Crystal healing has been practiced as a medical discipline through out many of histories ancient cultures up to the present day. The therapy involves theuse of and placement of crystals around or upon the body to rebalance physical, mental or emotional problems.
Crystal Healing is an effective but non-invasive therapy that produces very effective results on all levels: mind, body and spirit.
This indepth year long course will teach you:
subtle energies and their effects of many common crystals
geology and growth patterns
chemical construction of crystals
basic anatomy & physiology of the physical and energy bodies
how to create holistic healing at many levels
The science behind crystal healing
Crystal Elixirs and Crystal Infusions
Business practice and development
This accredited course provides a diploma to practice upon completion
Successful completion of the course is based upon a minimum of 80% attendance, course end examination, case studies and two small essays on topics of crystal healing which interest you.
These are some of the more useful books I have read on this topic
The Encyclopaedia of Crystal covers more in-depth crystal profiles than the bibles do - and are an invaluable tool when looking more at the geology and structure of crystals and their use
The Essential Crystal Handbook is a small pocket sized guide that contains a wealth on in formation - essential for carrying around in your mobile toolkit
Though only a small book it specifically focuses on the structure of quartz crystals -with excellent photographs and line drawings to explain the properties of each formation.
Grouping crystals by colour makes this book a useful way of identifying crystals when you are not sure what they are. It also ties in well when using the crystals based on chakra colours.