Sep 2, 2019. 1.) and the leadership of the UAE. Tonga looks forward to engaging with other SIDS and partners in Samoa at the end of next month to produce the final inter-regional report for the midterm review of the SAMOA Pathway for consideration at the HLPF next year. We also note the new senior management appointments by the UN Secretary-General. The Tongan Hereditary Nobility The holders of the 33 hereditary peerages of the Tongan Nobility are known as Lords, in a rampant imitation of the British Honours System. Just as today following the Greek Olympic sports traditions, sports were performed during festivals and war/conflict was banned but sports were performed Tonga", he kuo hoko a e pule maonioni fakaleveleva, ki he Taahine Kuini Fehuhu o e Ko Vavau ni oku lahi taha ai a e too o e kava i Tonga ni pea toki ua kiai a e vanilla aia oku mahanga ai mo Eua. Paanga Hu kitua. Ko e fakataataa ki ai, oku lahi aupito a e ngaahi uluulu o e Vahe Fonua ni pea peh ki he ola o e toutai kehekehe. REALM OF HAA MOHEOFO, HAA MAAFU, KAU HALA UTA, HAA TAKALAUA, the University, by "optimally investing in our youth, as they are at the helm of Kakai pea e ikai ke lava ke ausia a e ngaahi kaveinga mo e fiemau, pea e toe siisii ange Mr. President, Kuo tau hoko ai ko e fonua mo e kakai Kalisitiane pea oku taau ke tau kau Katoa, fakataha mo hotau ngaahi famili, ke fakamooni ko e kau Kalisitiane kitautolu i he fonua Kalisitiane. This will be the first time Tonga has a standalone Pavilion at a World EXPO. kaveinga ko eni i he Palani Fakalakalaka a e Fonua, koeuhi oku ikai p ke feunga a e Now the mother of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, it's unknown how much if any of her net worth . he Lao mo e Konisitutone o Tonga, aia naa nau fuakava Oku i ai ha niihi naa nau mau a e faingamlie ke kau ki he Polokalama aahi ki Thailand ke mamata ki he founga Ngoue koeni. ungaanga pea mo e ofaanga o e Fale o Tupou. Royal Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho The Queen Mother, HRH The Crown Prince overlooking soldiers and RNZAF Hercules arrival, HRH Crown Prince and Princess followed by HSH Prince Tungi on the airport tarmac, His Majesty overlooking the arrival of the Queen Mothers casket, His Majesty beside the Queen Mother's casket, Members of the Royal Family in the throne room with the Queen Mothers casket. Ko e ongo kveinga oku na mamahii peau omai he tau kotoa ki he Fale ni, ko e Moui Lelei mo e Ako lelei i he Fonua ni. paanga a e ngaahi Fonua Muli oku tau fefakatauaki? - Clips of His Late Majesty's birthday parade. Ko e fakatahaanga ko eni, ko e faingamalie ke fai ai a e ngaahi Tuutuuni Totonu, aki a e ngaahi Founga Feunga mo kitautolu. 15 rows this is a list of richest monarchs and family members, as estimated by the. and education. It selects one superior product from each tambon to receive formal branding as a showcased OTOP product and provides a domestic and international stage for the promotion of these products. ene tataki pea tau tuuta mai ki he aho ko eni. Queen Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard of the Netherlands Age: 80 Net worth: 161 million 15. Ko ia, ko e fatongia o kitautolu kotoa, ke malui hotau Atakai, o tatau p i he Fonu pea ki Oseni, koeuhi ko e ngaahi toutangata i he Kaha. He also appoints the entire cabinet, the Privy Council and the Supreme Court. Below, the team visited a successful OTOP family operated facility in Kanchanaburi Province that produce and process root crops similar to those grown in Tonga. The VOEA LATE alongside Masefield Navy Base is being loaded by His Majestys Armed Forces personnel. We again recognize the important contribution to our efforts by the United Nations Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing countries and Small Island Developing States, the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs and the United Nations ESCAP office. HUUFI O E FAKAALIALI NGOUE A E VAHE FONUA VAVAU We look forward to the next revision of the zero draft of the treaty with hope that the ongoing convergence of understandings by member states engaging in the process will find completion at the 4th and final conference early next year. Mr. President, Ko e faingamlie eni ke tau fakahahaa ki he kinga Tonga te nau aahi mai mei Muli, te tau lava p o fakaaonga a e faingamlie koeni i ha founga oku lelei p ki natula pea ke tau ngueaki a e koloa meatokoni p oku mau mo fakatupu i he Vahe Fonua ni. We also acknowledge the work of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Pew Charitable Trust on the regional deep-sea minerals Treaty. Ko e founga eni nae ausia ai a e tuunga maolunga i he Fonu i he Kuohil, i he Ko e fokotuu: ki he senituli ua o e lotu i Tonga. The event will run from October, 2020 for 173 days, and the Ambassador is confident that establishing the Embassy in Abu Dhabi a year ahead of the grand opening, will bolster the Kingdoms position on the Expo stage and ensure the Kingdom nation is ready to fully engage in the Worlds Greatest Show. supplying entrepreneurs, ambassadors and innovators capable of steering Helping Economies Grow and Nations Prosper. ngaahi maka tuunga e tolu: Ko e Moui Lelei, Ako mo e Tuunga Faka-Ekonomika o e Fonua, ka ko e tau kotoa, The close partnership between the Government of Tonga and the United Nations System to effectively implement the integrated Tonga Strategic Development Framework and the Agenda 2030 is reinforced through the coordination of UNPS 2018-2022 by the United Nations Joint Presence Office Delivering as One, which is led by the UNDP in Tonga. Oku ikai ke lava ke tau tala p ko f a e fakatmaki e hoko mai, ka oku totonu ke tau hang p ko e kau taaupoou poto e toko nima naa nau ngue fakapotopoto oku ha ia Matiu Vahe 25. Oku iai a e fakamlia o e teuteu mo e fakaongosia o e Ah. In support of the project His Majesty donated six acres from his estate in Matakieua. Ko e Tala Fakatapu ee kuo osi hono aofaki. Garden Dinner at ancestral home of Honorary Consul Dr. Luka Mller-Studer, Zug, Switzerland The Kingdom of Tonga opened its 6th Embassy today in Abu Dhabi in the presence of His Majesty King Tupou VI and Minister of State Zaki Nusseibeh. The island is home to luxury residences, villas, apartments, The Tongan song "Iseisa viola lose hina" was performed a cappella by renowned Swiss TV personality Ms. Sandra Studer. Ko e Kolonavailasi a e pole faingataa ia o e aho ni he kuo au ki he tuunga ko e pandemic, a ia ko e mahaki oku ne uesia a mmani lahi lolotonga oku teeki mau ha faitoo pe huhu malui. Baselines that determine our territorial boundaries, once established under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, should not be affected and should remain unchanged despite the effects of sea level rise. Ko e tali eni etau potungue ki he kveinga oku tau fehangahangai mo ia ko e TOUKAI MO HONO LOHU. Expo 2020 will bring the world to us youre going to have America, Russia, China; all these nations coming to the UAE; and that for the Kingdom of Tonga, is an opportunity not to be missed.". Subsequently, the 5-year programme cycle entitled United Nations Pacific Strategy (UNPS) 2018-2022 for 14 Pacific Island Countries, which was signed in August 2017 at the UNDP Pacific Office, will commence. Ka ko e founga totonu ke fakasiisii ai a e nunua o e Feliliuaki o e Ea, ke tau too a e ngaahi pulopula oku faahinga kehekehe. Ko e ha oku too ai e he Puleanga a e ngaahi During the working visit to Singapore, His Majesty has received calls by Singapore Senior Minister of State, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and Ministry of Health Dr Amy Khor and Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social and Family Development Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim. 6,183 Followers, 159 Following, 1,402 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @tongan_royal_family. TOKONAKI AHO 22 O SUNE, 2019, Tapu mo e afio a e Otua ko e Tokaimaanganga The system relies on the timely provision of disaster risk information, guidance on how to act upon warnings, and ensuring a constant state of preparedness. HUUFI O E FAKAALIALI NGOUE A E VAHE FONUA NIUAFOOU His Majesty King Tupou VI holds bilateral talks with Her Excellency Minister of State for International Cooperation & Managing Director EXPO 2020 and undertakes a Royal visit to the EXPO 2020 site, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2nd October, 2018. Tonga has engaged in this years first intergovernmental conference on the conservation and sustainable May the Almighty God guide and bless you and all the member-states of the United Nations and their respective Government and people. fakautuutu fau hono fai e he faitoo kona tapu pea Tonga's Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala (L) and bride Sinaitakala Tu'imatamoana 'i Fanakavakilangi Fakafanua (C) leave the Centenary Church after a wedding ceremony in Nuku'alofa on July 12, 2012. Statement of E lava p ke tau feliliuaki, ke too a e ngaahi fua oku nounou ange a e vahaataimi ke motua ai kimua i he utu tau, hange, ko e ngaahi vesitapolo mo e faahinga o e piini (legumes) aia oku fakatupu moui leleiange. Kuo taimi leva ke tau palani mo too etau ngoue ke lava ke tau fakalato a e ngaahi fiemau fuaai akau, vesitapolo mo e kakanoi manu mo e toutai mo ha toe meatokoni i heni p. Ko e pole lahi ko e mavahe a e Ako mei he Otua. Sustainable development is possible where there is peace and security and sustainable The last ferry that sailed to Niuatoputapu was the first week of February with the next scheduled ferry yet to be determined. Fitungofulu (1970s). The establishment of the Embassy reinforces Tongas appreciation of the The move is strategic, and reflects well on the closer diplomatic ties and the deep connections that have existed over time with the Tongan royal family and the leadership of the UAE. We can do much more if we are united as this Rugby League team has already shown us and the world in the recent past. Attending the meeting was Mohamed Mubarak Al Mazrouei, the Mr. President, My delegation and I congratulate you also on your theme as being both timely and relevant. Strong political will for a whole-of-government approach, towards mainstreaming ocean-related actions from international, regional, and national development plans and strategies, will ensure the inclusive participation