The hero leaped in the air and flew towards the robot at top speed. Even though Superman could kill his nemesis with a single flick of his finger, he was powerless to do so. Superboy landed on the balcony of The Titans Tower. Normally there would be applause and cheering, but now there was only shocked silence. The musky manly smell was enough to squash the last resistance that Superboy had. text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021. What made him feel even more inadequate was the huge bulge that was covered by a flimsy loincloth. Back for more, little boy? He hefted his mace menacingly as his tail danced behind him. Im fine, Clark insisted as he rushed back to the stall. Shirtless Superheroes. Joker leaped up on the top of the jack in the box and pressed his gloved hand against the bottom of the heros ballsack. Gathering his strength, he slammed his fist against the head of his opponent. At one glance he looked like a mask human, but a second glance made him think he was dealing with an actual minotaur. A sob escaped his lips as everything he held dear was about to be destroyed. Finally realized what had happened, Superboy looked around in shock. The crowd actually turned silent when Green Arrow began to scream on top of his lungs. Seconds later, he was naked and his cock saluted the man that he admired with his heart and soul. I can stop back in a few weeks to make sure Superman Hitting his prostate caused the hero to involuntarily orgasm again. Then Id simply leave the dead carcass He flew back to his apartment before collapsing on his bed weeping like a broken hearted little boy. It felt strange wearing his black t-shirt and jeans after hiding in his bed for days. with Superman and you remember what happened the last time. The name of his nemesis sent him over the edge. Let me out of here right now! He demanded. Whats it to be Arrow boy? The Clown demanded. As soon as he saw the chalk white skin and hideous red grin, his cock came to life and within seconds he was completely hard. If you are going to be my protege, we are going to have to create a whole new look for you.. The very first page was a photo of Lex Luthor. The force of the kick caused the hero to roll on his back. 197 Stories. The whole world knows how you and that fucking pervert are chums. Thank Rao that his erection finally went down, but the damage was already done. Well, don't get excited. It was a porn producers wet dream with the length and girth. Growling with frustration, he attempted to leap to his feet. The criminals eyes widened and he looked ready to push Superboy back when Toyman stopped him. The other boys will be scared. The fool thought that all the kryptonite in the world had been destroyed, but the government had been hording it for years. Standing in the small space of the stall, he looked down at his cum soiled slacks. Up you go, little man.. You made Superman cream his pants! Looking up, Green Arrow paled as he realized that he had jizzed all over Jokers suit. Laughter reached his ears as the men came on to the desk. He is the only surviving hero on Earth-3 and the universe's only hope against the Syndicate. The once proud and mighty hero was not hanging upside down with his cock dangling over him. Once again he was slapped across the face but this time on the other cheek. Why cant I break The story describes Joyie's excitement at the start of her school summer vacation. head to look around the room and determines it is the same room with the lead In fact a couple of his hairs got stabbed from the blood drenched blade. Otis ruffled the heros head with an evil smile. The wet spot on his briefs doubled in size. Using his flight, enhanced strength, heat vision, and various other powers, he protects the planet and the universe from powerful threats, all while inspiring hope into others. I would need sperm, hair and blood samples; Superman might still be The brute shook his head with disgust. Even the mocking cat calls and insults hurled at him did little to help. He sneered as he spat at the hero. The minotaur took out his dick and jerked himself making sure to cover Superboy from head to toe with his jizz. The minotaur yawned theatrically as he snatched the rage filled hero right out of the air. Black Adam has defeated the entire justice league singlehandedly. The musk was the most powerful concentration that he had encountered so far. Superman hissed with pain as his cock was pinned between his vulnerable body and the rubber sole of the former henchmans shoe. As Green Arrow climbed up the ladder, he began to feel strange. Never did Superman think that his first time would be here aboard an alien ship and by a gruesome creature. It was his approval and affection that mattered. Twenty seconds later, Clark was dressed and standing on the roof of the Daily Planet. Superman cried out. Superboy gagged as he felt like he was plunged into a cloud of the musky scent. Never did Superman think that his first time would be here aboard an alien ship and by a gruesome creature. Grab your costume and lets go.. Dumont has taken Supermans famous red and blue costume as a It has been three days since his humiliating by The Minotaur. Are you going to teach me to throw knives?, Not quite yet, son. All he ever wanted was to use his powers to help people and now everything was crashing down on his head. Now that Ive had the opportunity to Since the day you came to my city, you have done nothing but meddle in my affairs. When it was over, the office looked like a battleground. Watch as Green Arrow, the Amazing Arrow Boy tried to overcome my special obstacle course. Joker seemed to be giggling softly from a joke that only he knew. Hell, I might decided to take a few of your loved ones out myself., Tears actually started to well up in the mighty heros eyes as he sank down to his knees. The orgasm that was coming quickly destroyed any thoughts that he had as the need to cum was too great for him to bear. The Mayor moved with lightning precision as he manipulated the ropes to form a noose around the heros neck. Lex must have sensed it because he stepped forward with his arms crossed across his chest. Green Arrow felt a rush of joy as his cock rose up to full hardness again. Oliver Queen. Green Arrowed answered without a second thought. Superman looked in horror as he felt the seal lock in place. Doomsday killed him. Very good, Arrow Boy, Joker clapped his hands with enthusiasm. Get up to your feet, Boy Scout.. Superman His body convulsed as he felt the searing heat of this powerful and handsome man. Superboy, story by L.Cross. Superman knew that he should fly away, but he simply could not take his eyes off his nemesis face. superman defeated fanfiction. The lead protects me from its radiations. It was common knowledge that Bruce Wayne adopted Dick when his parents died. Clark! concrete trucks. Color Copiers found here. He gripped the sides of the walls in completely darkness trying to maintain his balance. Why did his nemesis had to look so damn sexy? camp out upstairs for a few days while he collects what I need. Fanfic Recs / Superman Main Analysis Awesome AwesomeMusic Characters ComicBook DrinkingGame FanficRecs FanWorks Film Franchise Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming HoYay Laconic NightmareFuel Pantheon Pinball Quotes ShoutOut TearJerker Trivia WesternAnimati WMG YMMV VideoExamples More Create New divert a tiny bit from the original plan it would allow me to go forward with a It wasnt enough to kill him, but his skin did have a slight green tinge from the exposure. It could be very easily over a battle against Superman. Its looks like we have baby Superman in the house. Superboy felt a surge in his balls like he never felt before in his life. I tore up that note. Therefore, this sample is going to disappear forever. They cleared everything out of the main tent and started to set up an obstacle course. The hero blushed furiously as he bowed his head with humiliation. With a wail, he flung his hand out and everything in the bedroom lifted up in the air and slammed back down to the floor. Please let me explain., A look of disgust came over the chief editors face as he shook his head. Im sorry, sir, Superman sputtered taken back by the force of anger from his boss. The light suddenly blinded the defenceless hero as he was flung right on his ass. As the music reached its crescendo, Green Arrow finally figured out what it was, but it was too late. The laughter didnt help as the crowd jeered and hurled insults at him. He returns and begins to restrain Superman in the collar and shackles. His deep bellow shattered every window in the room as his hips bucked forward. Modestly Do I make myself clear?. obviously essential to even try. Many of them secretly hoped to witness the humiliation and more of of their hated enemy. To make matters worse his The shock silence didnt last long as the criminals took up their count again. A groan escaped from Superboys lips from being called Superbaby. He was the only one who knew that the Joker had learned Nightwings real identity. The pain shot up to his gut as it felt like his intestines were on fire. I think that his mind is broken., I never thought that Superman would crack this way, The Warden admitted sadly. You secretly desire to be every mans bitch.. Stand to your feet and take off that ridiculous costume. The business tycoon ordered. Get info on Tax Refunds. Fuck me harder! Superboy bellowed in lust as his ass moved with the rhythm of his captor. Superman was struggling to climb on his feet but only managed to get on his hands and knees before the men reached him. Despite being dazed and horny as hell, Green Arrow shook his head. This time he didnt even fight it as his face was pressed down against the bare foot of his opponent. With a might roar, the wooden crate burst apart sending shards of wood flying everywhere. The vial quickly filled up and both the pump and the anal probe detracted. Despite everything there hero started to get hard again. Superman quickly covered his tented red briefs with his hands, but he wasnt fast enough to hide his teeming erection. Oh, Jimmy get that thing out of here! Joker was so perfect and wonderful. Pain mingled with pleasure as Superman started to cum for the second time today. All you've got to do is learn what this guy is made of! With a mighty thrust he hurled Superboy through the air. But It's not superman's only weakness. Electric pleasure flooded his body as he could not help but to moan with delight. He looked up at the smiling face of the villain hoping that he had done enough to make up for his mistake. Without even gathering the tattered remains of his costume, he flew through the air as fast as he could to answer Robins summons. Much to the other prisoners surprise, he stood to his feet and come up to the stage. The fat bubbling henchman of Luthor had a huge grin on his face as he raced up to the stage. Robin motioned for the muscled teen to follow him into the main computer room. As soon as I'm sure they're safe. Now, get up there and take care of those guys. The captured criminals booed and hissed as Superman stood besides Xander. Superboy lay on his back not moving a muscle as the villain turned around. After all there was no way that Joker knew the young heroes secret identity. With only seconds to live, the hero felt himself lose control. The business tycoon of course leaped at the chance of controlling Superman and a deal had been struck. Tonight had been a nightmare of physical and sexual endurance and even he had his limits. Superman gets defeated by all of them. If you value your job at all, you will get your ass here. Where could this go? Connor? Im sick of everyone trying to tell me they understand when they dont! Superman smiled as the robot fell on its back lifeless as the last of its power cut out. Superman, you will hear these insults flung at you and be able to react. The heros glazed over eyes grew wide as he flinched at the insults being flung at him. Ah, but-- But we must keep this at even temperature. Becoming the last of his House after his parents' execution by Krypton's court, Val quickly made friends with fellow orphan Kara Zor-El. His dread showed in his face. The Finally hitting puberty? One of the criminals taunted. Book 1 in "The Thief" series The son of the black cat and the Spider-Man joins the bread-verse in this new story. The momentum was too fast for him to regain control. What made it worse was that he still wanted Lex Luthor so badly. He lifted the dazed hero up and ripped his jeans right off his body revealing his sweat stained white briefs to the public. There was also a steady pulse, as if the ship had a heartbeat. The grin leaves his face as he realizes it is time to decide Supermans Xander looked up at the night sky as his eyes narrowed. It was both a nightmare and a wet dream. Superman's cock grew larger as the suction from the pump increased. It was trying to cause a second eruption! sweat and dirt. Tim? He whispered in horror as he became aware of the security cameras watching him. We have some things to discuss.. They'd better be. unable to move speak or construct a coherent thought. Please let me suck your cock, He whispered as the desire was too much to ignore. Get more feedback! Could some small part of him want to be helpless in the hands of Lex Luthor. He wanted to come clean and tell her the truth, but how could he? His body spasmed as his cum shot through the water. The men took turns throwing knives at him with Joker shouting out instructions. Superman yelped in a combination of pleasure and sensitivity as his hips bucked out of control. That familiar feeling of pleasure that he thought only Lex Luthor could give him began to grow deep in his nut sack. You did alright with the knife throwing, but we need to continue your training if you are going to be worthy enough to perform in my circus., The clown left the office with Green Arrow trailing behind like a puppy dog. Please give me another chance! The humiliation would be too much for him to bear. Green Arrow started licking the cum stains clean desperately afraid that he was going to be kicked out. Lois Lane had the exclusive story that Clark Kent was Superman and the media had been obsessing in tracking down any person who might be related or associated with the fallen hero. The young hero could feel his cock quickly hardening as his body once again betrayed him. Stand at attention, boy The Hypnotist ordered smiling as the muscled man did exactly as instructed. Luckily for him, no one noticed as their panic quickly spread. She took one look at her boyfriend as pure anger and hatred painted her face. I noticed something funny when I picked it up. Now the real fun could begin. and he is able to begin to collect his thoughts. Before he could react, the laughing villain smacked his ass so hard that he tumbled off the ladder and fell inside the center of the clear circular wall. As it neared Superman, it took a very strange turn. Even after being spent, his massive cock began to harden with the thought of swallowing Luthors cum. I am going to enjoy this, Luthor said with a vicious grin. Our challenger tonight is a fan favorite of mine. Joker continued as he moved on. Killing Superman No one aside from my nephew No tickling in this one, but great descriptions of tight rope bondage. He was surprised when he was able to do it quite easily. As he stepped into his living room, Superman stripped his cum soiled costume dropping it to the ground leaving it on the carpet forgotten. This one had a metal backbone and didn't look like it was part of the same creature. It was time to redeem himself. The same criminals who had humiliated him hours before shouted as they pulled out their guns and opened fire on their freed prisoner. A loud whooshing sound sounded as the prison began to fill with water. Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. The hero blushed when he realized that these werent Jokers men. Superman, when you hear an insult, you will get turned on. Ladies and Gentlemen, Joker announced with his dramatic flair. Iceman Blue Official Blog. It was time to take the unsuspecting hero to the next level of his plan, but first he wanted to know what happened. why is superman stronger than other kryptonians. His tear stained face contorted as he started down at his cum drenched briefs and tights. Toyman has resurfaced and has formed a small gang. The shock was followed by mocking laughter as they pointed. After all, Lex had a reputation of getting rid of loose ends once he got what he wanted. RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness) helps members by Upgrading them. I promise that I will do better.. What have they done to me thinks Superman in terror? Despite his powerful orgasm, The Mayor did not stop the paddling. It took great effort, but he managed to push the image of the sexy bald man out of his mind. if any man from Krypton were to come as close to this. Whats wrong, Superbaby? Toyman taunted gleefully. We have a special treat in store. He wanted to be dominated so badly just like The Minotaur did to him. Oh, boy. He couldn't shake it. The heros eyes popped open as he instantly fell under the hypnotic spell of Xander. can only lie there, tolerate and adapt to the intolerable, and wait impatiently To have the weaker man in complete control of him desire his eclipsing powers sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. It felt so right to submit to the weaker man and show it by servicing his cock. is togo border open today. Or did you forget to do laundry?. Superboy was so shocked to hear his friend swear, he almost cowered. Memories of his teenage years when he had destroyed half the farm house in Smallville flooded his mind as the hero realized that history was about to repeat itself. The towering criminal stepped right on his tented boner pressing his boot down as hard as he could. Much to his delight, there was no one brave enough to raise their hands. All resistance was destroyed as Green Arrows mind was permanently programed to obey The Joker. As if prompted by the question, a third arm reached out. His face turned red as he quickly tried to cover his throbbing erection but his hands werent big enough for the task. Oh god, he needed to suck that cock! Superman screamed as he passed the point of no return. Many looked shocked and disbelief, but there were a few trying to hide the lustful looks on their faces and expanded bulges in their pants. The young hero felt his strength melt away as the red bulge of the Boy Wonder brushed against his own tented briefs. There you are at the scene of a terrific story. His eyes blink several times and his mouth closes as his breathing What is the secret identity of Nightwing? A voice asked through the speaker on the panel. The answer to his problem must be there. It was only be the invulnerability of his tights that prevented them from being shredded by the power of his trapped erection. Robin stood there in his room melded with the shadows. The once mighty heros transformation into a bottom bitch was nearly complete. 28,520 28.5K. Hell even a common Joker thug could easily overpower him. He thought as his body seemed to come alive. I beg you, Mr. Luthor, Superman cried. If only he remembered to put on a fresh Superman costume this morning, but in his hurry he had forgotten. Part 1. Please just give me a chance, He wept while kissing the wing tipped shoes of his idol. The minotaur roared with pleasure as his beastial sounds echoed across the city. What had once been his heroic uniform as now discarded as trash. The concern on his face transformed into a scowl that was worthy of Batman. Come along, dear boy. The clown commanded as he walked to the door. Looking down, Superboy turned red as he realized that he had a full fledged erection happening. Fleeing back to his apartment, Superman fell down to his knees as he struggled to deal with the crushing humiliation that was ever so present. I already hacked into Lexcorps main computer drive and got the code that should allow you to get inside.. my bravado of the past quarter hour I cannot risk selling Superman to anyone Superboy sputtered with rage as he struggled to break free of the steel hold of his opponent. The humiliation was unbearable as his magnificent muscular body was exposed like never before. The big boy scout is throwing a huge boner.. When Bart From the moment that he had the hero under his control, the hypnotist had contacted Luthor. One long minute later, Spidey finishes 'eating' Venom which he's pretty big here: after all, in this story, he's twice taller and more muscular than the hero. This one carried with it a pump in its grips. The lights turned on automatically as he went down the white metallic stair. "You've gotten itnow let me go." he whispered hoarsely. Let Superbaby get his first taste of cock, The insane villain ordered. Gathering up his strength, the hero leaped to his feet and jumped in the air. His cock seemed to mock him by staying hard as steel with no hint of softening. Superman groaned lying on the floor masterbating as the immates grew frenzied. There would be a mess to deal with back at work with him vanishing like this, but the number one priority needed to deal with how his body was reacting. Superman grunted in pain as he struggled to break free of the mans grip. He needed to get out of here and escape, but there was ocean all around them. As the boot lifted off his now cum stained groin, Superman panted as he lay on the deck in shock. Its time to end this! The Joker ordered with his wild grin. Superman stopped in his tracks when his master ordered him to leave it like it was garbage. Everyone is really looking forward to the show., Xander smiled as he shook his hand. Superman is a His mouth opened and his tongue darted out to pierce that puckering hole. Please, sir, The hero begged nuzzling his face against the leg. Still oozing with cum, his cock dripped down his blue spandex suit, past his signature "S" and onto his face. He was finished. What do you know about it? What was this feeling? His body went limp and dangled in the air. There is something very wrong with him, Warden. Yet the thought of being sent away made the most powerful hero in the universe compliant like a puppy in training. Having to deal with paramedics, Lois, and Perry was the last thing that Clark needed. "Your Honest Friend" is my way of saying what needs to be said in a safe place. He felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as his cock spewed precum under the water. What THE hell? Coming all the way from The Land of Oz, we have the Mayor of Munchkinland!. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. 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