Ancient star-shaped holes found in Volda: Evidence of extremely advanced precision machine. Alfred Watkins put forth the idea of straight tracks that he later termed as "ley lines" in his book "The Old Straight Track.". Another major area is the ruins of Tolkeen. Simply put, ley lines, or leys are geographical lines that crisscross all over the globe. Honestly, it seems mostly wishful thinking and a way to claim cultural esotericism from indigenous people the British colonised and oppressed. Move your mouse to the area you wish to mark and click to anchor the place . 2015. North East Scotland Ley Line ‐ 138 miles, .___. Third Eye (6th) Chakra Mobile Chakra, Shifts every 150-200 years, currently coincides with world heart chakra in Western Europe. Shrouded in local folklore, the rocky tidal island has a history of being a trading port as well as a destination for pilgrims. Tasmania. And rightly so much of the earth here is made up of red sandstone clay that makes the area blossom into a Garden-of-Eden-like land of plenty every summer. The Earth is one of the 12 resonating spheres, one of the 12 Round Table members, one of the 12 Notes in the solar octave, in the Solar Tree of Life. If youd like any help please feel free to let me know. Its no wonder the creative, tangible energy surrounding the city is so strong when it is located between such powerful lines. He noted that these grid-like markings ran in perfectly straight paths, crisscrossing at certain locations he called terminal points, which usually coincided with sites such as beacons, mounds, holy wells (natural springs considered sacred), churches and ruins. It's just that it's popular with the Brits, what with all of the old Norman paths and the weird "right to wander" laws that they have. (Sounds like a brilliant marketing campaign to me.). Love and empathy for humanity is key, and right now we are still lacking this, due to the lack of true knowledge. Omaha is very rich in subtle energies. I would suggest you contact one of the ladies from the article. We can change the channel and learn how to use the electromagnetic grid to play a more harmonic tune. White; Broadcasts the earths purpose or true will. In this sense, ley lines are unexpectedly inclusive, linking sacred and important ancient worship places throughout the world. Whether or not one agrees with ley lines, Watkinss theory spoke more to peoples imagination and a universal desire to know more about our ancient ancestors than logic and reason. Most cultures have traditions and words to describe alignments that run across landscapes. I've looked at websites, usually very poorly made websites that then required me to download the information I might find useful - and I'm going to ask here and on r/occult before cautiously downloading anything. For Watkins, they also represented terminal points, along with early Iron Age settlement camps and ancient castle ruins built on top of a motte and bailey a raised earthwork that held an enclosed courtyard and was surrounded by a defensive ditch. Discovered by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, they are said to carry strong electromagnetic fields that can influence mood, perception and even memory. We are working with some amazing sites around the world. Another straight line. They followed the lines. Of course there are dark forces as well, that are, and were knowledgeable of these ley lines such as, secret societies and Hitler who was very much into the esoteric realms, and worked very closely with Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, who was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society. In fact, people have taken to drawing lines between things like coffee shops and pizza restaurants. Wikimedia CommonsA map showing the St. Michaels Ley Line. Everyone thinks that place is haunted. However, archeologists regard ley lines as pseudo-science. North West Ley Line ‐ 235 miles, .___. Ley lines were first theorized in 1921, and since then, the debate has been over whether or not they exist, and if they do, what purpose they serve. As the true empathetic, intellectual light beings, we were intended to be Human (Hue=light being). Your email address will not be published. That is, they all at some point have shared that their idea, invention, or formulation, came to them in a daydream or dream, which is in fact a meditative state of mind. By controlling or influencing the geo-electrical grid they can effect the earth, and also indirectly/directly can control our thoughts and emotions artificially, because we are all connected to Gaia. Along the ley lines lie the Great Pyramids of Giza, Chichen Itza, and Stonehenge, all wonders of the world that continue to surprise archaeologists today. Nevertheless, this warm reception was short-lived, and the theory was quickly branded pseudo-nonsense after the professional archaeological community had sufficient time to examine it and counter-argue that lines could be drawn between any points on a map. Is it conceivable that they felt the Earths energies were greater along these ley lines? We are shining the light on the ALL this is the ONE. The main area of ley lines in NA is the Magic Zone. According to the ley line guys, it does. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Get notified of the best best booming posts weekly. For example, stretching from the southern tip of Ireland, all the way to Isreal, there is a straight line that connects seven different landforms that bear the name Michael, or some form of it. And how does the Grid Engineer make intelligent, compassionate, and timely adjustments in the geomantic web of this vast-revolving solar table on Earth? Ley Lines can stretch for miles and cross valleys, mountains and the sea. And around Duluth. So what if I told you that there were straight lines crossing (and crisscrossing) Earth that demarcated important locations? "Ley Lines." In this way ley lines are surprisingly inclusive, connecting the sacred and crucial sites of ancient worship across the planet. Interestingly Cleopatra, the last pharaoh along side with both of her husbands- Julius Ceasar and Marc Anthony of Rome, were defeated by the Romans where they eventually destroyed the biggest library in Alexandria Egypt, before taking all the knowledge with them, sending us into the Dark Ages. Of course, no one has ever found any evidence for "energies" of any kind on the lines, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of objective basis for believing that UFOs landed there. We are vibrational beings and we live in a vibrational world, says DeAnne Hampton, a vibrational guide and spiritual counselor who moved to Asheville 21 years ago in response to a strong, innate urge. Alfred Watkins theory on ley lines ancient tracks used for navigational purposes captured the imagination of a nation but later became the subject of much controversy. Thank you. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. Sarah Thomas at or If you'd like to know more about British ley lines. Watkins backed up the existence of his ley lines, by pointing out that many monuments around the globe can seemingly be connected by a straight line. Similarly in this model, the Earth, has a chakra system, arranged not in anatomical but energy sequence at 7 key Dome centers. All of these energy-worker types don't believe in fairies and the fae play tricks on them. The World Atlas. Learn more about Sarah Thomas at or 14 people found this review helpful. Please enjoy this wonderful resource! Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. Outside of Cern sits a large dome with an opening on top, same as the dome at St Basilica in Rome as well as the dome on the Capital building, and same as the top dome of Nikola Teslas Tower. Silly goose. Leaving only the royals and the monasteries literate. ", Another quote, same guy: " There are two other spots that are significant energetic sources. . He gave a speech at the Capitol, and then came to New York, where he went from Times Square up to Cleopatras needle in Central Park, and ended his trip at the Liberty Bell in Pennsylvania. Sacred Sites Pagan Places Origins. This definition makes sense but doesn't provide the whole picture of what ley lines truly are. Sure. Copyright 2018. The majority of articles and books connected to Watkins notion of ley lines that have been published so far across the world reject and condemn the supernatural part of his views. The straight lines that are imbued with deep power and electromagnetic energy, which all connect important and sacred sites throughout the world. The Virtual Globe: Cesium is a complete platform for 3D geospatial datahandling everything from optimization to visualization to analytics. 2016 Magdaline (Maggies Holistic) visit: Any responses would be most welcome. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You may be feeling a bit under the weather, and you don't really want to go out, but there is a social or career-related function you must attend. He also set in motion a whole thought process around the ley lines and supernatural and spiritual beliefs. A ley line is a completely straight line across the landscape that runs from one landmark of historic importance to another, and crosses through one or more similar landmarks along its route. Click on the icon, Add place marker. These lines, like longitude and latitude lines, span the world. The first SAR imagery satellite that can peer through inside buildings, day or night, The moving coffins of the Chase Vault: The historical tale that haunts Barbados. Leys are straight lines that crisscross the earth and link sacred sites, power spots and other important places. Since 1921, many people have questioned the notion due to unresolved issues. It's a small vortex. He coined these lines leys, later ley lines, and in doing so opened a world of supernatural and spiritual beliefs. The southern side of the Grand Canon has alot of major ley lines. In 1921, amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, Take the native Indians of the United States; they used to call, They even designed their medicine wheel on the spirit lines, as they knew that these lines followed a straight round line. It includes color coding to show what element each ley line represents. Ley lines are straight tracks or lines, essentially energy grids, that stretch across the earth in every direction. Terms Of Use Privacy Policy About Us . This isnt surprising, as Asheville falls directly in the middle of an ancient source of powerful energy called a ley line.. The longer youre around them, the more easily you can tap into their healing properties. However, one typical critique of ley lines is that, because there are so many given places on an Earth map, a straight line may be traced across either of the two points in some sequence. The introduction and understanding of the reality of the local celestial Zodiac clock system, brings us to the possible interaction between the human and the Grid. 5 Mysterious Monuments from Around the World, Carr-Gomm, Philip and Richard Heygate. At the priory, theres architectural evidence of a stone cresset, a stone carved with cup-shaped hollows which he believed were used to hold oil and used to light beacon signals. Pergamon World Atlas. About Google Maps. Nov. 19, 2013. Get notified of the best booming posts weekly. Green/Pink; Representing the Holy Grail and the Sacred Spear of Purpose, Respectively. Alfred Watkins, an amateur . The central and western parts of the island state are dominated by the Central Highlands. That makes a straight line. . Edit: Lung-mei.). Being with the natural world in consistent, devoted ways, using your intuition, stillness and intention will teach you, says Hampton. Those." Ley lines are kind of like latitude and longitude in one sense: They're not lines we can actually see on a map. I'll be back in the area come Monday for a couple more months. 