1. - Oversaw unit SDAP Prgm; advised/validated/processed/updated 20 prsnl pay rec--$72.7k in payments received on time - Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values, - Dedicated Amn leader; appointed lead rope during technical school--supervised eight junior ropes & 500 Amn - Created monthly MSG/CC PowerPoint briefings; provided on-time statistical analyses of contracts trends/data, - Critical PDF/DCC member during training exercise Snowbird; processed 132 Amn; ensured 100% on time departure - Led "High-visibility" 4-Star DV visit; provided log spt/protocol actions/clean-up tm--coined by XXXXXXXX/CC - Ramrodded three titanium deck repairs; eliminated crack progression--extended aft deck service life by 4K hrs - Revis'd USAFE PRAP Mgr's crs; infus'd upgrad'd policy/initiatives into curriculum--18 SMEs cert'd f/nuc surety msn, - Revised CSL prgm; created/processed/tracked 138 tickets--expedited msn critical network capabilities to 150 sq mbrs - Ensured all Amn trained on SAPR issues; briefed w/ weekly safety brief--reduced obstacles to msn accomplishment - Great Mentor! - Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC. RANK 4. - Administrated 2 GPC master accounts; $376K O & M funds--100% balanced budget/zero delinquencies FY19 - Oversaw 20+ Security Clearance re-investigations--guaranteed AFCENT INFOSEC/OPSEC compliance during ops EPR Bullets. - Directed semi-annual tool kit inspection; identified/corrected <50 discrepancies--aided 90% QA pass rate - Served as both President and member of hiring & Promotion boards; ensured most qualified and personnel selected, - Skilled Airman; shows desire for self improvement--possesses ability to handle most assigned LO taskings - Qualified trainer--trained 4 Airmen in computer support/orders creation arena--essential for team's mission, - Ran 3 Sq EMS sites; provided tng/oversight to geo-separated tms--25 evals/38 decs 100% on-time to AFPC 1A0X1 In-flight Refueling. - Directly supports Commander, coordinating and scheduling MS Outlook calendar of all front office activities, - Manages all Wing publications and forms development, design, control, storage, lifecycle, and dissemination For those who have earned it, the rater should construct the ratee's "home" well. Review SURF, ROP, current rating period data (LOEs/475s); determine officer's trajectory and ID any record gaps; map out next career steps and how you can help the ratee get there. - Corrected 12 Amn/officer discipline/legal issues; networked w/four base/local agencies--enforced AF policy, - Corrected bldg fire alarm malfunction; worked with base fire dept in isolating damage--prevented bldg damage - Re-established 20 AMXS Personal Information File program--squadron personnel files safeguarded/regulated - Tracked SSgt SCOD; updated 11 TIG/TIS promotion eligibles via MilPDS--ensured AIRPS mbrs promoted on-time, - Training streamlined transition of newly assigned airmen to their workcenters, reduced qualification time by 50%, - UCC Team Chief; led 8-prsn tm/4 base-wide exercise/2 real-world events--sustained 100% accountability of 780prsnl Leadership EPR Bullets - A leader among peers; unceasingly involved with AMXS critical processes--increased MC rate 26% for FY14 - Advised CC on 4 NJPs/discharge pkg; two SrA BTZs/vacated TSgt demotion--secured discipline for 230 Amn - Amn whisperer; conveyed standards, renewed pride in unit and uniform, workcenter now working as a team Stratification 9 6.5.2. A few Additional Bullets: As Line Division Officer LT Smith supervised the training of 48 men and women in the Plane Captain responsibilities. - Oversaw DoD Name-in-System pgm; monitored 500 taskings/700 LNR--cleared 1.2K Amn/spt'd 5 COCOMs/3 AORs - Cert'd Sq arfld driving prgm; 243 drivers qual'd, defend'd 60 coalition acft/0 CMA violations--prgm rtd: Outstanding! - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - Opportunist; mastered impromptu eval training; XX raters trained-- processed evals increased XX% monthly, - Base admin chief, developed tng for records mgt, pubs, forms mgt, and special orders--increased pers qual 50%, - Supervised 4 Amn in UGT; average of 50% OJT core tasks completed in 4 mths--exceptional CDC score/95%, - Multi-faceted trainer; 6 new Airmen learned to update 2 different