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Anatomy & Physiology –

Anatomy & Physiology


For all massage therapists to work professionally they should have a current Anatomy and Physiology diploma – information that should be kept current and fresh

Anatomy and Physiology is a huge and complex topic that fazes many people – and once learnt is easy forgotten. 

Our teaching methods break this complex and difficult subject down into bite size chunks that enable delegates to easily absorb information and build on the items as they work through the course.  This method of teaching has proved extremely effective with our previous courses and enables delegates unused to studying to absorb information quickly and easily.

This course will cover each of the body systems, its structure, components and function – both in health and illness. 

Each body system is broken down into small manageable chunks with self assessment learning tests along the way for you to assess your own level of learning as well as a small test at the end of each system which can be assessed by your tutor. 

This course can be taken as a postal course – though the final examination is required to be taken in person.  

For people choosing to take a solely postal route, help and support is available at all times either by phone, email or personal meeting with your tutor.   

One day a month is set aside for delegates to attend for face to face training sessions and information exchange though attendance upon this is not compulsory for successful completion of the course (some professional organisations insist upon an A&P diploma obtained through in-situ training and will not accept postal)

There is no time limit to this course – it can be taken at your own pace, though the recommended time span is 12 months.  Successful completion of each module will be accredited to you towards your complete Diploma.

Upon completion of all the body system modules, it will be required that you attend and sit a theoretical examination – based around multiple choice questions, diagram labelling and short answer questions.

Successful completion of this Examination will award a Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology.