92y award bullets

So they got X bullets each after division. His attention to detail and commitment to keeping his vehicle systems mission capable allowed the detachment to maintain a 95 percent operational readiness rate with heavily used equipment. All thiis was done while completing an $8 million Report of Survey at the direction of the DCG. SSG Doe as the CT database analyst for central Europe, produced twenty target folders. On a monthly basis he/she assisted in the reporting of The Army Material Management System (TAMMS) to SAMS-2E. On short notice, SPC Doe efficiently transitioned from the role of current intelligence analyst to that of the Operations and Intelligence Division's executive administrative specialist, a position normally reserved for a junior NCO. She has served as both a member of the Black Book Team, CT Database Analyst, CT Desk Officer, and CT lead development analyst for the Information Dominance Center (IDC). SGT Doe became a subject matter expert on the brigade operational environment while assigned as an imagery analyst in the BCT, S2, Analysis Control Team. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. For a period of 5 years, SGT Doe has provided the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence. He/She was assigned the responsibilities of updating the POL daily status board, ensuring quality surveillance was maintained, and assisting his leadership when needed. Due to SFC XXXX's commitment to excellence, the Battalion S-4 received a "Satisfactory" rating during the 31st Brigade Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) Staff Assistance Visit and a "Commendable" rating during the 31st Brigade Initial Command Inspection. During this period, Sergeant Laverdure's diligent and relentless eforts were responsible for the close-out of 90 percent of FLIPLS opened on 4th Brigade Combat Team personnel. Contact [email protected] Disclaimer, 92S Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist. Established and maintained the creation of catalog for the thirteen TPB teams in the OIF AOR; to include weekly analysis of the teams consolidated property books resulting in maintenance recommendations to the Team Chiefs and the Theater Property Book Officer, determining the proper Non-Standard Line Item Numbers (LIN) and Non-Standard Management Control Numbers (MCN) to assign to the catalog, using guidance from SSN-LIN Automated Management and Integrating System (SLAMIS) to incorporate Non-Standard LINs and MCNs into the Theater Catalog, and representing the MNF-I/MNC-I IPBO during meetings as the Army worked to determine the way forward for Non-Standard Catalogs throughout the world. ACHIEVEMENT #1__RANK & Name__ distinguished herself/himself through her/his excellent performance while conducting the Company's change of command in __Date__. When the revolution comes, we don't want to be put up against the wall with the rest of you petty bourgeoisie. SPC Doe displayed tremendous devotion to physical fitness by pushing herself through countless hours of extra physical training during personal time. Her actions greatly enhanced the morale of the warfighter and epitomized the Army value of personal courage. Deploying his company to Operation Iraqi Freedom with over $25 million dollars of equipment without loss. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. Sergeant Auble's extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself, Logistics Task Force Five and the United States Army. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. Contributed to providing the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence products while serving as a regional intelligence analyst. 92Y - SVC - ARCOM. 9162 x 224; ARCOM Announces New Versionof. We need more examples. For a period of ten months, SFC Doe served as the Operations and Intelligence Division (OID) NCOIC. She set herself above her peers by earning a score of 280 on her Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). o coordinated successful redeployment of 1,300 personnel and their equipment from Iraq to the U.S. of an 11 Company strong BN, o supervised all mandatory clearing activities from COB Adder and Kuwait of 11 Companies and the BN, o oversight contributed to zero containers being delayed in Kuwait during redeploymento NCOIC of ADVON to Kuwait that was instrumental in the successful throughput of BN soliders and equipment to the US, o section operated at high level with total professionalism during final months of deployment when attentions can be diverted, o recognized all Soldiers in his section for missions completed during OIF 09-11o mentored junior supply sergeants through redeployment process utilizing experience from previous redeployments, o executed comprehensive RIP-TOA with incoming BN, o trained CO supply sergeants continuously in accountability during final months to ensure no surprises during redeployment, o responsible for successful input in LIW and tracking of BN equipment into the RESET program to final turn-in at Ft. scored 300+ and won Iron Soldier award for having the highest APFT score in the BN/BDE; Examples can be posted by using the form below. ACHIEVEMENT #2_RANK & Name__ consistently demonstrates commitment, initiative, and work ethic above her/his peers. She demonstrated her superior analytical skills by researching and providing intelligence support to planners, briefers, and DCS, G2 decision makers. Home; Read Army News! What is the best OER/NCOER/award bullet you have seen? While assigned to the 514th Signal Company as a 92Y Unit Supply Specialist, SPC Rizzio's solid leadership and attention to detail was superb in the management of 34 hand-receipts, and two separate property books with a net value of 48.5 million dollars. - nihoncha-award.jp. Served as the Government Purchasing agent for Alpha Battery from ------- until------. He also produced a point paper outlining recommended courses of action for the commander to combat organized crime in the theater of operations; intel vital to maintaining a safe and secure environment in the commanders area of operations. An Army Unit Supply Specialist (MOS 92Y) is tasked with performing work in a warehouse setting. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. While serving as the BN S-4 NCOIC, SFC XXXXX maintained and supervised the accountability of equipment with a cumulative value of over $1.2 billion and reduced shortages by $1.7 million across six batteries. She was directly in charge of over $330,000 worth of repair parts which she meticulously tracked using the Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation (ULLS-A) and Federal Logistics data. He routinely conducted Pre-Combat Inspections ensuring that his Soldiers had all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to conducting DCLPs. Training To Become A 92Y Unit Supply Specialist As an entry level soldier in the United States Army, the first training you will receive is Basic Combat Training (BCT). For meritorious service in support of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 17th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. y.t 4 50cm60cm SGT Doe was instrumental in the accomplishment of company training requirements. ArmyNCO.com's Develops NCOER Bullets . SPC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the S2. SPC Doe contributed directly to the fight to secure the Combat Outpost Accepts responsibility not only for himself but for subordinates as well. Additionally, SPC Doe answered numerous battalion requests for information throughout the deployment proving to be an indispensable BCT asset. HIS EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONALISM AND DEDICATION TO DUTY SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF THE UNIT. Award Bullets A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. The integration of the DISE into the ACE, and the White House security team was instrumental in providing excellent support during the visit. During his seven-month tenure, SPC Doe successfully functioned as the the only Middle East/North African CT Analyst, duties normally performed by three experienced analysts. He worked tirelessly to get the system online through determined coordination with Division and the GBS help desk. His development and implementation of a new briefing format raised the standard for excellence, and rapidly conveyed important information to ensure national level agencies and collection activities coordinated efforts to satisfy the commanders priority intelligence requirements. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK / NAME__ served as the Command Post NCOIC in ____ Company, Task Force ________ Battalion. Thanks! Driving force in developing the exercise concept, intelligence requirements and support plan for the Infantry Division's Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and Corps' War Fighter Exercise (WFX). Through multiple missions she delivered several milvans which were 90 days overdue containing the mail for the Soldiers operating on the COP and recreational equipment for the planned recreation facility. While attached to Delta Company, SGT Doe served as the Battle NCO in the Delta Company Tactical Operations Center. He effectively communicated with all Battalions within the 2BCT Area of Operations. The objective is to receive incoming supplies, store, issue, and ship outgoing goods. With no experience in forklift operations, he assisted with the loading and proper placement of six containers in a condensed location. His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell. Soldier's dedication to duty and strict enforcement of supply procedures resulted in him maintaining 100% accountability of the commander's property. SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. Your email address will . 521. His accountability and accurate inventory of on-hand parts facilitated 100% inventory accuracy for the Task Force which allowed a reduction of on-hand parts from $1,000,000 to $600,000. Her influence enhanced the CDSP of the Battalion. In short, they are the Battalion Logistics Officer. Thanks for your service and your support. As executive officer while in Iraq, LT Doe led over 20 company patrols in support of Brigade operations throughout the AOR. Her enthusiasm, ability to adapt, and meticulous attention to detail ensured the timely and professional handling of the division's administrative functions. He maintained detailed and accurate records of all indirect fire attacks on the FOB, twelve Combat Outposts, ten Joint Security Stations, and the Green Zone. trained battalion and brigade reenlistment NCOs to win 1st Qtr FY91 Reenlistment Award; researched, designed and executed highly realistic cavalry scout combat . SGT Doe has shown a great flexibility and adaptability in all her duty positions, making her an invaluable team member. She effortlessly implemented key changes in the daily Black Book by including several new support sections, which were instrumental in guiding the senior leadership in the planning of possible contingency operations in Southwest Asia. Her/His attention to detail and ability to learn quickly has allowed her/him to take on responsibilities well above her/his pay grade. ACHIEVEMENT #2_RANK & Name_ performance greatly contributed to the serviceability and accountability of the unit's equipment. COMMAND POST NCOIC EOT ARCOM. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. SSG Doe served as the Tech Supply NCOIC for B Co. 248th Aviation Support Company (ASC) throughout the deployment to Kosovo in support of KFOR 18. With very little formal training, SGT Doe became the brigade's authority for the newly fielded Global Broadcast System (GBS). Prepared and presented a daily all-source intelligence briefing to the Commander, and J2 personnel to provide an essential starting point for watch changeover. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. Their ability to predict the enemy's pattern of attacks resulted in zero fatalities and minimal contact during movement to the FOB. His/Her driven performance kept ____Echo Company ahead of the rest of the ________ Brigade in relation to their Standard Army Management Information System (STAMIS) readiness upon arrival to _________________. Additionally he worked to prepare intelligence products and assessments that enhanced his Commander's ability to plan for future combat operations. His efforts were instrumental in maintaining continuity during this period of personnel shortages. As the Balkans Team NCOIC and one of the senior analysts, SGT Doe made an immediate impact by providing analysis and current intelligence products used for dissemination to the CG and his staff. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. 1 of 2 Active duty, reserve and National Guard members serving under federal orders will have their awards approved by their service secretaries, according to the memo. Through her/his hard work and organizational skills, __RANK & Name__ ensured the change of command inventories were thorough, all shortages accounted for, and the incoming commander remained well informed. SPC Cox ensured that the Soldiers of B CO 63RD ESB were supplied with the proper uniforms and OCIE needed to perform their missions across the theater of operations in Afghanistan. Exercised responsibility for maintenance and accountability of facilities and equipment. His actions directly contributed to the detachment delivering 12,837 tons of Class I-IX cargo in support of the mission to stabilize and support Iraq during the national reconstruction effort. Her efforts provided space for bulk mission-essential repair parts for the first time, which improved the turn-around time on Non-Missioned Capable equipment by 45%. His actions also ensured a seamless transfer of information occurred between personnel during daily shift changes, highlighting all critical items needed to guarantee uninterrupted continuation of watch operations. Her expertise in the Balkans region filled many intelligence gaps. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. 32 . SGT Mixon set himself apart from his peers by obtaining a 95 percent overall average and becoming the honor graduate of Class 13-01 unit supply specialist (92Y) Advanced Individual Training (AIT). SGT Doe displayed phenomenal devotion to physical excellence while deployed in a high operational tempo area of Iraq enabling him to achieve a 298 on his Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), the highest score in the detachment. SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. This responsibility included parts to support 6 PMI 2s and 3 PMI 1 with all repair parts needed. LT Doe deployed with the early ADVON taking control of the off loading of all equipment in Kuwait with no damage to equipment. SGT Doe ensured his team performed their assigned tasks above the standard ensuring his team's and platoon's success. Values are the heart and soul of a great Army. Then we hide it, lest some officer decide we should have to write awards bullets. Due to SPC Doe's outstanding knowledge of the MSRs, choke points, and tactics for Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols he successfully navigated the most challenging roads in Iraq regardless of illumination or weather conditions, without loss or damage to equipment. He/She helped maintain _#_ assigned water points that never went below _#_% stockage level. SPC Doe became a subject matter expert on his Security District while assigned as an intelligence analyst in the BCT S2, Analysis Control Team. SGT Doe advised the platoon leader on all fire support assets he had at his disposal during over one-hundred combat patrols in eastern baghdad. He was tasked personally by the S2 to continue producing the product. His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. PFC Doe displayed commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service, personally contributing to the successful completion of thirty DCLPs. Again with little notice, SGT Doe researched and produced executive summaries providing the necessary relevant intelligence to the CG and his staff. All of them shot 4 bullets. SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment. He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. Supervised the integration of the Division's Information Dominance Center Forward (IDC-FWD) into the G2's CT analysis and reporting effort. She displayed great courage and commitment driving over the dangerous roads of Iraq. As the senior fire support representative in the battalion Tactical Operations Center, SGT Doe effectively battle tracked, controlled, and managed fire support assets required for BN operations, which ensured that each of the four companies received responsive fire support and achieved all effects each operation required. __RANK & Name__ assumed the responsibilities of the Supply NCO while the former Supply NCO transitioned out of the Army. Bullets comments are used to explain any . His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission. SGT Doe's imagery and analysis were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 high value targets. o During recent budget crisis, forward thinking resulted in an alert facility maintaining enough cleaning supplies that lasted. turn-in of 3,103 lines valued at $209M-managed and coached 32 Soldiers and nine NCOs to maintained operational readiness which contribute to the SSA rated #1 in the Division-established and displayed a genuine atmosphere of pride and professionalism for her Soldiers DEVELOPS: (Met Standard)-motivated and mentored four Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant and one Sergeant to the rank of Staff . Driving over 4,363 accident/incident free miles, SGT Doe earned the recognition of high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters. SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. # 1: During his tenure in Company Command, CPT Edwards maintained a DMOSQ rate of 95% within his company, an improvement or more than 27% since taking command. With short notice he was always ready to assist in Common Task Training, weapon qualification, driver and escort train-up and Sergeant Time Training. ACHIEVEMENT #2As a Petroleum Supply Specialist in ____ Company, __RANK & Name__ was vital to the refuel operation for _#_ UH-60M helicopters providing air assault, counter IED, and battlefield circulation support throughout Multi-National Division- North. Responded to short-notice intel taskers levied by senior leaders. His/Her military bearing and commitment set the standard for others to emulate. Upon hearing the detonation, PFC Doe quickly moved to the scene, and discovered a fire erupting behind a locked door. Her/His attention to detail helped the unit maintain 100% compliance with 24 consecutive reconciliations (RECONs) and assisted with the lateral transfer and turn-in of a Theater Property Book (TPE) hand receipt valued over $_______. Met Standard. As a result, the detachment safely hauled over 12,837 tons of equipment while participating in 160 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols and 440 base support missions driving more than 102,000 incident free miles during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-10. He served as a Battalion S-2 and Brigade Assistant S-2 during the 3rd Brigade's rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, as well normal live fire exercises, and numerous other training events. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. Hood, o ensured 100% accountability of BN sensitive items from Iraq to US, o instrumental in zero shortages in forward property books when merged to rear property books, o brought an inherited unsatisfactory BN S4 supply section to a commendable rating of 100% of all units Hand Receipts inventoried and signed within 3 months, o nominated by the Chief of Staff Army Supply Excellence Award program by the 648th RSG, o nominated for the nation's Ten Outstanding Americans for true dedication unit mission and the ability to go above and beyond expected, o prosessed over 250 DTS's and more than 200 orders in a 3 month period, o successfully moved $3 million of equipment while maintaining 100% accountability, o her willingness to step up and demonstrate her ability to operate the PBUSE workstation prevented mission failure, o overhauled company supply operations resulting in a seamless change of command inventory with no FLIPL actions initiated for the outgoing Commander, o military bearing, tact, and professionalism were at a level well beyond hers pay grade, o maintained Supply records for entire HHD, o coordinated billeting, linen, transportation, meals, and supplies throughout duration of the mission ensuring no lapse in support, o took lead in the absense of leadership to prevent mission failure, o conducted herself in a manner typically displayed by a Senior NCO, o coordinated S4 issues with military assets, key leader engagements, and ASA Fort Dix civilians competently and efficiently, o inducted into the Order of Saint Martin by USAREUR G4 for his cumulative contributions to USAREUR and the 172D Infantry Brigade, o achieved commendable ratings in four areas during CIP inspection conducted by Material Support Center-Korea Fiscal Year 2012, o completed training on Force And Asset Search Tool, annual Defense Travel System, IG concepts and systems, EOL, SHARP, and inspection process, o received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Management from University of Phoenix with a 3.38 Grade Point Average, o proficiently maintained direct responsibility for property book records worth over one billion dollars comprised of military and commercial Class VII equipment. 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