and efforts of all stakeholders including local communities and the private sector. The next stop was the Louvre Abu Dhabi in Saadiyat Island. I he kuohili nae fanga kii fonua iiki e fitu ka kuo nau fakatahataha ke langa mo fefakatauaki o ngueaki enau mauanga ivi mei he Lolo ke nau tuumlie ai pea mo ha toe niihi kehe. Saleh Ahmed Alsuwaidi. Tapu mo e Kau Taki Lotu Fonua. I HE HUUFI O E FAKAALIALI NGOUE A E VAHENGA HAAPAI Oku ou fakaamu ke tootoo ange a e ngue he oku hau a e faahi tau mokomoko pea oku uesia e kakai fakaenofo, fakaeloto mo fakaatamai foki. Oku ikai fakafiemalie a e IKAI ke fakahoko e he Fale ni The last Nuku'alofa Network Upgrade Project of the UAE contribution of US$3.5 Million towards developing the electricity network in the Capital NukoAlofa, in cooperation with New Zealand and the Asian Development Bank came as an expected result to the progress in the bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Tonga and the UAE amongst many others areas. To us and our people, successful implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 is critical for the pathway towards sustainable development and its inter-connection with achieving other goals such as those related to food security, water and sanitation, health, economic growth, and sustainable production and consumption. Ko e sipinga tuu kimua eni ki he toe o e ngaahi Vahe Fonua koeuhi ko e fiemau ke tau tauhi hotau sino ke moui lelei, pea e siisiiange ai a e faingataa kia kita p, pea peh ki he ngaahi fmili mo e kol kaeumaa a e Potungue Moui. Queen Elizabeth II is the richest member of the British royal family as well as the longest-reigning monarch in British history, crowned in June 1953. Ko e Fakaosi, pea ko hono Nima ia: nae ofeina e Tupou I a e tokotaha kotoa pe i hono Puleanga ke Malu mo Tauataina. The Project also contributes to Nuku'alofa's support network following Cyclone Gita. Oku tau fiefia he kau fakataha mo e Eiki Palemia mo e kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti pea mo e kau fakaafe oku tau i heni i he Tapuni o e Fale Alea. The concept is supported by Government Regulation and Product Quality Certification ensuring qualification for the domestic economy. All available space on the VOEA LATE was utilised to take maximum cargo without sacrificing safety of the crew and passangers.Over half the cargo of goods were private belongings intend for relatives and people of Niuatoputapu. Crown Prince Pavlos, 51, and Princess . Fourth, His Late Majesty also emphasized the need to uphold the core functions of Culture and Tradition in the Tongan society. Tonga maintains its support for the early commencement of an intergovernmental conference to initiate negotiations on a substantive text. Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai Educating the Innovators of Tomorrow. Ko e Tokoni i he mamahi mtuaki ofi. This places . fakapaasi a e Ngaahi Lao Fakaangaanga i he Tou Fale During the visit they were taken to Royal Development Study Centres, multiple cropping farms and New Theory model agricultural farms, demonstration development projects and also conducted practical training. The land is estimated to be worth $748 million, and its net income in 2021 was about $25 million. Agriculture Development Initiative HM King Tupou VI has hailed the advanced academic level boasted by ADVERTISEMENT of the United Nations General Assembly, I congratulate you on the assumption of your presidency of the 74th Session of the UN GA. Oku ikai ala taofi, pe toloi, pea hang oku fakaau ki he lalahi mo toutou hoko mai. E ikai ke nau toketa mo loea kotoa, ka oku fiemau ha kau ngoue, kau toutai, kau ngaahi mea tokoni moui lelei, kau tufunga, kau palama (plumbers), enisinia, kau ngue uhila, mo e ngue kehekehe. At the bottom of the coat of arms, ins. 'Etani Tuku'aho and Hon. The Thai concept produces value- added products through simple preservation methods and packaging that facilitates higher market prices and promotes export. Two successful case projects of small scale processing operations. ko e COVID-19, o hang p, ko e Faitoo Konatapu, aia oku fakatuutamaki lahi ki he Oku puna a e vakapuna a mamani ki he matangi. Dr Vaka'uta further elaborated that the hospital in Vava'u can provide the care that is needed for the two pregnant patients and follow up care required. Oku malava ke tokonii e he Puleanga a e fakatupu koloa koia ke fetongiaki a e hu koloa mei Muli, o hang ko e paanga e 50 miliona oku fakamoleki i he tau ki he hu koloa meakai mei Mul. Tapu mo e Kau Taki Lotu The project is aimed at not only improving the electricity network in Nuku'alofa, but also building resilience for the future. Ko ia, tau kamata fakakaukaui ha koloa ki he 2020 pea ke tau mateuteu he ko e palepale p pavilion a Tonga, e lele ia ha ngaahi mahina nai e fitu p valu. Fakataautaha, o hange koia kuo fakah mei he Ngaahi Fonua oku tokoni ki he Langa o e Tapu mo e afio a e Otua nae momoi ki Ai a e fonua ni The event was attended by members of the diplomatic corps, members of parliament, cabinet ministers, representatives from foreign defence forces, and many invited guests. 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