If the case is won or resolved, the lawyer's fee comes out of the recovery. How would I go about find this out . He set up a family friend, about 10 years older than me, to be executor of his estate. I am surprised that people claiming that they are heirs without legal support can give the will writer a hard time making ones inheritance. My mother kept mine, how do I get my share? It was a day or two before my passed and he was completely incoherent and unresponsive on hospice at home were I was caring for him when the life insurance check for my mother came in the mail. We honestly believe he neglected to call because of the clause stating show interest may have cost my husband and his brother valuable time to say goodbye and I think he was worried about him maybe pulling through and it invalidating the Will even though my husband and his brother had no knowledge of this Will or that he had received a big chunk of money from the VA in 2014. He also works with other texas probate fraud lawyers on large estates. Black widow case. Patti. He could prob open lt lf really wanted to ,but has never stolen anything from me just curious lf you would be concerned ty. Most people name their spouse, a close friend, or family member as their executor. When the information came out about the house being transferred in my daughters name is the same time that I was admitted into a mental hospital. Seems that my step brother left my house to some long lost niece who as far as I am concerned is by no means a part of my family. while caring for his step mom in the presence of witnesses she stated she would like her daughter to honor to her wishes and to split everything down the middle. Thanks, My uncle claim an man as his son. Now we have no information about the papers of those assets. now they never talk to me ever hardly! He put his trust into financial advisors and I think they took advantage of him because he was getting dementia and he got older. It sounds like a good place to start may be contacting a lawyer. How do I go about finding out if I have a trust in my name. The attorney also will let you know how much you can expect to pay for your specific estate plan. And since inheritance thieves are usually family members, the fallout often is not only about money, but also family ties. He was in shock and very upset over his dads passing. Long story short she broke her foot, and she needed help. Im royally Pi**** O**!!! She would not let him send his insurance check to us in Utah. Eventually passed away, away in 4 weeks, after I put her in hospice. Awasome Need Contingency Attorney For Inheritance Theft Ideas. Wonder if caregiver and other uncle know what he did. D., Clinical & Forensic Psychology stating my wife has no understanding of financial responsibilities, her medical condition or being unable to make any decisions of a trust made in 2012. Can I sue that executor for the amount of estate. Im also afraid that they will do the same when my mother dies. Also, why would she need 5 death certificates and I know from doing my parents you need to provide these to financial institutions usually. I was definitely the least favorite. i think i am being cheated by my family or some other force, never been accepted or appreciated no matter how hard i try. and my sister could not have been any happier if she won the lottery. I will update this thread soon! Im an only child and only grandchild. Ive been searching days for this scenario. Greed; a horrible thing, My younger brother and his wife living with my mom,originally the house belonged to my dad,when he passed on without a will my mom put the house in her name,my younger brother then went and put the house in him and his wifes name without consulting the other six siblings,question is can the other siblings challenge the legitimacy of the new title deeds naming him and his wife as owners. This arrangement only works economically where money or valuable assets are being claimed. I have a friend who is 67 yrs old, as a child her grandparents formed a family corp. And she was named in its formation as a shareholder with 80 shares. Expensive furniture antiques gets rent $ from tenant happens to be his brother idk what they convinced my uncle into not getting reciept for tent or paying by check took his phone book, would never let me go in my Dads home locks got changed Bc I had my Dads keys had attic full of expensive stuff my brother in law is insecure had to always have better than any1 I dont want to keep going on Im sry its a lot to read I didnt proofread Sry so exhausting I know my Dad always said this goes to me when he passes 1/2 of everything is mine, most importantly asked me 1st to go through a big bag of his paperwork, go to vault & bank to sign somethings I never thought my Sister would hurt me Im to trusting NOMORE, I always help people Im a giving person, Im petrified knowing I cant survive on the $ I get from SSI its scarey living where I am. My mom just passed away and my aunt says we dont get my moms inheritance. So, what happened to everything,I bever received anything besides my uncles wife saying ge had a couple papers and a pic of my sons his only namesake to be passed on. She is entering Hospice. Shes going to get a new one. Even without direct access to funds, unscrupulous family members can use other methods to get a piece of an estate. In our dads trust document, I notice that only the house and furnishings are listed as assets. My ex husband,s brother , had told my son that his sister also is entitled to i fear that my uncle is up to something. All deaths she is around are listed as heart attack. they said they get all the money and everything else and I am invited to the funeraland I am a blood sister! She got in van, used to transport him and said can she try , she lied to me and n=i called the supervisor of intensive care she stated, My father was never to leave without his IV medication. Myself and many other family members who I offered to help have been left homeless fending for ourselves with very little help. I WILL FIND HIM. I have my late brother s son accused my to have stolen his inheritance from his father. She has also claimed not to have any knowledge of items that later were produced after her being pressured, others she claims she never found. My stepmother forged my dads signature on multiple trusts. My second posting . . My stepmom is the executor of the Estate. What can I do? Step bros remain in home which is now a disgusting mess. An untrustworthy executor is in a position where they could embezzle funds after your death. Call (844) 519-3595 to learn more about your business credit file Call (844) 519-3595 to learn more. Its been 5 years. Please advise. The father retired and had saved all of the monies from the boys benefits. His last few months, other siblings pulled him from his home, basically unwilling. I have been through a lot of trouble and expense for 6 years trying to recover my inheritance utilizing legal systems in 2 States and it isnt over yet. And because my mom doesnt live close by my uncles ex still living in the house my grandmother owned still getting checks from the oil in my grandfathers namehow would she be able to cash it.they are all named the same great grand dad being sr, then grandpa is jr, and my uncle was the 3rd. Thatll keep greedy siblings happy and get rid of them altogether! My siblings stated my mom, signed my name, to show I received the monies. I want to know how do I find my fathers will and lawyer as well the notary she sought to make changes to her will to accommodate my brother who had her make additional changes before and after she was declared incompetent following a stroke that altered her personality significantly enough to be expelled from independent living facility. Example- Grand kids gathered recently at home to collect items they were left by way of a drawing numbers out of a hat but while looking at these items it was noted to be a few things missing from this particular list and of course no one would admit to who took these things originally but the truth did come out on a few items but not sure what can be done legally to retrieve these items. Is this separate from a trust? She is now slowly using up all the money to pay off her debts and her childs education. Per capita, or maybe non-per stirpes (not sure on the legal term) is just the opposite. were do i start to get wats rightfully mine. I had inherited a substantial amount of money and property. Here. She lived in a mobile home. Do I have any rights or is it even worth it other than to make my step brother see what I feel is wrong? I still cannot access my gmail account they used to do this. I cant afford a paid Atty. I fear I will never see my dad again. According to law that duty of support is only for his surviving spouse and children. Put a disclosure requirement in your will. This isnt about the losses that cannot be recovered as much as it is about defending my father against a son who he held little regard. I am supposed to inherit the investment accounts and bank account which were about the as much as his gorgeous house on the water, my sister gets the house and land. there is a family friend handling it as exequatur but we are not in touch with her and are relying on my uncle for information. if so, what is this instalments all about? I waiting for the court to open, also she been cremated not buried so what else can be done. Our rights are being violated and refused to get disability lawyers to help us. His will specifically left his hose and property in New York to his 3 kids. After her passing my dad had an attorney do his living will & power of attorney. She is taking extreme advantage of my granny and me. He has been physical with me..he is 66 Im 5. I was never informed by his girlfriend. 2. I am heir to a house that my dad left for his children. My father had several months to adjust his will to reflect his intent to leave me his house. Hes beginning to have memory problems and on dyalysis. Dad signs a bill of sale for 1 dollar for son and daughter and stepmom steals it never seen again. I findout he been and being sued by multiple families because they claim he stole millions yes millionsfrom aparent trust that should be for family. What are the rights of the remaining 4 siblings. My brother is now baptized, and has not drinker in almost 3years. Source: rlcrlaw.com. Really? Wow! When I was young had a learing problem. sold a peace of land to some ond that I got from a grandfather and it was to remain in the family name and she turned around and sold it and she got over 1000000$ and I sold it to her for 10000$ can I do any thing. The will is written: Beneficiary: with my name after it. The more experience your lawyer has with your specific needs, the better they will be able to help you. All this I never really knew or thought about until my husband said he thought my uncle used to try to tell ke how bad my grandfather was and would always say to syay away from him because he likely wanted my inheritance. I believe she had the duty to inform authorities he had children. My aunt handled the selling of the house and putting the money in the "trust account" then it was divided to the grandkids, about 40k each. See an estate lawyer or elder law attorney ASAP! Do we have any recourse to correct this settlement so the 80% is divided 8 ways. This arrangement only works where money or valuable assets are being claimed. To try and teach us severally disabled a lesson. This is a very difficult situation, since it can be both expensive to fight an inheritance thief in the courts and difficult to prove that your inheritance has been hijacked. Approx. No one will tell me who, but after all that over 15 years someone took that money. My dad doesnt even know how to access his checking account but trusts my sister implicitly even though I know she is a complete narcissist and hates my guts. I have the case number an perfect file documents. How is this even possible? I thought I was alone in the severity of this kind of theft and manipulation of the elderly as it pertains to their last wishes and living trust agreements. So when check came she flew him up there and cost was $300.00 plus he owed her around $450.00 to $500.00 for his first flight there. In the absence of a Will, would I not automatically be entitled to my proportionate share of my parents estate? I know what you are talking about because all these things happen to me plus I found documentations of the Theft, I know whos behind it all, but they could not take the house from me, they just took the house that they got all those mortgages and loans in my name and it was my mothers too but she died, she couldnt take it anymore but they have a fight on the hands with my(Laura Ann Reaves) Evelyn Reaves only-child in this world. both my parents are passed away and its alot to text on here so without all the details Ill just say that my sister and I are in need of a lawyer and we are both broke. My dad was a doctor and his so called family in another state cremated him when we have paperwork that he paid for his own casket and left money for us to give him a proper burial. Thank you. Yo live on. When my uncle died, some of the business partners stepped in to assist his wife, my aunt. Legally, that seems to be how this works. My aunt was devastated with the loss of her husband and our uncle. No he broke laws they siblings Ghost me.my memory is back and they did what they wanted cutr out mom wanted that done. At times even when a person has a will & power of attorney, they since can fall prey to inheritance theft. Unfortunately my uncle passed away and when my grandmother ask her daughter in law (We will call her, Aunt Thief) for the money to pass it out to the family. Sad that this happened. My 2 sisters are in the States. If I have proof my brother-in-law who appointed himself executor, has stollen from the estate, can I go after him legally even though my husband who is the beneficiary doesnt? My Dad and his other siblings all deserve a piece of the pie. Also he was removed by a judge as the trustee in 2018 when the house run into my name because he tried to listen as a resort and he tried to go 3 different times to say I didnt exist to get my inheritance in the name of 100 and twentieths daughter who was 9 and sa that her money should be hit so its more about retributing the situation than money you mean it shouldnt the money to me because she did the same thing in my Ga my grandmother. He inherited a great deal of property and money from my grandparents and great grandparents. I have no idea where to look for the original document or the fake one. In general, attorneys ask for a flat fee to prepare your estate plan, rather than charging you on an hourly basis. Im torn my mom said Im in the will of a close relative . We just found out he was cremated at $895.00 and she asked for 5 death certificates so that same up around $1,000.00 the celebration of life was held at his Uncles home and all she paid for was food be catered from Olive Garden, some pictures, and a video. Misappropriating trust assets. Can we file a sue or complaint to my cousin? I know she was not advised properly when making her will because no way would she have left it to him. There was also my aunts wishes that were ignored. But I know that my dad had a lot of money and was very frugal. Required fields are marked * Please do not include personal policy information; if you have questions or concerns regarding your policy with The Hartford, please log into your account or you can speak directly to a Customer Service Representative. The parent is now dying. I can let this go I dont expect money I just want justice and closure. My father died in 2019. What would b my way in finding and receiving my money??? If all her papers her official will, and her Ad&d insurance papers were missing. this is not there exact words, I am one of seven siblings under my parents will and they are still living as of right now but my father has severe dementia and my mother is easy persuaded into signing papers without truly knowing of what she is signing. I believe that there have to be more safeguards and ways to protect the rights of beneficiaries. Passed away of Dementia. She made no attempt to contact me or inform authorities he had children. When money is the motivator, people will do ANYTHINGevil and manipulativeto gain their goal. If a person dies and has money in stock bond municipalities and family members are fighting guess who steals the estate.The probate lawyer and stockbroker! I Was left an account by Clarence Guy Cox/Gray J. Sprinkle both my 2 grandfathers how do I get my money please help me and thank you !!!! Is attorney aware of new will and old will??? Hi my mom died on 6/13/2021. This exact same thing just happen to my grandaughter on 7/19/2021. My situation is different. i need a really good family lawyer. Nothing I can do. I have been overly patient and passive in this situation and it is starting to affect me psychologically. Maybe. It happens when someone with access to the funds gets sticky fingers: Inheritance thieves will often rationalize what they are doing by claiming they need a little bit of money out of the funds because of how much they are doing for the estate. Failing to comply with trust terms. My husband thinks he probably took the money w h Ile he was in the nursing homes with alsiemers but us there a way to find out. I have a sister. Theaverage flat feefor a relatively simple estate plan is about $1,000-$1,200, although costs can range much higher for larger and more complex estates. Before this, I would go by and check on her but did not know her family situation. The two of them kept it quiet & worked it out unbeknownst to parents. Finding an attorney willing to help them fight for what little their dad had left ie family photos , old family belonging their grandparents estate etc has been even worse of a dilemma. Then no response, not even thank you we are in reciepent of your letter, no common curiosity. They do assist here with pick ups for holidays and doctor appointment transportationetc. Problem over. My parents, who had been divorced for 28 years, also agreed in their wills that there would be no changes and no new wills without the consent of the other. And, when I pass away my husband will inherit that money and I know people will try to take advantage of him since he is too generous. They dont care I care for my 75 yr old Mom whose scared to call her other daughter so sad, she asked if she can sleep over their house so she didnt have to go to a shelter thry said no! Research these companies carefully in searching to settle your future wishes. So why the hell would you send me qn application instead of a cancelation sooner or why would you send out forms for someone who died on 2014 at that!! The sister of her father decided to forge documents and have him cremated and his belongings sold or given away. According to Valerie Rind, author of the bookGold Diggers and Deadbeat Dads, the first thing you need to do is consult a lawyer who specializes in trusts and estate work. My dad passed away in 2019 & I didnt know that he had left me his house. All of fathers family(now ex wife and her adult children and their own families also live on corp property.) They did not want him left out and expected us to care for him, allowing him control of family homestead. Generally, the theft of estate assets by a sibling is treated as a civil matter. Is their anything I can do or is it even worth it. before she passed . 15 years lqter!??? GO TO THE COURT AND ASK FOR GUARDIANSHIP/CANT TAKE CARE OF NEEDS AND ASSEST DO TO PHYSICAL CONDITION HAVE THE DOCTOR WRITE YOU A NOTE OF INCOMPETENCE. I thought it was a lil weird that I wasnt allowed at the will when it was read to everyone but I thought nothing of it because me & my dad werent speaking at the time. I have learned thru discovery that my inheritance was stolen, transferred, gifted and spent by my siblings even before my father and mother died. Hello, we recommend you consult with a legal professional. She had dementia, so she made my sister power of attorney. In Sept of 2021 my grandmother passed away and after reading this article I would say my case falls under manipulation of my inheritance from other family members that were with here while she was doing her will and left me 75 a month till supposedly her money runs out who can help me? this last 5 years that the step mom remained in the home had the oldest boy take care of all her needs. my uncle today asked for my fathers bank details and told him their share is to be paid in instalments. Im going through very tough times and they keep bringing it up but only giving me half truths. If it's mostly securities, you need an attorney who knows financials. Rights of beneficiaries assets are being claimed very upset over his dads passing to... So she made my sister could not have been overly patient and passive in this situation it... Same thing just happen to my proportionate share of my granny and me elder law attorney ASAP generally, theft. 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