12.22.2019 Dear Hunters:There is a park on the edge of San Francisco Bay called Coyote Point and there is an observation deck to watch planes land at SFO and also a children's zoo/museum there. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I believe in them. While little is known about its purpose, theories range from it being a fortification rampart to a showy demonstration of King Offas wealth. In addition this lab has a large statue of the Hindu Goddess of destruction Kali, right in front of its greeting entrance. Our Body of the Sun is expressed as a 12-sphered Tree of Life, with 12 Knights, or 12 Notes; Earth is Malkuth (the 10th Sephiroth) representing appropriately, Earth (the 7th Sephiroth, Hod, for example represents Mercury). Watkins asserted that hundreds of prominent ancient sites located all over the world can be demonstrated to have been built in a succession of straight lines. These hidden paths form a grid across the Earth, connecting the sacred places in a web of straight lines which covers the entire planet. Arbor Low is a stone circle which is known as the Temple of the Sun and is sometimes referred to as the Stonehenge of the North. How did they know about these lines and the energies that they give off? It's not. They both form a network of force fields over our planet and seem to affect human behavior, although in different ways. Still others are pretty darn sure that the lines are somehow associated with UFO landings -- or that there are healing properties found in the "vortex" of ley lines [source: Sacred Destinations]. Please don't think I am just asking for an answer when I haven't searched at all. Ley Lines In America Bing Images. No. Penguin. Map underground earth energies in order to design . Jeff Belanger, the author of Paranormal Encounters: A Look at the Evidence which discusses the supernatural significance of ley lines, agreed. Alfred Watkins is an amateur archeologist who came up with the idea of the spiritual ley lines map in 1921. Ley-line 1 Delphi Ley-line 2 Acropolis Ley-line 3 Olympia . Ley lines dont migrate with the removal of racist iconography. Just because our accustomed technocratic elite (Lucifer-light bearer aka fallen angle of music), play their favorite tunes on their radio station, doesnt mean we have to always dance to that rhythm. Ley Lines: The hidden network connecting the Earth through monuments and landforms. It seems to be "different" energy than that of Hummel. Read about our approach to external linking. There are numerous other "hot" spots around Omaha that I haven't had the time to properly investigate. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Though accessing the healing energies of ley lines isnt an exact science, both Thomas and Hampton believe that all you really need is yourself when youre trying to connect. This central node is shaped like a human heart. Sign in. "The Book of English Magic." The straight lines that are imbued with deep power and electromagnetic energy, which all connect important and sacred sites throughout the world. It includes color coding to show what element each ley line represents. It's often said that ley lines represent regions of earth energies and that is was no accident that these structures were built along the lines. "The Truth Behind Alfred Watkins's 'Ley Lines.'" The Principle of Gender (Everything has its masculine and feminine aspects). In 1921, amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins made a discovery. Are there any maps of ley lines across North Carolina? The interactive map above show several lines across the British Isles which are generally accepted to be the paths of ley lines. (Jan. 14, 2015), Witcombe, Chris. And while theres no reliable spiritual ley lines map of them, perhaps youre one of the rare people who can see them. The answers simple: the sky, Devereux also claimed that the ley lines could just be coincidentally overlapping with esteemed monuments. I would like to take a day trip to Asheville to meditate on one of the key lines. He realized that a network of lines stood out to him like glowing wires all over the surface of the country. Enourmous earthworks, three stone circles. Not to mention an incredible eyesore. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. This map was created by a user. Ley Lines can vary in width and believed to be the life blood of Mother Earth. When enough are awake and aware the machine is- no match for us. Silbury Hill (pictured) is possibly the most quintessential example of an ancient British mound. In the British countryside, a mound is a natural or man-made hump of rounded earth that stands higher than its immediate surroundings. The Hermetic Keys to the planetary Grid are inscribed on the Messengers mythical Emerald Tablets, which summarize the 7 Hermetic Principles underlying all manifestation. American Ley Lines: USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America Earth Energy Lines and maps of the western hemisphere. These are known as "terminal points" and can be highly visible landmarks through to sites where buildings or structures once stood. Somehow, I feel as if I already knew. Perhaps their presence on the ley lines, near to the so-called energy pockets could explain their inceptions, all of which defied the laws of architecture at the time. of Olives, Middle East. Victoria & Tasmania. It shows how ancient structures relate to sacred geometry vibrational energy ley lines. 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