant amount of protein and amino acids, which are essential for muscle repair and growth. Our Apricot Seed is the raw seed of the apricot fruit, and is one of the richest sources of a glycoside known as amygdalin, sometimes called laetrile or "vitamin" B17. The most remarkable part is the melonomia on my back is getting smaller. Amygdalin can also be found . Apricot seeds have a good amount of monounsaturated fat and also are a good source of protein and fiber. Treatment can be effective with. Through Apricot Power, his thriving e-commerce store, he sells bitter seeds ($32.99 for 1,500), seed extract-based tablets (up to $97.99 a bottle), and B17-infused anti-aging cream ($49.99). (1995, February 1). Take an apricot pit and put in place in the nutcracker. I am taking no other medication whatsoever and my only conclusion is that it was the kernels. We also recently had heard from the Christian Brothers about raw apricot seeds and their properties that would help the body fight cancer. There is currently no research to support the claim that apricot seeds can fight cancer. Some people with cancer might take laetrile in the hope that it will: The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not approve B-17, or laetrile, for use in the U.S. We tried to get assistance, but were turned down everywhere we went. Knowing that God made provision for Noah and the animals, we prayed and felt that the Lord was directing us in a different way. Thanks again!, Mark Johnson Symptoms include swelling and pain. Apricot seeds cancer treatment, testimonials, cure, kernels and other information about cancer treatment. "That next January, she will be considered cured! Novodalin products are extracted from selected bitter raw apricot seeds. Precancers in the mouth are atypical cells that could develop into oral cancer. I eat 60 apricot kernels per day, they are PERFECTLY SAFE. I take 2000mg everyday and eat 10 kernels also with a glass of warm water and I drink two tablespoons of the apricot oil as well. Sharma, R,. The digestive tract houses 70% of the cells that make up your immune . Learn more about precancerous oral cancer here. There is absolutely no cancer treatment benefits to eating them, though to be fair, if you die of cyanide poisoning, the cancer won't get you. He said that if I would have come to him a couple of years earlier that it would be an automatic death sentence, however, he had this new protocol - Stem Cell Therapy - which could save my live at a cost of about $100,000 more than what my insurance would payI got a second opinion. [4], Apricot kernel is the inner part of the seed of the apricot fruit. What is the survival rate for peritoneal cancer? We did some calling around and got an idea of how many seeds to give for the 100 pound dog. I also continued to give him 30 kernels a day in his food. 1 The apricot seed is one of the highest sources of naturally occurring amygdalin, although other fruit seeds contain B17 as well, including cherries, apples, pears, and plums. 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