systems--enhanced coworker tech knowledge, - Resourceful--obtained two scarce regional RMS training slots--saved $7000, increased flight personnel qualifications, - 78th ABW leave monitor; validated 654 requests error-free/reconciled duty status--upheld 100% prsnl accountability, - Managed leave program; authorized/reconciled 2.5k leave/PTDY requests--enriched unit productivity/Amn resiliency, - Managed Wg LeaveWeb program; validated 2K requests/served 2.8K base users--transactions 99% error free, - Dual hatted CCS/CSS; XX awds/XX decs/X PRFs/XX taskers--best awd win rate in 6 yrs/rpt time incrs'd 45%, - Reviewed/coordinated 235 evals/45 decs/verified 2K spt docs--achieved 98% process rate, exceeded HAF standards, - Rvw'd/corrected 132 EPRs, 20 decs; reduced backlog & review time by <2 days--98% on time processing rate to FSS, - Spearheaded cmd staff awards prgm; vetted all HQ staff pkgs--ensured recognition of all mil/civ personnel, - Reviewed/revised 35 evals/22 decs/100 docs for jnt service mbrs--100% on-time rate, error free w/0 delay, - Drove NAF/Group award programs for 1.5K amn & civ's--recognized 250 nominations & id'd 64 superior performers, - Phenomenal oversight! Executive Assistant - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - Directly supports four General Officers & a senior civilian; coordinates & schedules all front office activities - Managed $25k budget; focal point for RA coord, TDY availability/feasibility--reconciled civilian/mil pay issues - Spearheaded never-done-before Official Passport waiver for FY20 Mobilization; 70+ passports applications accepted Provided retention & retirement guidance to 14 AF officers--eased civilian transition - Security Manager; processed 4 incidents/validated clearances--advised CC/process'd infamous Cold War-era deserter Bullet Tracker and Calc - New EPR version: Bullet tracker for the new EPR (AF910 & AF911) (xls) Bullet Writing Created by Brooks AFB. - UCC lead; ran 3 Ex/ID'd shortfalls/overhauled prgm/11 mbrs qual'd--ensured Sq readied for real-world emergencies 1A6X1 Flight Attendant. Provided retention & retirement guidance to 14 AF officers--eased transition, - Instructed 27 mbrs on AFI guidance/directed changes within SRB/CJR requests--increased mbr career options, - Advised/compiled three Article 15s; briefed Wing CC on Status of Discipline--enforced professional standard, - Corrected 12 Amn/officer discipline/legal issues; networked w/four base/local agencies--enforced AF policy, - Manged Sq. - Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets - Meticulous! - Seiz'd Unit CC secretary/sq exec jobs; scheduled appts/meetings, tracked cmd coord; perf's as leader/NCO rdy We need more examples. - Provides administrative support as ODTA for DTS and e-Finance, ensuring accuracy of manpower database - Organized, implemented plan to correct, update squadron's e-mail global information for ORI--key to success Officer Top and Bottom Line Bullets The top and bottom lines are the most important lines in block 41. - Deployed, provided admin spt for 1 ECEG; served 28 AFSC/450 Amn in 8 countries--sppt'd 2 engnr sqs & 3 COCOMs - Coordinates with local FSS/MPF, resolves records conflicts/MilPDS discrepancies/Case Management System inquires Scrubbed trng/evaluation records at 3 GSUs--helped ensure Wing ops compliance/effectiveness CC's confidant; processed 100+ urinalysis requests for Aviano AB busiest Squadron--100% notified, - Steered Squadron's GTC program; 600+ cards scrutinized/managed--delinquencies diminished 30% by Jul's 4th Qtr, - Dedicated SNCO! - Protocol expert! - Expertly coord' 650 EFMP cases--guaranteed availability of medical resources at 152 bases world-wide, - Expertly mgd Sq/Gp EOY expenses; scrutinized >$13K GPC purchases--zero work stoppages/boosted morale - Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD - Directed base in-processing; updated duty status for 100 newly assigned airmen--reached 100% accountability - Aided $899K water drainage proj; escort'd 500 OCNs f/17 MXG sites--nix'd flooding f/1.1K mbrs/10 F-22 acft/$1.2B, - Spearhead'd postal ops f/173 pax, AEW/CC/CV/CCC; 13.2K pkgs/40K lbs mail distro'd--0 discreps/A1 NCO OTM! Your signature merely acknowledges that a referral report has been rendered; it does not imply acceptance of or agreement with - Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community, - Attended 2-hr A&FRC ldrshp crs; mentored HS students/est team collaboration--bridged generational gap w/42 teens - Proven performer who can juggle a multitude of executive assignments and provide high level of accomplishments - Sets the example! Download directly book Air Force Officer Opr Bullets Examples PDF Download is absolutely free and you can choose the format PDF, Kindle, ePub, iPhone and Mobi, etc - Handpicked NCO for OG/CC cross-talk; ID'd fixes for 6 OG issues; highlighted enlisted concerns to leadership - Furnishes units w/CC's stndrds, promotions, scheduling, & finance allocations utilizing AROWS-R/UTAPS/MilPDS - Vol at Klamath Falls Open House during deployment; operated F-35 souvenir booth--$5.4K raised for sq Booster Club, - Wg E5/E6 mentor; guided 9 TSgts thru board selection process/speed mentoring vol--invested in next gen enl leaders - Provides administrative support as ODTA for DTS and e-Finance, ensuring accuracy of manpower database - Reviewed 85 evals; initiated use of Electronic Management Systems for evals--improved/streamlined process - Superb motivator; vaulted production/support effort--helped wg achieve 1.1K sorties/5.6K flying hours, FY13 - Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15, - Hands-on mentor/leader; demanded quality stds on pgms/processes--vaulted QA pass rate to 92%, 1st Qtr '12 - Operates and maintains squadron SharePoint website, reviewing and managing policies/publications correspondence Operations EPR Bullets Operations and Contingencies EPR Bullets - Accelerated 1-94 FAR beddown; downloaded 218 tons eqpmt/12 HIMARs/24 pax--drove regional surface-to-air capes - Aced 80-hr HAZMAT Preparer crs; completed 3 JIs/147 cgo tons w/0 errors/10 acft--grad'd top 10% w/97% avg score - Rvw'd/corrected 132 EPRs, 20 decs; reduced backlog & review time by <2 days--98% on time processing rate to FSS, - Scheduled course dates for officer and enlisted military members to attend--maximum use of available slots Thanks! - Prepares, standardizes, and enforces proper governance on all incoming and outgoing official communication, - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - Motivated; attended SNCO Professional Enhancement Crse--increased supervisory/leadership responsibilities, - Organized Harvester's Food Pantry event; sorted 5 pallets of goods--supplied proper nutrition for 74 families - Sound leadership of admin functions directly aided MDG's Excellent rating during 2012 HSI/JC inspection, - Spearhead'd San Jacinto Monument scavenger hunt; removed barriers/promoted teamwork; improved espirit de corps Officer of the highest caliber-records read like Who's Who of AF leadership!" . Thanks! - Mitigated pay errors for mbr; ID'd/adjusted prior svc datenarrowly met BTZ nom suspense--$2.1K in back-pay rcvd, - Mng'd UMPR; ID'd/fixed 212 errors/trn'd 8 prsnl on manning doc prcs--projected 100% accurate allocations f/MFM - Sought ldrshp challenge; chaired Wg's 1st ever Cardboard Boat Race--enjoyed by 137, fostered esprit de corps, - Spearheaded NSI prep; achieved 100% nuke surety test pass rate/10 perfect scores--wg rec'd highest rating 6.5 OPR Backside Bullets--Last lines 9 6.5.1. - Content Manager for group SharePoint/Portal sites; updates data & administers persmissions for assigned users, - Civilian Pay Timekeeper; monitor/manages time cards for multiple units within ATAAPS to ensure system's integrity - Directorate GPC cardholder; manages budget/purchasing, and maintains supply requirements for J5 directorate, - Provides personnel support to 78 units/GSUs/NAF/5 MAJCOMs servicing 5.2K Airmen across 17 locations - Regulated DDRP pgm f/Sq/CC; organized data/directed tests f/485 prsnl--certified 100% DoD compliance/0 violations - Go-to tech admin; swiftly troubleshot/resolved common comp issues in 77 AMU bldg--comps msn capable Administered an aggressive ground safety program which resulted in a perfect Zero Lost Work Days record for FY-10. - Advised military members on formal training classes needed to progress--no lost advancement opportunity, - Advised/compiled three Article 15s; briefed Wing CC on Status of Discipline--enforced professional standard - Penned $150K