There are many in our society that genuinely need our help the deserving poor its called, sadly more often than not the help doesnt always reach the people that need it but we do try at least to be fair. Progressives are no better than Conservatives. by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. Seemed like a great app concept to help keep up with the furious news cycle. Unions. It does it is good as a millennial to see a baby boomer acknowledge this- thanks. @Maria Aroca "keep them in poverty for life" oh yeah, because everyone's fucking prospering right now, @MugenHeadNinja they just don't have the right attitude to get stuff done. Tests rely on cultural cues that often skew toward affluent white people. Dave is the author of more than two dozen books and has contributed to many sites and publications including CNET, Forbes, PC World, How To Geek, and Insider. However, when talking about "bias" most people are talking about a political bias in Google's search algorithms. Washington Post @Mark Welch In India, people are starving yet we have been voting right wing for some time now. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. @ErikratKhandnalie so who pays for it? @Alex C Er, no. 12 years of mismanagement can't be anymore proof. Who did they buy them from? The AllSides Media Bias Ratings and AllSides Media Bias Chart help make news bias transparent . That's about the same ratio of suck. Half of our population are in the top 1%. Young peoples brains aren't even fully developed. . Answer (1 of 30): The UK Column, at the moment seems to be the most unbiased, and taking a lot of abuse recently for just that reason. GPT-3 has internet-scale prejudices, prompting further research in bias in language models GPT-3 is cool:) thanks for reading! We've aggregated 258 of TLDR News's headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. Readers about current events choose to report what is the most interesting stories startups. Watch Reddit Die is a place to track reddit's abandonment of free speech and decline into censorship. Voting for the party of low tax to protect their precious pensions and their assets (namely those relatively cheap houses). Another problem with the housing thing is older people having huge homes. It's pretty much because of Thatcher/Reagan and other 70's/80's era Neoliberals [with hints of other far-right strains like Segregationists or Enoch Powell] that the system is as it is. Like I said, I can't speak for Illinois. But yes I agree a percentage of potential inheritable wealth will be used up in healthcare or just SKIed through. Sorry to burst your bubble, but scientists are not any morally superior. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. The reason? There are already people making huge money surrounding you. You think the future is purely decay with no new growth.But this is only because you and the other conservative types think planting trees who's branches you personally would never get to enjoy the shade from is a worthless endevor, because your selfish ideology can't imagine doing things that aren't to your perceived benefit.Yall even turn doing good deeds into purely an egotistical exercise in trying to convince a deity to let you into heaven. Answer (1 of 12): I don't know about "impartial," but TL;DR at least tries to fairly present multiple sides. Capitalism as a system has to have constant economic growth to work and a trend among millennial and gen-Z folk is that theyre not having children. Now we need an actual party that wants to make sure Britain remains British. @jane1975 If we are just making stuff up I will simply assert that people over 35 suffer from brain damage and this is why many of them vote conservative. There are currently 4500+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day. Inheritance needs to be abolished, anyway. The half that didn't on the whole are happier and more accomplished. Financially.Also, there are other issues to be faced. Without filter political independence in executing there videos, no one person be. It was founded in 2017 and states that its core principals are being "an independent and unbiased organisation" that "aims to make news and politics easier to understand". They attract a young audience which are easily misled and influenced by TLDRs political left winged bias & its prompted brexit pessimism. Compare how different sources are reporting on the story for a better sense of the bigger picture. Newsletter with links and TLDRs of the news of today, without bias and without filter the Supreme! 308 Suppressed Db, Funding. My life is far easier and more luxurious then my parents and Grandparents generation. TLDR: /news subreddit is clearly biased and will ban anyone with an opposing opinion despite presenting articles and facts. <p>UK Parliament. Racism, discrimination, Not much company due to livin in a totally different culture. The oh so well known subreddit /news banned me with no reasoning other than what I assume to be going against a rule. My wife and I are in one of the older age groups but we still have friends we met from when we were students, and like us, their politics are very left of centre. I personally feel that my situation will not be any better, if not worse than the millennials. If you don't want to buy an house, why work so much? @J dG lol, it's funny that you'd try to pre-empt the discussion by calling my response shallow.Probably because that's exactly the kind of insult that have been thrown at you before huh? And as soon as we did we hit covid and lost out again. It's the spoilt middle class brats with their sense of entitlement that moan about life. A lot of Landlords buy damaged or deteriorating property, renovate it, and then rent it out or sell it. Conservatives: destroy the things, that humans want to conserve, for the next generationThe next generation: doesn't vote conservativesConservatives: surprised pikachu face. All Content for TLDR News available on Youtube . No, there actually isn't truth to what you're saying Sam Jo. See the difference in media coverage. This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 07:44. Your grandparents and parents may have very well seen horrific warfare and demanded a better deal - The NHS, the welfare system, social housing.Now come along the boomers, squandering it all and then bringing in neoliberalism as they hit the workforce. Leninism is worthless. Basically, the failure of the social safety net and blaming the people most dependent on it will make them left leaning. Since we are talking about the issue of affordability in big cities, than the question is how can we improve the affordability of big cities? "Eat the rich" just means giving away enough that the people around you (nationally or internationally) can live a decent live including yourself. i advise you to go read about those policies during the times you nostalgicially describe as such good timenes you will find out inetersting things. That obviously doesnt't mean everybody should get the exact same. Supreme Court Vacancy: Who Will Biden Choose? From recession to housing crises to brexit to covid and so on. If it's already like this right now, i really worry for my own kid when it's time to enter the adult world. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were already on Twitter and Instagram but have now expanded their social media profile to cover YouTube as well. @ArcannaRyulike communism showed, messing with agriculture endangers the lives of millions and so I actually don't agree that it would be a "net loss" to hold off famine with so called "unsustainable" practices. This is also very visible in the business world, with out-of-touch older executives complaining that younger workers are "mercenary" and not "loyal" to their employers. TLDR is a daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in startups , tech , and programming ! and put it into a media bias chart. Everyone just kinda gets that things are fucked and well be poor. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. I feel like it's not just conservative policies on economics and family values that have millennials voting more liberal. They lean left and blame Tories or conservative policies to justify and blame someone or something for their unhappiness. Been working now for 14 years. @Makhno the Cossack "untill the workers started demanding to be treated as people with human rights, instead of new slaves. The UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for monitoring the impartiality of private media outlets. I dont like all of my generation a bunch of them are crazy but honestly when I see what they grew up with aka their parents and or grandparents Im not surprised. Some of are changing our thinking though. TLDR Pages (stylized as tldr-pages) is a free and open-source collaborative software documentation project that aims to be a simpler, more approachable complement to traditional man pages.It's a collection of community-maintained help pages that covers command-line utilities and other computer programs. And I hate it. Most of the success and wealth that free market capitalism has created had only been realized to a wider society once the government has intervened in markets. Telling everyone to just move clearly isn't working since people don't want to move. If you want unfiltered you can select 'new' instead which are unvoted and may have less human-bias. They have failed to deliver impartiality and political independence in executing there videos. Such is communism. Quit being part of the problem and start being more creative and goal oriented and comprehensive both about history and the situation of the modern day.Sh;t has to change, and it has to change in ways that aren't just world War 2 again because that's the only part of history yall were taught in school that seemed vaugly relevant and the only comparison yall can think to make.So here's a bright idea. Developers can be paid through public funds, and land can largely be expropriated from large scale landowners. The older we get the more knowledge we gain but the less open we are to change.I think what we see with millenials is a course correction. @briandamy Full-time minimum wage folks who never went to college "earn five figures", as well as people who went into the trades. So we create videos to make the world around you simpler actually out ( what Next Are currently 4500+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day bias Chart | AllSides /a. I hope he rots my response was well at least hes not rotting in the ground with a hole in his chest. Followed by the facts of what happened, what kyle did, and what Huber and the other two did with links, facts, and a video of the incident weve all seen time and time again. Subscribe. Understanding the popular internet shorthand that refers to private messaging, TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read.". I used to be one of those online edgelord types, who enjoyed seeing leftist activists blunder and suffer, and had fairly libertarian views, when I was in my late teens and early 20s. Millenials have to rent outside of their home village or town and thus lose their connection to it. Just a thought. AllSides Media Bias Chart. though, also the most polarized it seems but yeah, what country would you say is better? @Hardcore Remixer in the context of this video and the thread, the younger generation has many concerns about stagnating wages paired with rapidly inflating costs for housing, childcare, and in the US, healthcare. The point of the competition is that only one will win and the rest will perish, and after that there will be no competition. And get somewhere in life. Script error: No such module "AfC topic". Housing and apartment prices have been far too high for the past decade, except now it's reached its boiling point to where everyone is effected by it. TLDR News (often shortened to TLDR)[1][2] is an independent, impartial alternative media[3] organisation based in the United Kingdom. There is a dark mode available if you tap on the top right menu button. Help make news and information you need tldr news bias so you can make own! Labour genuinely is an alternative, it's just in order to get yourself in Number 10 Downing Street you have to to appeal to the broader electorate. etc. We are the most comprehensive media bias resource on the internet. Yeah, sure, momentum might make things play out as it was done traditionally for a while but with money on the line how long will it be before teams start stacking things in their favor and the "game" dissolves into a hot mess. Dave grew up in New Jersey before entering the Air Force to operate satellites, teach space operations, and do space launch planning. I don't want my kids or grandchildren to grow up without a hope of buying their own house, or growing up with an environment that's been ruined by corporate greed, the same corporations run by boomers and Gen x. that is shared on the site is that of the petition creator. Thinking that it's how it's always been for thousands of years.When you dumbasses don't even realize that half the stuff you're taking for granted as "how it's always been" aren't even 70 years old yet!You guys don't know jack squat about history! They can't undo that. Pffft, if they're worried about millennials, they're gonna have an even worse shock in a few years. Well jokes on you and humanity, change is an utter crippling slowpoke. Why are Republicans Struggling to Replace Nancy Pelosi? Besides that what kind of field do you have a degree in? You can research pay and benefits that come with a major/job on your smartphone from the comfort of your own bed. @PhysicsGamer So what is your solution to the grooming of young white British people by asian men, calling them white slags, the boats coming from France, the preservation of English heritage, the rise of broken homes, decreasing house prices, getting the number of murders committed by minorities under control?It seems that a lot of major issues are not being addressed by many of the main parties. 'TLDR News' uses a new algorithm to summarise the newest, hottest or top news in a category (or all) or your choosing. There is hardly anything free when the free market dismantles itself by ending up with only few large corporations that can order the ways of market. Last thing I want is more government intervention, but at a certain point this "free" market became a monopoly, so it's either gonna have to be full anarchy for a while in order for a hard reset to happen or we get more government involved to regulate. Become a Supermanager: Lessons on Building a Human-Centric Organization and Workplace Flexibility Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 74 Read more Learn All About Retaining Top Talent & Running Great Meetings Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 73 Read more As a photographer, Dave has photographed wolves in their natural environment; he's also a scuba instructor and co-host of several podcasts. [1][2], The team were invited to give a presentation about youth engagement in news and politics at 10 Downing Street at the end of 2019.[2]. Support MBFC Donations TLDR It is shown that Lasso-based inference methods can exhibit substantial omitted variable biases (OVBs) due to Lasso not selecting relevant controls, and relying on the existing asymptotic inference theory can be problematic in empirical applications. Sure, we're always warned to not believe everything posted online, however it's not too hard to find truths out there. Log In. @Frisbee The way I've always looked at it is that a "free market" works about as well as a professional football games without a rulebook or a referee. Remember when school/tv/our parents told us we could be anything if we worked hard enough? No one person can be an expert in. He then spent eight years as a content lead on the Windows team at Microsoft. There is a generational shift possibly but there are also a mixture young and older Conservatives just as much as there are in the other parties too, I was raised to see both sides and I made my mind up even as a child I thought the left were a bunch of anarchic thugs and I still think that way. But that's not even a real issue. Or maybe ya just can't think of an original insult and can only use one's that have been used against you?You really are the type to have only witnessed a fraction of a fraction, and extrapolated from that, rather than turn your head from side to side and get even a slightly broader picture of things aren't cha?Might as well describe a horse to somone who has only ever seen a shadow of it on the wall.I wish I could show you how friggan tired your arguments are in a way you would understand.Like you genuinely thought any of that was supposed to be an argument I or any other leftist hadn't heard before? Should the West Give Putin Security Guarantees? TLDR News focuses primarily on the production of animated content for YouTube, having established a number of dedicated channels; each focusing on a specific geographical location. Was This Russia's Worst Mistake in the Ukraine War So Far? If we can't live for ourselves, the quality of care for the elderly will drop too (I predict large numbers of young people may emmigrate away if trends continue).Voting for Tories is a shot in the foot for almost everyone who isn't a millionaire, but especially damming for the young. There's no point in trying to go against market forces. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision.TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. Anyways, i'm personally voting for Poundland and Aldi in the next general election as they have helped me the most in surviving university in the current economic environment. The history behind the internet acronym and and how to use it in a chat, What does NSFW mean? It's a real shame, but not exclusively a British problem. I was only rude and just as rude in my remarks as those originally given towards me by redditors replying to my comments. In a western democracy, this gave them unprecedented political capital. For Rent By Owner Bergen County, Nj, I really hope we can oust this tory government and progress in this country for the betterment of each other, otherwise people of my generation will eventually find the motivation to live elsewhere, further sending the country into squalor. Why America had the Best Year Ever in 2022, Could Britain End the Monarchy & Become a Republic? The conservatives here are crazier for a much different reason. Take, for example, "Oblique Strategies," a deck of cards created by Brian Eno . "Why do you believe that this is the case?What prevents a worker negotiating for a higher wage?Under free market capitalism, both parties must consent. Ground News shows you all the news, regardless of political bias. I've been a professional engineer since I left school, still no home or family of my own at 38. I dont know anyone under 60 that has one. . Yet, she remains rabidly left-wing (unlike my dad, who has followed the boomer trajectory and is now a moderate conservative who listens to The Who). To bad the app appears bent towards attempting to guide readers to conclusion. MediaBiasFactCheck Ground News God save you my friend. @Earth Enjoyer You just automatically jumped to judgment. My clairvoyance is limitless!I'm still a socialist though. In the 20th century generally towards more progressive positions but in the last decade or so in the other direction. You should look into trickle down economics, neoliberalism, and how Reagan pretty much began the destruction of the middle class even to this day. Always expecting sacrifices to instead be an investment that will repay them plus intrest until the two become synonymous in their heads.All of yall being stuck in a ego boosting rose tinted lie told by the propaganda and advertising of a previous century. A totally different culture influenced by TLDRs political left winged bias & its prompted brexit.! Rely on cultural cues that often skew toward affluent white people under 60 that has one and! A rule to see a baby boomer acknowledge this- thanks entitlement that moan about life political... Out again their connection to it can select 'new ' instead which are unvoted and may have less.. Started demanding to be faced, instead of new slaves every day already... News cycle in his chest a real shame, but not exclusively British... 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