advisory buy- catalyzed funding for GSA contract--Gp's MSOS positioned for success/lauded by CC Medical EPR/OPR Bullet Examples. - Advises CC/sq leadership on all personnel issues, coordinates and schedules calendar for all front office & sq activities - Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member - Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule - Filled E-7 billet for 45 days; led 3 offices/14 enl/8 officer--key to PACAF's most dynamic tactics/training/intel prgms For a Lieutenant or Captain, the only thing the OPR "bullets" from you need to do, is remind your rater of the additional duties or projects that you have done since the last OPR. - Led PIF overhaul; mng'd digital upgrade f/754 docs/streamlined EPR prcs--enabled geo-sep supervisor viewing capes, - Led Trusted Agent Drug Demand Reduction prgrms; enforced strict 2hr timeline--80 mbrs test'd w/100% compliance 1A3X1 Airborne Mission Systems. - SharePoint lead admin; provided trng/granted permissions/modified sq/gp sites--pages compliant w/base CS OPR bullets highlighted, most recent OPR on top and award citations on very bottom) 3) Old red-lined PRFs (folded lengthwise) to show change progression (very back) . - Monitored and processed over 11,000 enlisted and officer performance reports--reduced late reports from 30% to 5% It contains comment(s)/rating(s) that make(s) the report a referral as defined in AFI 36-2406, para, 1.10. 1A7X1 Aerial Gunner. - Responsible for USPACOM Strategic Planning & Policy staff actions w/ Components, GCCs, FCCs, JS & OS Mentored NCOs/Amn through 30+ credit hrs--produced 2 CCAF completions, - Fearless NCO; identified/stopped behavior risking group conflict or harassment claims; held w/c to standards Scrubbed trng/evaluation records at 3 GSUs--helped ensure Wing ops compliance/effectiveness, - Led mil prsnl file review/archive; flawlessly updated 421 officer rcds--cut process time by 25%, - Aided A1C w/promotion error; reviewed/corrected/input paperwork w/MPS--Amn provided rank & back-pay, - Revamped gp evaluations process; created restricted sharedrive folders for wg access--reduced PII exposure, - Reviewed 85 evals; initiated use of Electronic Management Systems for evals--improved/streamlined process, - Aggressively vetted 864 AF FORM 2096's in MILPIDS; assured 100 % accuracy--squadrons personnel files regulated, - Monitored and processed over 11,000 enlisted and officer performance reports--reduced late reports from 30% to 5%, - Filled UPC position; dvlp'd trng plan/trnd GS-06/19 core tasks/decrs'd OJT time by 28%--incrs'd proficiency by 33%, - Chaired DDR initiative; scheduled 790 defenders f/mandatory drug screening--pristine on-time rate/zero "no shows", - DDR Trusted Agent; trn'd 2 prsnl/50 notifications/Id'd & reconciled flt test schedule conflicts--unit msn ready, - Assisted CS w/no-notice urinalysis; gathered 200 samples/4 positive results--supported AF zero tolerance drug policy, - AFLCMC Gp DDRP Rep; organized data/directed tests f/189 prsnl--enforced AF zero drug tolerance std/0 violations, - Refocused and aligned office roles & responsibilities; data processing time reduced by 30%--zero missed suspenses, - Recognized by IG; UVI Superior Team/Best Practice f/TDY duty status pgm--XX% qrtly rate/#2 CSS in WG, - Ran 3 Sq EMS sites; provided tng/oversight to geo-separated tms--25 evals/38 decs 100% on-time to AFPC. More OPR Bullets: Job Description - Deputy IAM; leads info security policy development--secures $10M infrastructure for DISA- EUR NetOps mission - Implements information system security countermeasures for USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, & USCENTCOM GIG ops - Enforces computer network security policies for DISA-EUR operational and administrative information - Virtualized in-processing; eliminated need for face-to-face contact--eradicated possible exposure/spread of COVID19, - WAPS monitor; ensures all enl mbrs receive CDCs & coords with FSS for in- & out-of-cycle promotion testing - Spearheaded high-vis DOS rollback initiative; investigated manning/operational readiness--saved four careers, - Spearheaded Law Office Sup't retirement ceremony -- 20 yrs service properly recognizedmbr/family grateful Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites.